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Posts posted by PunkBuster

  1. 1 hour ago, DANDEE said:

    Nah I haven't played it, interesting to know the studio is still around though. Honestly, I gave up looking for Active Dolls after I found TK17... I never even found it's name again until I saw this thread! 😂

    I joined the TK17 community when it was on the Unofficial LineMarvel Forums; probably around late 2011. Razlyuli was created right after we got kicked out of there. Those were the days when 3X would crack down on any forum that hosted TK17!

    Exactly the same, good old days 😊

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  2. 33 minutes ago, DANDEE said:

    Now THIS takes me back... I actually discovered TK17 while searching for Active Dolls! I tried Active Dolls back in 2011 but later forgot the name, so I searched around for "3D sex games" and found the TK17/3DSV2 community forums instead. I could tell it wasn't the same game, but TK17 had way more features and customization so I stuck with it. Insane throwback.

    Did you try their latest(relatevely) game called Girlvania: Summer Lust? Pretty good game, but with the lack of content...

    About first time playing TK17, it was in 2010, before modsgarden was even existed.

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  3. On 12/9/2023 at 5:42 PM, ceramic said:

    About illusion's game.
    The Japanese company ILLUSION has disappeared.
    ILLUSION is a game production company that makes erotic 3D games. 
    Currently starting a new company.

    Illgames(not the best name) with their "new and fresh"(sarcasm) game Honey Come.

    The weird thing is that company didn't state anywhere(?) it is former Illusion studio, but judging by their game(Honey Come) it is obviously Illusion's successor 🤔

  4. 12 hours ago, KOYOT said:

    ТК17 мне нравится освещением в данном случае. Оно мне чем то напоминает Oblivion с включенным HDR. Освещение теплое какое-то что ли. Поэтому игра дает более сказочную и мультяшную картинку.

    VAM более холодный и реалистичный в плане освещения. Как Скайрим, к примеру. 

    Но анатомия и физика тела решает, как по мне. Скрины, конечно, этого не передают. Но даже на скринах видна разница в пропорциях тел. Количество костей в скелете, физика мягкого тела.

    В общем небо и земля. Одно - мультик, другое - кино. Ощущения примерно такие.

    Пока дело не доходит до анимации, в ваме как-будто у моделей эпилепсия, всё какое-то дерганное, рваное, излишек физики и инерции как по мне.

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  5. 6 hours ago, KOYOT said:

    Ты извини, комрад, я к тебе всегда с уважением относился и отношусь. Но тема к публичному обсуждению на форуме запрещена. Но, если хочешь, мы можем обсудить это в ЛС. Я ведь писал даже не про сами события, а про проникновение политики из реальной жизни в ситуацию на сайте в 2022 году как один из факторов снижения уровня общения всех со всеми.

    Знаю, извини, но все эти события уж очень влияют на мою и не только жизнь, ну и в целом общее настроение у людей ниже среднего... 🙁

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  6. 3 hours ago, Pagla Choda 2.0 said:


    @PunkBuster I have installed XBody female, now I can adjust the glitch with the Bikini set but now another problem arrives Glitch problem is there with the oufit that I'm using If I try to solve the glitch by adjustment, then the model looks very skinny and disgusting! What can I do now??

    Well, not much, you will have clipping issues, ofcourse if you try to eliminate them you will get at the end more skinny model, in my case I don't mind...

  7. 1 hour ago, Pagla Choda 2.0 said:

    Yes it is, I have customized the body with the inbuilt body tab in the customization panel.

    What version of the game do you use? If 7.5, just delete the body replacer(s) from the 2.158.001(if i remember correctly?) folder, if VX - just chose in Customizer default body:


    Also check the OptionsMan.exe in Binaries folder:



    If it is really default body then the problem is in the clothing add-on.

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