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  1. Drahzar's post in Moving characters in pose editor issue was marked as the answer   
    Kind of simple answer really, there's no real fixing this, but this can be corrected.
    As for why this happens? I'm 99% sure on the probably cause. My guess is very likely the genitals are not connected and this is an Animation type pose, where you don't need to connect the bodyparts.
    How do I deal with this? Just move like the usually do, with the difference that when the female in in place, then you manually move the male alone, to place him in the right spot. Depending on the distance you moved, you'll probably have to do some other minor corrections (hands, feet, spine, etc)n the further you move, the more other bodyparts move, this gets even worse if you decide to move the pose with an angle of any kind.
    It's one of the reasons why I prefer Interactive poses, where you connect the parts and when you move one, the genitals won't move, they're stuck together no matter what, you need to correct other bodyparts who don't don't follow correctly.
    Moving poses like this is troublesome, but you still do it because the pose is viable and corrections ain't a big deal.
  2. Drahzar's post in How to overwrite existing pose (not save as)? was marked as the answer   
    Ok this is easy, if you know what you're doing, thankfully for you, I know exactly what's your problem and how to fix it. Sry but this will be long to read.
    I'll explain everything in detail, even stuff you didn't ask, that way you'll know how everything works and you'll probably learn new things. If I don't explain this, you're bound to make some of these mistakes later on.
    Basically as you've probably noticed, there's 2 locations for poses in VX, Save folder and Poses folder, now do note both have some crucial differences which I'll explain.
    The Save folder poses only work with the proper naming, it starts from PoseEdit0001 and goes to max PoseEdit9999. If you go beyond this number the pose is still saved once, but you won't be able to access it, nor will you be able to access any of the poses beyond 9999, though agian, they'll be saved. You can only save, modify & overwrite the poses between 0001 and 9999.
    The Poses folder works differently. First of all, it's noteworthy of both folders will automatically convert any 7,5 poses you had into proper VX poses, this results in quite a few changes, some manipulators didn't exist, some are fully compatible, some aren't compatible, good examples of altered bodyparts in VX vs 7,5 are the head, breasts, geneticals, hands, feet. If you use bodymods, the changes are even greater.  Aside the compatability issues, you also get a lot of new buttons.
    You do not need the same naming in the Poses Folder, you can use whatever naming you wish. Now it's noteworthy how the pose folder works: you put in a pose, no matter if it's 7,5 or VX, it will automatically put it into a folder using the date. Here's the thing, you can skip this step, you can create your own folders in the /Klub17/Poses. You can pick your own naming, this is the big advantage. In theory there's no limit to how many folders you can make, but I would recommend to keep it limited still, in some way these folders are used as a type of tag. You can for example make folders for different type of poses: foreplay, blowjob, titjob, dogy, anal, etc... Depends on your screen size and your own settings. Noteworthy: do note use long & complex naming for these folders, also try to avoid too many spaces, try to keep the naming with no space, at worst use _ or - to separate words, but again keep it as short as possible, this is for practicle reasons and also, long names don't show up, the folder might not even appear.  Also note how the naming of the poses is also up to you, though it's noteworthy to mention, the naming is a bit buggy. I'm not sure who is to blame for this, but if you use numerical naming, the poses will appear in a weird order depending on which number is first, it's not based on the full number. For example, you have 1 pose named pose 1, pose 2, pose 3, then pose 100, pose 200 (that's how they look in your poses sub folder. This is just to explain the madness behind the order it will show the poses in ,order shown in game, it's changed (valid if all the poses are found in the same Poses folder) => pose 1 ,pose 100, pose 2, pose 200, pose 3. The order in your folder is not the same applied to the game, I found this out the hard way. There's ways around this like put a 0 or several 0 before the number, or a good way is to use numbers above 9999, like 10.000, 20.000, these obey the right number rules, again for some reason the game looks at the very first number first, not caring about the entire full number. Because of this, I also don't use the naming from the Save system, as it's just not good enough? I've renamed all my poses (yes it was painful & long to do)
    Basically this is how you can own more than 9999 poses, I myself have over 25.000 poses (yes I'm that bored + I love making poses). If you rename your poses, you should use a consitent naming system.
    Sry, I had to explain this, you'll run into these problem sooner or later and now I'll get to where you went wrong and how to fix it and I also use some of these concepts for your problem.
    OK, when making poses, you can only save and overwrite poses in your Save folder, at least if you use the basic game, there's applications that can change poses in your Poses folder, that needs a whole explaination of it's own. TKX_Utils for example can change poses directly in your Poses folder, however they're saved in that same folder (actually save in community, but you better stay out of that folder for the most part unless you know what you're doing or you want to delete something) Poses changed with TKX utils only stay that way as long as you don't move them in your Poses folder, if you move the pose, the pose will revert to how it was before the Utils changes.
    That's how you make new poses, using the save folder, you can save poses from elsewhere into your Save, in fact when selecting poses from the Poses folder, it's does it automatically.
    How do you overwrite poses in your Klub17/Poses?
    As I said, the poses will be in a folder, automatically created, or a folder you made yourself. Unless you touched the options manager, the normal option will be to refresh and automatically rescan the full Poses folder at each new game launch. This is how you do it. Basically you save and modify the pose in your save folder first, OR you can just put the pose directly into your Save folder and overwrite it there, granted it needs to have the proper naming  explained above. Once the poses is modified or overwritten, you basically delete the pose in your Poses sub folder, where ever the pose is, you deleted it, you launch the game, the game will scan the Poses folder and delete the pose, just wait till you get to the basic screen of the game with all the options, no need to go further, then close the game properly. Then you can copy/cut the pose into your Poses sub folder & relaunch the game, at this point the pose will have been replaced. There's no way around this, launching & relaunching is the only way. Again, like explained above, I recommend you make your own folders, to have a clearer system for yourself + I also recommend you rename the poses if you have too many of them, this does make things a bit tricky when you want to change poses. Renaming poses does not change the poses btw.
    If you really know what you're doing you can delete the pose while in game, or you can even go to community and delete the poses there, both will have the same effect. You will still need to launch the game twice like above, once to delete the file, then a second time when you add the file again. Honestly? I remove entire sub folders from poses when I modify stuff, I launch, folder is deleted, then close up. I add the updated stuff, then add the sub folder again in Poses, then relaunch and it's done.
    You cannot modify directly in Poses, you need to go through your Save folder & pose editor
    1 last thing that's noteworthy on this whole system. Relaunching the game is enough to either delete or add poses, but these sub folders you can make/name yourself in Poses only appear permanently in game if you launch the game & launch a room.
  3. Drahzar's post in Pose question was marked as the answer   
    What room are we talking about? Not that relevant, but I'm curious.
    OK, on poses and locations. It mostly depends on the room. Depending on the room you're using, it can change certain things.
    OK, in some rooms, there's no pre-set stop location, let's see, one such example is the Princess Room, there's no pre-set of any kind, you can move from locations to location, but essentially all poses or most poses work.
    What are these pre-set (locations) I'm talking about? Well, you can set certain poses to a certain location, it can be very specific (very likely your mistake or it's the second thing) or you put the pose in a limited location. What is a limited location? Something like a bed, not all rooms have bed, thusly in some rooms the bed location is non existent and simply doesn't work, while in some rooms like the one I described above, all "bed" poses are re-routed to the initial location. Some rooms have pre-set locations like "sitting" or on the "bed" or on the table, you can switch between all these pre-sets, these same options don't work on several rooms without the pre-sets. In most rooms with pre-settings you automatically switch to that type of location if you made the pose right to that location type.
    Very likely you set the pose in a location that only worked for the room you used it in. Some pose makers knowingly pick a specific pose for a specific spot/location, like myself, I got certain poses only intended for one of the pool rooms and they do work for some other rooms, but they're meant only for that one specific room.
    It's best when making poses to work in a "neutral room", it's best use one of the base rooms of the game. My own prefered room to make poses in the base Loft room as you have all the base locations.
    What are the "base locations"? Basically there's a few base locations that are repeated in some rooms and are pre-set if you're lucky, they don't work in other rooms, but that's because of programming/scripting fails/errors. There's only a few base locations, these come mainly from all the base rooms from your base game. The base locations are the following: Floor, Bed, couch, table, wall (in a few rooms there's also the shower, if there's no shower, this pose usually won't work). "Floor" has many alternative options ,same goes with other locations, depends on the room though, The Floor is usually your starting position, the very first pose your start in. If you want to 100% play it safe, put the pose in this location. 
    One nice heads up that you might need to be careful when making poses, if you want them to work in other rooms: the base locations I mentioned above, you gota pick the initial location from the 7,5 game, VX added some are they don't always work or they don't work correctly. Sadly they're not always easy to find, sry but the best way is to know these locations from the 7,5 version of the room (which usually had fewer or only 1 location option) I gave them names I picked myself, they change in other rooms, but basically that's what they all come down to.
    Some rooms have like half scripted pre-sets, like the Floor and Bed are interchangable, in other rooms the bed location simply won't work. A lot of rooms have very basic scripting and only use the Floor location and you gota switch from location to location manually. I do somewhat prefer rooms with pre-set bed & sit, table, wall settings, but at times I just go into the no pre-set rooms to just stick to a single location.
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