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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel


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Albums posted by .xX

  1. Meta-ish-human

    So... recently I switched from Hook4 to Hook5 -  "yeah it took me rather long time, I was afraid that after so long, when I kinda understood Hook4 innerworkings, that Hook5 would be over my head  🫠  "- and I have to say it is amazing work... I mean, everybody participating in modding this game is GOAT in my eyes, becouse what is possible to achieve with this is mindblowing, so to everyone of you I send a big ❤️‍🔥
    For some time I'm trying to mod game textures (3D modeling is too much for me right now, but would love to imrpove in that area and contribute with something as well), for it to have.. lets say... Unreal meta-ish-human qualities. There is screenshot of my work so far. I would love to hear your ideas, what do you think, and what can be inproved? And if you want to show me your works I'd love that to!
    • Album created by .xX
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    • 5 images
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  2. AI restoration test

    While I'm playing around with modding my VX I thought I'd try applying some AI sauce to the model image and then merge the new image back with the original one from the game. I found the result quite interesting, so I decided to share it. Opinions?  🤔
    game version VX , hook4, skin modded by me, colourgraded in gimp
    • Album created by .xX
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    • 1 image
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