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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel

What is Your Technique?


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I don't know if I have a specific style or not, but I try to make my pictures 'sensual' if you will. That kind of thing speaks to me. Been playing with photoshop for nearly 20 years now (born in 77), doing various things. Making artsy pics from everyday photos of people for example. I can use things I learned from those days doing TK17 stuff. I don't really have a specific workflow, I've never been good at planning my work. I just start doing and along the way it evolves into something I like. My style of working is heavily based on feel and mood. The only thing I can think of that's in any way universal is that my process is iterative. I go though my pic fixing and adjusting until it 'feels' right. I'm the kind of person who'll zoom in and adjust each finger separately on the body so they touch in a natural way 😄 That's about all I can say about my technique.

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I have been going the way of making a (branching) storyboard, creating all the poses required for any sequence in pose edit, and then putting it all together in the sequencer for years now.

Since I want to keep the branching elements, etc., there is no video capture of the finished sequence. Normally my fiancee plays through them. I probably get one sequence done every couple o' months.

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On 12/6/2020 at 11:10 PM, HDiddy said:

This is a fairly simple question as I the other thing I do outside of creating mods is my ongoing Pornopera that I have not updated for a while.  It it ain't no Xalas level type shit but it does what it needs to do. That said curious on what peoples techniques are for doing images and or video (if you care to share your secret sauce).

For me I mainly put my entire scenes into a sequence in sequencer and than put sound, effects, and subtitles over the entire thing using Filmora X.  I know a lot of folks using Pose Editor to cut up their scenes so curious on what peoples techniques are.

Unfortunately I havent seen any ways to make these easier.

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I mostly just take pictures ingame and build models. I've done photography IRL and I love being able to pose, set up lights and take my time in this game heh.


For models it's a mixture of referencing beautiful women I know, I've seen and a little bit of fantasy. I can't for the life of me make a male model though lol.

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