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Interracial content

Interracial Content  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you prefer models to be of the same ethnicity?

    • Yes
    • No

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  • Poll closed on 05/17/2024 at 02:00 AM

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  • Administrator

While more so trying to gauge potential future projects of my own, I'm interested in finding out what the overall temperature among the community is over interracial content. As anyone who follows my content would know...80% of it is interracial. But I'm interested in finding out the preferences of others.

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You know me I like interracial but I like to change races up all the time. Doesn't matter to me as long as it's sexy.

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Well, you know my girls. They are, as tamales, from chile, mole y picadillo. I say "mix 'em up!".

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I don't think we see enough IR variety to be honest. There's more than Black on White. I'd to see more combinations, like a Hispanic male plowing out an Asian female, or an Asian male having his way with Black female. Go crazy with it!

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  • Administrator

Nope. Equal Opportunity Fuckers

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Interracial all the way! Twi’lek with orc, Wookiee with Vulcan, Kriptinians with Xenomorphs, Humans with Oompas-Loompas, go crazy.

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  • Administrator

People dont want their models to be even the same species, much less the ethnicity, lol. Can we see Twi'leks on Wookiee, ahah ?

But, it could depend... like if there is a specific context within the story where models are required to be of same ethnicity. In general, when I create models, they usually are linked to certain time period (like historical, modern or SF/futuristic) and certain context, as well as potential region where the "room" / environment should be.

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