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Posts posted by PunkBuster

  1. 2 minutes ago, Lucius_13 said:

    тут можливостей більше. можно зробити дівчинку-трансформер

    Так і в тих іграх теж можно, для тієї ж Honey Select вже стільки модів зробили, але в ілюженівськіх іграх мені не подобається керування, неможливість зробити позу повністю з нуля та взаємодія між геніталіями(так як по дефолту їх у грі просто нема).

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  2. On 11/25/2020 at 9:26 PM, Euphie said:


    Hello 🙂

    Quite a nice place you have here 😮 I'm here because HDiddy managed to hack his way straight to my email. I mean, not the mailbox itself, just the address... But I'm starting to be concerned about the safety of all those nude pics of mine that I've ever posted online (I'm probably kidding) 😮 

    So... I understand that some things happened when I wasn't watching? 😏 Just be careful with explanations, I'm overwhelmed enough for now - after a little research I think I more or less understand the course of events. The most important thing is what you have done here. Guys, I am so moved 😢 Here it is, the essence of what I have always loved the most, a community that cares about itself. People who care :'-)

    As for me, I kinda disappeared for good shortly before MG disappeared. I had some health problems this year which dragged on and eventually turned into a medical emergency... You know, the kind of in which the family whispers to each other about your condition in front of you and tries to smile when you're looking 😮 So I left quietly, not wanting to focus the attention of others on it. I seriously had no idea back then if I would even be able to get up anymore... But I guess I was lucky for some reason, so here I am 😮

    Anyway, back to the porn game! I heard something is going on at the LL. I have an account there, but totally un-euphie one, so no one would recognize me anyway. I was even right there, recognizing some old friends... And then I saw one post by K17 and suddenly I felt a great desire to be elsewhere. Yep, I'm not a fan 😋 What a pity, I'd see Smoke asking for me by name (really, guys. It's like the online version of standing on the corner of the street and shouting!) 😮 You all know very well that you would have done great without me - this forum is proof of that - but anyway, I can't put into words how glad I am that you have such strong memories of me :'-) 

    As for the content, I have nothing ^^ Again! But I can see that my MEGA is still standing and even all the pictures have been saved on imgbox. Once I grasp the state of affairs, I will try to share what I have left. It's not as much as some people might imagine, I'm sorry! A bit of this and that 🙂

    As for the more distant future, oh I have no idea really. I will try to be here regularly, but the little storm that has raged in my life this year made it hard for me to have far-reaching plans 😮 Any return to a state where I can make and share mods takes titanic work as I look at it now. I would have to install the game again and settle into it. Have you ever done this? 🙂 Then you understand 😋 The whole situation gives me a little headache, so be careful with me please. I should probably avoid strong emotions for now 😮

    I, however, absolutely adore the very idea behind this forum. I feel automatically drawn, it's hard for me to ignore it. It feels like home 😮 What you create here, all that time and resources that you have devoted - it is something really special and I am indescribably proud that so many of you have such a good opinion of me. With all my heart - thank you 😘

    We'll see how it all works out with me. I will try to support this place somehow, one way or another. There is always not enough time, I have always complained about it, and now I also have a new and more philosophical outlook on it. But I'm still trying to hope on a daily basis ^^

    PS - @HDiddy - That's right, as you mentioned in email, we didn't really have a chance to know each other at the MG, but that's okay. We can start from now on ^^

    PS2 - You know, there is a possibility that I am not the real Euphie but some impostor. Before you vote and decide to throw me into space (Did you get this reference? DID YOU?!)... Hey, Smoke! Here is a picture that only you and I have seen! In the spoiler! 😄 As long as it works and I did it correctly (there should be a link there) ... This forum is really technologically advanced... unlike the game! <laughtrack>

    PS3 (or PS5, because Sony paid me) - Look, an unicorn!   🦄    ^^

    Happy to see you here, now we need neatmcgee to be brought here by HDiddy... :troll2:

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  3. 3 hours ago, Lucius_13 said:

    Аніме на порнхабі лідує серед запитів з України, тому логічно очікувати певної кількості українців.

    ТК17 не зовсім якби аніме, тому... 
    Під це поняття скоріше підходять ігри від Illusion, Miconisomi і т.д. 🙂

  4. 7 hours ago, Be3yH4uK said:

    о и ещё, если ты не помнишь какие и где файлы выложил, то я хз, страница в профиле через 10-15 загрузок уже неинформативна

    не очень удобно, нету чувства что ты контроллируешь хоть какой то процесс, скорее наоборот


    Follow the image/thread и т.д., включаешь эту функцию и всё, можешь легко отслеживать.

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  5. 21 hours ago, CaptainAmeba said:

    Я за видео как бы деньги получаю, делать буратин с ванильными текстурами в этом случае не очень хорошая идея. Да и фпс жрет в основном волосня hairworks и освещение а не текстуры.

    Всегда можно использовать 2х текстуры(как я) 🙂

  6. 9 minutes ago, CaptainAmeba said:

    Там для меня вообще мрак, никогда видюхи от красных не юзал.

    Из трёх видях, которые у меня были, 2 из них - радеон, нынешняя(третья) - нвидиа. Радеон уже несколько лет как куплен АМД и сейчас они почти доганяют нвидиа, правда по стоимости недалеко от зелёных ушли...
    Если только нвидиа, может тогда стоит глянуть в сторону 2060/2070?

  7. 7 minutes ago, CaptainAmeba said:

    Ну рекомендованная то она рекомендованная. А по факту 60к руб. стоит в России) А так то конечно хороший вариант, но дороговато для проновидосов)

    Это да, цены в основном завышены, может тогда глянуть в сторону красных - радеонов?

  8. 8 minutes ago, CaptainAmeba said:

    Парняги, подскажите какую видюху надо штоб тк с хуком вывозил более менее сложную сцену в 60 фпс? У меня 1070 не вывозит при нескольких источниках освещения с тенями и падает до 30-40 фпс. Видосы снимать хочу в 60фпс но приходится в 30.

    3070, если ещё достанешь её...

  9. 7 hours ago, zedovski said:

    Are you installing it on the same drive. Because paid hook 5 needs to be on the same drive it is coded for. Sometimes a pose was crashing tk17 on booting. Try fiddling with stuff.

    Yeah, the same drive.

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  10. No, I didn't download any old stuff, the only stuff I downloaded was cloth add-on(made by dp16), but it didn't cause any problems, then I deleted it cause it was for specific body replacer which I don't use. Gonna try to reinstall hook5, if that will not help, well, maybe I gonna reinstall the game...

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