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Posts posted by LauraMendezas

  1. On 7/21/2023 at 6:45 AM, Trapp said:

    I'm the type of person who will very rarely open up about anything I ever do with other people in my life. Only a couple of people (Baby Momma and a fling I used to have who actually registered here but surely forgot about it) know about the game. I actually made a model based on said fling (not telling which of my girls it is, she's been featured!) and she was like "Huh, nice".

    Other than that, I do enjoy NSFW content and have very publicly defended it on social media. A lot of the stuff sometimes is hit and miss with me, and while I do respect any and all forms of sexual expression (save for the illegal ones, duh...), I do have my niche and, as others here have expressed it, kinks and fetishes that I sometimes have experienced in the real world.

    I find this extremely hypocritical and one of the absolute worst things in society today. So, tiddies are not allowed, but watching cartel executions on Reddit is fine? We have to put up with censorship of "problematic content" in videogames, film, TV and anime, but it's okay to show fuckin' Carl Grimes get his eye ripped out or Glenn's skull being caved in, brains splattered all over the floor by Negan in The Walking Dead?

    To me, either everything is allowed, or nothing is, as long as it doesn't cross over to real-life paralellisms. That's what we have porn for, but still. I hate that thin-skinned people who spend too much time on social media dictate what adult entertainment nowadays means.

    Not just in the United States though, all forms of sexual expression are heavily censored even in Islamic and anti-democratic countries, adult entertainment was heavily suppressed and were driven underground.

    Even in the internet where censorship runs rampant and it makes harder to make sexual expression.

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  2. 5 hours ago, Athale said:

    None of those around me knows. I live in a country with very hypocrite views on erotica, and we also have interesting legal situation about porn. While one can legally make porn images or videos, one cannot publish them in any mass media. That is prohibited (for example, few days ago some people in a club had public sex. The man was caught and fined, the woman fled, and now police is searching the person who recorded the sex act and published it in telegram. If they find this person, he or she will be charged with 'publishing of porn')

    So, basically it's better to be safe than sorry.


    P.S. I love my country, in many cases I feel here to be more free than anywhere else, but in this particular case... well, each country has its own idiotic laws 😄

    What country?

  3. 10 hours ago, Smoke said:

    lol man, In the U.S, sex is a no no but violence is a great!

    But its really taboo in the U.S. Especially this era in which people are thinned skinned as fucked. You'd be looked like a pervert, incel, weird, a serial rapist, left winged perv, right winged perv, etc. An ex-coworker got fired and investigated because he streamed GTA5 in his free time and liked to pick up hookers and run away from the cops.

    Not only in the U.S. but China, Islamic world, and other countries where sex is a big taboo and lawbreaking activity given the religiousity and anti-permissive traditionalists, communists, and radicalists shunning what perceived as deviant, indecent, or in Islamic countries, violation of such law or religious texts that shuns or frowns sexuality as well as harsher punishment

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  4. I prefer hetero but both fictional and real European (U.S., Europe, Russia, Commonwealth or Australia+Canada+UK+Ireland+New Zealand, Israel, and Southern Cone) female models but I’m directly conceptual using or brainstorming about making non-white characters like Asian, mixed, or African to avoid myself having a bad reputation of stains of white supremacy. On the other hand, I prefer thick, skinny, beautiful, youthful, and athletic or muscular as well as blonde, red, and brown females but still mature or mild aside face looks youthful or in their 20s.

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