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What to focus on?


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Hey guys!

I can do two things for this community, one is my clips that some seem to enjoy and then upload the poses to that said clip. What should I focus on?

Is anyone going to enjoy if I start producing clips? Or should I just focus on making poses?

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You should really just do whatever would be the most lenient and or beneficial for you, as either or would be fine, at least how I see it. But some advice, making poses will ultimately improve your video/sequence skills as well, so that is a route you can go too! Poses are easier to digest, but clips and sequences are juicy juicy ;). There are many routes you can follow, so follow your heart! 🙂

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4 minutes ago, Bluey5 said:

You should really just do whatever would be the most lenient and or beneficial for you, as either or would be fine, at least how I see it. But some advice, making poses will ultimately improve your video/sequence skills as well, so that is a route you can go too! Poses are easier to digest, but clips and sequences are juicy juicy ;). There are many routes you can follow, so follow your heart! 🙂

This is the answer I was expecting, was creating clips on MG but this has a smaller userbase (as for now anyway), so was just trying to get a feel for what people want. But you are obviously right.

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I like your Clips and poses.

As for the user base, I wouldn't see it small. The community is fractured with MG going belly up. And the longer people wait and no really news or anything going forward. The more people will leave. We created this site to salvage and prevent a exodus of users and in way to create and attract more/new people towards it. I'm sure there are people that will see it you from MG and would want those poses you created.

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🇺🇸 The Few and The Proud 🇺🇸

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On 11/7/2020 at 1:00 PM, cruebo said:

This is the answer I was expecting, was creating clips on MG but this has a smaller userbase (as for now anyway), so was just trying to get a feel for what people want. But you are obviously right.

Do whatever you want. Don't let people dictate what you do as a hobby or you´ll end hating it.

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Since I make movies, I always want to encourage others to continue to do so. I enjoy them AND I learn a lot from what seeing what others have done.

Cruebo, you make great movies and great poses, so do whatever you enjoy most!  But if you're worried about not having an audience for your clips, don't -- I am getting far more responses to what I post now than I ever did on MG.

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31 minutes ago, Texas Pete said:

Since I make movies, I always want to encourage others to continue to do so. I enjoy them AND I learn a lot from what seeing what others have done.

Cruebo, you make great movies and great poses, so do whatever you enjoy most!  But if you're worried about not having an audience for your clips, don't -- I am getting far more responses to what I post now than I ever did on MG.

Always been a fan of your stuff, Pete.

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@Texas Pete Keep doing what you always did, I say. I'm more the porn junkie type, but your works are very well done.

@cruebo I have spoken 🙂

Would you be interested in creating a video for me with models I provide? I'd leave to you the choice of the storyline, poses and other details.



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