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Yusuf's flat room291 issues


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TK17-158.001 2023-02-03 07-08-16.jpgI re-activated Yusuf's flat room after a long time and found some issues: the room cannot be edited in activemod and all textures have disappeared.

I know the download files are currently unavable for a while (maybe someone wishes to share the addon in an external library) so I just ask if some of you has these issues too, pending for the addon download to be available again.

Lesser Deity and Creator of DRILLED.com universe

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On 2/3/2023 at 6:10 AM, petrav said:

TK17-158.001 2023-02-03 07-08-16.jpgI re-activated Yusuf's flat room after a long time and found some issues: the room cannot be edited in activemod and all textures have disappeared.

I know the download files are currently unavable for a while (maybe someone wishes to share the addon in an external library) so I just ask if some of you has these issues too, pending for the addon download to be available again.

I've just checked this in my game and my version seems to be working fine - although I don't use Hook.

I don't know if this room uses Hook textures but could that possibly be a cause of issues?

If you would like to try my copy, let me know and I'll up it to Mega.


All My Downloads:   aardy's Content - Klub Exile

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11 minutes ago, aardy said:

I've just checked this in my game and my version seems to be working fine - although I don't use Hook.

I don't know if this room uses Hook textures but could that possibly be a cause of issues?

If you would like to try my copy, let me know and I'll up it to Mega.


I played it with Hook5 and it worked well, except that it "ignored" any texture edit done in the active mod folder (that is, it looked exactly like the original room texture included in the addon). I fear I damaged something in order to "hidden" the textures inside the addon, and this led to all textures to disappear.

So, a copy of the original addon would be much appreciated, thanks.

Lesser Deity and Creator of DRILLED.com universe

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2 minutes ago, petrav said:

I played it with Hook5 and it worked well, except that it "ignored" any texture edit done in the active mod folder (that is, it looked exactly like the original room texture included in the addon). I fear I damaged something in order to "hidden" the textures inside the addon, and this led to all textures to disappear.

So, a copy of the original addon would be much appreciated, thanks.

Already prepared :classic_smile: :


Although I don't use Hook, it appears that there are Hook folders in the Image folder of the addon.

Hopefully you'll know what to do with those.

One thing I have noticed about this room - the piano and stool are untextured. Always have been as far as I'm aware.

All My Downloads:   aardy's Content - Klub Exile

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