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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel


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Posts posted by BasJ

  1. I do have a WIP one, but there's a catch. I don't know exactly which body frame is used in her case, due to the nature of my build which has many preinstalled bodies with facial feautures. And I have to change facial features in pose-edit to really make her look right, because she's not up to spec yet.

    Would have to find that out before I upload it.

    Here's the preview. I think I'll get it done this week.


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  2. Hi guys, found out about this due to LL, great to see a TK17 forum again.
    I mainly create caracters and poses. So I will submit a couple here in the near future.

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  3. 64 bit is key in my opinion. There are so many memory allocation issues with 32 bit, causing crahes and huge slowdowns in the game.
    And basically ancient 32 bit isn't of this time. Windows was already quite late to the party with their first official 64 bit version 15 years ago.

    • AMD Ryzen 2600X
    • ASRock B450 Pro4
    • 16GB Corsair DDR4-3000 (@3200)
    • Gigabyte Aorus RX570 4GB
    • Kingston A2000 250GB M.2 SSD, 2x Samsung 1TB HDD, 1x Seagate 1TB SSHD

    28.4 GB gamefolder, rebuilding after unrecoverable crash.

    Too many models, I'm in the process of cleaning out the many puppet looking preinstalled ones, and keeping the unremovable (base) and created and installed.

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