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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel


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Posts posted by Twaron

  1. When creating videos I try to

    - find reference IRL videos (ehem 🙂 )

    - try to edit to music (which helps a lot, findig maybe the theme and the rhythm, maybe hints to cuts in the video etc.) or at least a nice video to use as soundfile

    - make a "motion rhythm" template pose or two (e.g. slow and fast movement) and work from there (Save as)

    - I also like to make a lot of transition poses so it looks lifelike (but it takes a lot of time and does not always look good, so fast cuts in editing might be better)

    For models

     - I have two standard sizes (regular and "tiny", a short girl) that I also mark in the Pose names

    - I usually try to copy existing RL models (even if it turns out not resembling them, it might look sexy)

    - the guy is always the same, maybe different skin, but this makes him interchangeable

    For poses

    - I usually do 1on1 poses

    - but always make it in a 3some pose, the last person is an invisible model. (S)he is only used as a marker, since most motions are a cycle of course, and this makes it easier to copy-paste (I mark the start and end of the cycle with e.g. an eye movement of the invis model, so there is a blue mark there)

    - Make a full body keyframe (maybe not the face) at every 4sec interval, so it starts with it (also put one at the end, as without it the animation might look ok, then you insert another keyframe and the whole thing gets screwed)

    - I will try to experiment with the "invisible" 3rd person being the camera (Sequence editor never works for me, single animations' loading lags and the whote sequence if off sync)

    - for this I need to use an invisible model with eyes only visible (otherwise you cannot move them I think, or click on them to "Look through my eyes" (this floating set of eyes looks creepy, but hey. Just don't let its shadow get into the shot) 

    - I always try to do the little motions as Vertebrae only, so I can add more lifelike animations with all other bodyparts. Also, adding inertia to movements (as vertebrae movements, e.g. left-right-left-right...) is key!


    For editing

    - screen record in Win10

    - and edit in Premiere Pro (been thinking about adding some AfterEffects stuff, but I am really no expert)

    - I have yet to insert voices but will also do it in Premiere, I don't like the ingame mouth movements


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