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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel


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Posts posted by Karu

  1. @Sexvision Checked that but it seems to already turned off

                                                               "skybox_enable  = false"

    @Bbird The glitch only seems to happen to the model, there dots that show up on the walls but not glitchy the way they appears on the model.


    @Kraegar I've included the main11 setting and the level definition for that room. I'm gonna try later to change the shadow_bias to 0.000200 I have it at 0.0075. Maybe that will make a difference.


    @MrOllyK Thanks I'll look into that. I tried to take a video of the glitch, circling around the character but when I uploaded it to forum the video didn't play back so I just used pics instead.

  2. I'm assuming this is a hook 5 problem with lighting does anyone know what causes this it only seem to happen in certain rooms this one is "AG3 House"

    Any ideas of how to fix it would be greatly appreciated.



    ;to apply changes for this constants you need recompile shaders
    iShadowMapSize                                = 2048
    iLightPackMode                                = 0
    iPhysXSolverIterations                    = 20

    ;keybinds - key_num, shift_state, ctrl_state
    funcRecompile                                = 122, 0, 0
    funcBoundview                                = 113, 0, 0
    funcSeparation                                = 114, 0, 0
    funcCubemap                                    = 120, 0, 0
    funcHookGui                                    = 115, 0, 0
    funcScreeshot                                = 44, 0, 0
    funcHiResScreeshot                        = 44, 0, 1
    funcDOF                                        = 119, 0, 0
    funcCamera                                    = 114, 0, 1    
    ;all other settings will reload automatically
    fFovMultiplier                                = 0.947000
    iProfileEnable                                = 0
    iTextureTrackingEnable                    = 0
    iEnableBackgroundRendering                = 0
    iUseCubemapPrepass                        = 1
    iMultithreadRenderEnable                  = 0
    iMaxThreads                                    = 16
    iDoVSynhInWindowed                        = 0
    iUseSeparateShadows                         = 1
    iUseHalfSSAOTargets                        = 1
    fResolutionScale                             = 1.0

    ;0-bmp, 1- jpg, 2 - png
    cScreenshotFolder                            = 
    iScreenshotFormat                            = 1

    cSharedHookFolder                         = 
    ;iSeparationMode - 0:Anaglyph, 1:SideBySide, 2:OculusHome 3:SideBySide2 4:OpenVR
    iSeparationMode                             = 0
    fAnaglyphSeparation                        = 0.050000
    fAnaglyphConvergent                         = 1.017000
    iOVREnableReflection                        = 0
    iOpenVRGammaFix                            = 1
    fUIScaleH                                    = 1.000000
    fUIScaleV                                    = 1.000000
    fSbs*arrelStrength                         = 1.000000
    fSBSFovScaleH                                 = 1.000000
    fSBSFovScaleV                                 = 1.000000
    fSBSScale                                     = 0.969000
    fSBSOffsetX                                 = 0.000000

    iUseDebug                                    = 0

    iUseDiffuseLUT                                = 0
    iUseSpecularLUT                            = 0

    iUseSkinWetness                            = 1
    fSkinWetness                                = 0.041000

    iSubsurfaceEnable                            = 1
    fSubsurfaceTakeColor                     = 0.518000
    iSubsurfaceExcludeIBL                     = 0 
    fSubsurfaceSpecularIBL                    = 1.000000
    iEpidermalSteps                              = 3
    fEpidermalRadius                            = 0.585000
    iSubdermalSteps                             = 5
    fSubdermalRadius                             = 1.600000
    fDiffuseAmount                             = 0.205000
    fEpidermalAmount                             = 0.397500
    fSubdermalAmount                            = 0.397500
    iUseEyeShadowing                            = 1
    fEyeIrisSize                                = 0.991000
    fEyeIrisDepth                                = 0.795000
    fEyeShiftUp                                    = 0.754000
    fEyeSpecular                                = 1.000000
    fEyeReflectionAmount                        = 1.000000
    iSSAOEnable                                    = 3
    fSSAORadius                                    = 2.215000
    fSSAOStrength                                = 22.318001
    fSSAOUnderDirectional                     = 0.313000
    fSSAOBias                                    = 0.056000
    iSSAOBlurEnable                            = 1
    iSSAONormalsEnable                        = 1
    fSSAONormalsFade                            = 0.174000
    iMXAOSteps                                    = 24
    iHBAODetailEnable                            = 1

    iSSLREnable                                    = 0
    iSSLRStepSize                                = 24
    iSSLRStepsCount                            = 45
    fSSLRSkipThreshold                        = 0.250000
    iOutlineEnable                                = 0
    fOutlineAmount                                = 0.610000
    fOutlineThreshold                            = 10.000000
    iDOFEnable                                    = 0
    iDOFType                                        = 0
    iDOFSteps                                    = 4
    fDOFFocusSpeed                                = 1.000000
    fDOFFocusDistance                            = 2.000000
    fDOFBokehBias                                = 0.0
    fDOFBokehBiasCurve                        = 0.65
    fDOFBokehBrightnessThreshold            = 3.509998
    fDOFBokehBrightnessMultipiler            = 5.240025
    fDOFRadiusScaleMultiplier                 = 0.800000
    iSMAAEnable                                    = 1
    iSMAAQuality                                = 4

    iGlowEnable                                    = 1
    fGlowAmount                                    = 1.000000
    iHDRBloomEnable                            = 0
    iHDRFuncType                                = 1
    iSharpenEnable                                = 1
    fSharpenAmount                                = 0.754000
    iGrainEnable                                = 0
    fGrainSize                                    = 0.703000
    fGrainAmount                                = 0.072000

    iChromaticAberrationEnable                = 0
    fChromaPower                                = 0.185000

    fMotionBlurAmount                         = 0.000000
    fCinemaLines                                 = 0.000000
    RGBOffset                                     = 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000

    iLUTEnable                                    = 0
    iLUTTilesSize                                 = 16
    iLUTTilesAmount                             = 16
    fLUTChromaAmount                            = 1.000000
    fLUTLumaAmount                                = 0.600000
    iShadowEnable                                = 1
    iShadowBlurStep                            = 2
    iShadowBlurStepAlpha                     = 2

    fImageSaturation                            = 0.964000
    iHiResScreenScale                            = 4

    ;customizer settings---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    cubemap                    = _hook5data\envmaps\garage.dds
    cubecenter                 = 0.000000, 2.439999, 0.000000
    cubesize                    = 4.000000, 2.500000, 4.000000
    cubecolor                = 0, 0, 255, 80
    parallax_correction    = false
    ambient_color            = 255, 255, 255
    ambient_intensity        = 1.000000
    sky_intensity            = 3.000000
    hdr_exposure            = 1.300000
    hdr_bloom_clamp         = 1.500000
    hdr_bloom_amount         = 0.500000

    skybox_enable = false
    skybox_cubemap = 

    cubesource_angle = 0.000000
    cubesource_scale = 2.000000
    cubesource_curve = 1.000000
    cubesource_saturation = 1.000000
    glow_scale = 1.000000
    saturation_scale = 1.000000
    skybox_angle = 0.000000
    skybox_curve = 1.000000
    skybox_saturation = 1.000000
    fog_base_level = 0.000000
    fog_density = 0.000000
    fog_height_density_fallof = 0.000000
    fog_sun_scattering_amount = 0.000000
    fog_sun_halo_amount = 0.000000
    fog_sun_halo_spread = 0.000000
    fog_affect_sun = 0.000000
    fog_color = 255, 255, 255

    type                         = sunlight
    enable                     = true
    rotation                 = 221, -4, 0
    color                        = 155, 130, 210 
    intensity                = 3.000000
    shadow_param            = 6.000000, 20.000000 
    game_control            = false

    ;default room settings---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    cubemap                    = ; _hook5data\envmaps\EveningField.dds
    cubecenter                 = 0.020000, 3.009999, 0.000000
    cubesize                    = 6.000000, 3.000000, 6.000000
    cubecolor                = 0, 0, 255, 80
    parallax_correction    = false
    ambient_color            = 255, 255, 255
    ambient_intensity     = 1.000000
    sky_intensity            = 1.000000
    hdr_exposure            = 1.000000
    hdr_bloom_clamp         = 1.200000
    hdr_bloom_amount         = 0.500000
    skybox_enable = false
    skybox_cubemap = 
    skybox_angle = 0.000000
    cubesource_scale = 1.000000
    cubesource_curve = 1.000000
    cubesource_angle = 0.000000
    glow_scale = 1.000000
    saturation_scale = 1.000000

    cubesource_saturation = 1.000000
    lightmaps_enable = false
    glow_cubemap_scale = 1.000000
    glow_softness = 0.750000
    skybox_curve = 1.000000
    skybox_saturation = 1.000000
    sky_glow = 0.000000
    fog_base_level = 0.000000
    fog_density = 0.000000
    fog_height_density_fallof = 0.000000
    fog_sun_scattering_amount = 0.000000
    fog_sun_halo_amount = 0.000000
    fog_sun_halo_spread = 0.000000
    fog_affect_sun = 0.000000
    fog_color = 255, 255, 255
    wind_dir = 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
    wind_strength = 0.000000
    wind_noise = 0.000000

    type                         = sunlight
    enable                     = true
    rotation                 = 0, 0, 45
    color                        = 255, 231, 202 
    intensity                = 4.000000
    shadow_param            = 5.000000, 60.000000 
    game_control            = true

    sunrays_enable = false
    sunrays_check_distance = 20
    sunrays_step_size = 0.100000
    sunrays_density = 0.000100


    Level Definition

    ambient_color                 = 128, 170, 255
    ambient_intensity             = 0.25
    parallax_correction         = false
    sky_intensity                 = 1.0
    hdr_exposure                 = 1.0
    hdr_bloom_clamp             = 0.05
    hdr_bloom_amount             = 1.0
    skybox_enable                 = false
    skybox_cubemap                 = 

    cubesource_angle             = 0.0
    cubesource_curve             = 1.0
    cubesource_saturation         = 1.0
    cubesource_scale             = 1.0
    fog_affect_sun                 = 0.0
    fog_base_level                 = 0.0
    fog_color                     = 24, 20, 32
    fog_density                 = 0.0
    fog_height_density_fallof     = 0.25
    fog_sun_halo_amount         = 0.0
    fog_sun_halo_spread         = 0.0
    fog_sun_scattering_amount     = 0.0
    glow_cubemap_scale             = 1.0
    glow_scale                     = 1.0
    glow_softness                 = 2.0
    glow_to_cubemap_scale         = 1.0
    lightmaps_enable             = false
    saturation_scale             = 0.87
    sky_glow                     = 0.555
    skybox_angle                 = 0.0
    skybox_curve                 = 1.0
    skybox_saturation             = 1.0
    wind_dir                     = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
    wind_noise                     = 0.0
    wind_strength                 = 0.0

    type                         = sunlight
    enable                         = true
    rotation                     = -20, -138, 0
    color                         = 255, 225, 192
    intensity                     = 5.0
    shadow_param                 = 2, 30
    game_control                 = false

    sunrays_enable                 = true
    sunrays_check_distance         = 80
    sunrays_step_size             = 0.05
    sunrays_density             = 0.2

    [spot_Front door]
    type                         = spotlight
    enable                         = true
    position                     = 4.2, -2.0, 7
    rotation                     = 0, 90, 0
    color                         = 255, 225, 192
    intensity                     = 5.0
    bound_color                 = 255, 0, 0, 100
    fov                         = 4.0
    near                         = 0.001
    source_radius                 = 0.01
    source_curve                 = 1.0
    fov_fade                     = 1
    range_fade                     = 1
    cast_shadow                 = true
    clamp_range                 = 10.0
    shadow_bias                 = 0.0075

    type                         = spotlight
    enable                         = true
    position                     = 7.5, -0.2, 5.5
    rotation                     = -90, 0, 0
    color                         = 255, 225, 192
    intensity                     = 5.0
    bound_color                 = 255, 0, 0, 100
    fov                         = 3.0
    near                         = 0.001
    source_radius                 = 0.01
    source_curve                 = 1.0
    fov_fade                     = 1
    range_fade                     = 1
    cast_shadow                 = true
    clamp_range                 = 10.0
    shadow_bias                 = 0.0075

    type                         = spotlight
    enable                         = true
    position                     = 7.9, 3.0, 0.5
    rotation                     = -90, 0, 0
    color                         = 255, 225, 192
    intensity                     = 5.0
    bound_color                 = 255, 0, 0, 100
    fov                         = 3.0
    near                         = 0.001
    source_radius                 = 0.01
    source_curve                 = 1.0
    fov_fade                     = 1
    range_fade                     = 1
    cast_shadow                 = true
    clamp_range                 = 10.0
    shadow_bias                 = 0.0075

    type                         = spotlight
    enable                         = true
    position                     = 0.2, 2.8, 0
    rotation                     = -90, 0, 0
    color                         = 255, 225, 192
    intensity                     = 5.0
    bound_color                 = 255, 0, 0, 100
    fov                         = 3.0
    near                         = 0.001
    source_radius                 = 0.01
    source_curve                 = 1.0
    fov_fade                     = 1
    range_fade                     = 1
    cast_shadow                 = true
    clamp_range                 = 10.0
    shadow_bias                 = 0.0075







  3. 2 hours ago, Bluey5 said:


    Black Lagoon

    Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

    Cowboy Bebop


    I'm very happy some people here like Black Lagoon it's very actioney but the undertone themes and messages it has is very deep and powerful and is not often looked at, and the same can go for the rest of the favorites I've mentioned really. I like a lot of the anime a lot of you lovely people here mentioned but these just take the cake for me.

    Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood is probably my fav series in general. Just a solid story with not a lot of filler. I really should check out black lagoon though.

    • Like 2
  4. On 12/22/2020 at 12:37 AM, MIA3DX said:

    Had some more pop into my head



    Ascendance of a Bookworm (slice of life for the poor in a world of magic)

    Re:Zero (interesting take on the video game unlimited continue concept)



    Domestic Girlfriend (Hot)

    Rent a girlfriend (sweet)

    Tonikawa (wholesome)

    Re:Zero was a very cool concept I can't wait till the rest of season 2 airs

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, zuchini said:

    You should be able to exctract them from the archieves. example: C:\TheKlub17\Archives\2.158.001\Images.zip\Images\Q=Tex032M\Luder\Room\Classroom

    Then copy all files to a new dir in the activemod dir, example: c:\TheKlub17\mod\Activemod\myClassRoom

    It should then show up on the room selection screen.

    I have not tried this myself, but it should work. So let me know how you go 😉




    It didn't work at first but then I realized all the files would need the prefix "Room_Classroom_" added then it worked fine.


    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Oz70NYC said:

    My Hero Academia

    Grappler Baki/Baki The Grappler

    Kengan Ashura

    The Dragon Ball franchise


    One Punch Man

    Black Lagoon


    Fist Of The Northstar

    (You might notice a pattern in all of them...lol) 

    Yeah, they're all great

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Smoke said:

    Personally, I've said this before and say it again - I did not create a patreon account to make money. That was never the primary goal. The reason to why I created a patreon was to get K17 attention and him to address the on going bs that he is creating. And frankly, it worked because he made a scene. People looked and asked why and got a better context of the situation. So in reality, its was created with K17 blessing, he just hated it because I criticized him, it was smoke who dared speak up against him.

    Though at this point, my patreon has proven to have created a little niche. And I don't want to be a dick to those supporting. And regardless, its an issue that is suppose to be addressed and not ignored. MG had many modders that was lost due to the lack of approach for patreon. My point, despite me having a patreon it is meant to serve as a model, a purpose, on how to do it, its still has a long way to go from being perfect but currently, I'm keeping both sides of isle happy and enoying making stuff. If I close my patreon or never had one, someone with less credibility can create a patreon and sell mods and add their spin and that ruins the creativity of people on wanting to create stuff.  Because, it certainly did for me at one point - I was making poses, addon, and here we have people who created 1 good pose and they were considering themselves as gods. RedX for example; years, tease us of good poses, opened a patreon to milk the community (personally I thought and still think its a scam), he was about to make his move on making addons but was called out on it. But its that type of scenario that needs to be addressed. 

    Makes Sense. Sorry if it seemed like I misrepresented your reasoning for making an account.

  8. 15 hours ago, OpheliaEuphoric said:
    18 hours ago, kekkaru said:

    There is nothing wrong with having a patreon. People are willing to pay for your work great. When I hear people complaining about it it smacks of jealousy to me, knowing they could never have a successful patreon account.

    I understand the concern, though. After all, what if everyone decided to contribute to the community only on a pay to play basis? The community would soon wither away...

    I hear what your saying. But personally I don't see any signs of that happening. Both Smoke and Frabb have patreon accounts listed here and both still upload stuff. I guess it could happen in the future but as of now I don't see it.

    And honestly I don't see it as feasible that every modder here would just open a patreon account. I could be wrong but I think a lot of the modders want more feedback involved hence why the point system for reviewing work and so on.

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