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Ideas for sexy/funny shirt designs?

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3 hours ago, FleshBishop said:

I did all of mine by using Paint.net.  Much more lightweight and simpler to use than Photoshop and more than good enough for messing about with textures.  I had a lot of fun making those T shirts 😛

I would just do the word "Bukkake" in the proper Barbie font

Paint.net, really? Clearly I’ve been underestimating it 😂 those shirts are great by the way, I love them!


That’s a good idea actually, gets the same point across with less. Thanks! 😁

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Another go at it, simplified and tried to make more contrast with drop shadow and varying the colors more between logo and shirt. Logo placement is close, maybe a little left and down?


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I was wondering, comrade @playadollx

Watching the images provided by @Lans Damon, it occured to me: Using "dated" ways to say the same, combined with some vintage cartoons, I believe would be interesting:


My first language isn't English, so words like "strumpet", "trollop", "harlot", "wanton", "drab", "doxy", "tull" and "sloven" have been added to my vocabulary for... reasons. By curiosity I went to watch the usage of those words and most aren't common today, but the mean what they mean.

That's just a little idea. 

Aaaaaaaaaaaand for other models ot T-shirts, can we see Valeria? 🤤

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4 hours ago, SovietTiger said:

I was wondering, comrade @playadollx

Watching the images provided by @Lans Damon, it occured to me: Using "dated" ways to say the same, combined with some vintage cartoons, I believe would be interesting:


My first language isn't English, so words like "strumpet", "trollop", "harlot", "wanton", "drab", "doxy", "tull" and "sloven" have been added to my vocabulary for... reasons. By curiosity I went to watch the usage of those words and most aren't common today, but the mean what they mean.

That's just a little idea. 

Aaaaaaaaaaaand for other models ot T-shirts, can we see Valeria? 🤤

I like the idea! It's a little more difficult to find something older that also still sounds hot, but I'm sure I could figure out something.

Aaaaaaaand she might be wearing the next one 😉

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2 minutes ago, playadollx said:

Quick test on a new top just for @SovietTiger 😉


You've got no idea how much I like your girl Valeria. Any update on her release? No pressure, no pressure...

On a side note, you might try different spec files for your textures. This are the basics I use:

S1 This is sparkly, might reflect the light.

S2.png This is metallic, a certain "metallness" to the texture.

S3.png Black is totally opaque. 

Different shades of green, work in a kind of "leathery" look. S4.png S5.png the clearer the color, the shinier.

And these two MF are for when you want to shine to the moon and back. Semigloss.png S-BrillosoPlus.png


I have read LOTS of the theory of why spec works the way it does... And still don't understand squat. But these might help you to create the kind of shininess you want to achieve. 





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7 minutes ago, SovietTiger said:

You've got no idea how much I like your girl Valeria. Any update on her release? No pressure, no pressure...

Hopefully soon! I think the only dependencies are the Universal Skin System and PetraV's head mod, so it should be simple (hopefully)

And thanks for that! I've very clearly been using the same spec file 😂 but this will help me get some variation in.

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I have some ideas, but first context because I’m boring.

Asian people like western culture, but the overwhelming majority don’t know squat of English or even the Latin alphabet. But they find the words pretty, like we also do with their ideograms. They specifically like some letters, like U, C, S… the curvy ones.

That said, they sometimes sport funny phrases on their shirts, check this out:


on this light, there are some requests/suggestions

Blowjober since 1955 (using the baseball font)

Free Fingering (a cursive font)

Squeeze my Melons (green shirt, and little cute melons on the background)

Born to Fuck (USA colors, Football font.)

Deeper! Harder! Faster! (Deeper with a font that remember depth, harder with a font remembering rock, faster with a font reminding speed)

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Analingus Sports 1819 (cursive the random date smaller and underlined above the nonsense phrase$

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3 hours ago, petrav said:

Why not your favorite magazine logo (text white arial bold, background black)?



Valeria's a huge fan, she dreams of doing a scene with Bull someday 😏


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1 minute ago, playadollx said:

Valeria's a huge fan, she dreams of doing a scene with Bull someday 😏


Well, if you send me the face, body and tattoo save settings of her I may create a Drilled-version of Valeria for a set (and if you like her, I can share that model with you)...

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Lesser Deity and Creator of DRILLED.com universe

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2 minutes ago, petrav said:

Well, if you send me the face, body and tattoo save settings of her I may create a Drilled-version of Valeria for a set (and if you like her, I can share that model with you)...

I'd love that! I'm actually planning on sharing her on the site later today, so I'll send her over to you once I'm done! 😈

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1 hour ago, petrav said:

Well, if you send me the face, body and tattoo save settings of her I may create a Drilled-version of Valeria for a set (and if you like her, I can share that model with you)...

She is in your inbox my friend 😏

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3 hours ago, playadollx said:

I'd love that! I'm actually planning on sharing her on the site later today, so I'll send her over to you once I'm done! 😈


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