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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel


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Posts posted by Karu

  1. There is nothing wrong with having a patreon. People are willing to pay for your work great. When I hear people complaining about it it smacks of jealousy to me, knowing they could never have a successful patreon account.

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  2. I love how people make assertions without even looking at the site. I haven't had to pay for anything I've downloaded and there is nothing wrong with people having a patreon. If your skilled enough that people are willing to pay for your work more power to you, it's called capitalism deal with it.

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  3. There this set on here 

    I use hook 5 so the regular stockings don't work. I'm hoping at some point someone posts the stockings that you can add to the skin definition file but this does the job for me for now.


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  4. I'm hoping this is right place to request this. But I use to use stockings for hook 5 that you'd add through skin layers(same way you'd add tattoo's and eyebrows) But I lost all my files and can't seem to find it anywhere.

    If anyone knows where I could get these it would be very much appreciated.

    Again if I posted this in the wrong area please let me know.

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