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Looking for Bikini bathing suit with morphs



7 answers to this question

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21 hours ago, HDiddy said:


Thanks a million but HOW did you find these specific ones with search?  It's easy to search for an "exact phrase" if you know the wording precisely but if you put a list of words then search returns HUNDREDS of entries because it uses an implicit OR search logic. Did you know a way to do a logical AND with search to find the ones you sent me?  I didn't see that in the post that you linked. Thanks. 

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9 hours ago, cattie50552 said:

Thanks a million but HOW did you find these specific ones with search?  It's easy to search for an "exact phrase" if you know the wording precisely but if you put a list of words then search returns HUNDREDS of entries because it uses an implicit OR search logic. Did you know a way to do a logical AND with search to find the ones you sent me?  I didn't see that in the post that you linked. Thanks. 

I figured it out: The logical AND only works if you enclose the whole clause in double-quotes. I think that needs to be in a sticky. 🙂

bikini AND morph  - processes as an implicit OR => 719 hits

"bikini AND morph" - processes correctly => 4 hits

[EDIT. Darn it. After more testing it doesn't always work. Sorry]

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I didn't search.  I just know @Smoke makes most of the Bilkini's with Morphs.  If I were to search I would search for the term "Bikini" in Files



That limits me to 123 choices 5 pages.  From there I will scroll than and view anything that has a Morph tag. Not sure what one would put in a Wiki though, as it seems pretty cut and dry.



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1 hour ago, HDiddy said:

I didn't search.  I just know @Smoke makes most of the Bilkini's with Morphs.  If I were to search I would search for the term "Bikini" in Files



That limits me to 123 choices 5 pages.  From there I will scroll than and view anything that has a Morph tag. Not sure what one would put in a Wiki though, as it seems pretty cut and dry.


What I mean is KE search acts like Powershell.  If you enter (bikini AND morph) the webpage will evaluate it immediately and incorrectly. But if you enclose the whole search clause in quotes like ("bikini AND morph") without the parentheses then it defers parsing and it goes to a deeper layer that knows how to process the AND correctly.  It's really handy. Check it out. 4 exact choices is better than 123 possibilities. And if there wasn't a morph tag for what you were searching for... 


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34 minutes ago, cattie50552 said:



Whatever works for you.  There are searching tips below the box that anyone can use to narrow in their search.  Like I said it is pretty cut and try. No need for a wiki.  And I would actually use the second one that gets 16 hits, as I wouldn't search for the exact phrase.


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1 hour ago, HDiddy said:


Whatever works for you.  There are searching tips below the box that anyone can use to narrow in their search.  Like I said it is pretty cut and try. No need for a wiki.  And I would actually use the second one that gets 16 hits, as I wouldn't search for the exact phrase.


I do appreciate your help. Here is what I realized works great for complex AND logic searches.

1) enter a single term in the first search and execute

2) then when the preliminary results are displayed add the additional search terms in the box at the top

3 )open up "More Search Options" on the right and check "All my search terms" and execute the search.

This will do a correct search with AND logic for any number of search terms 🙂

It doesnt show those additional search options for the first search.

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