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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel


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Posts posted by aork

  1. Hello, for some reason, whenever I load specific rooms with activemod textures , (I think hook5 does that?) it takes a ton to of time to load especially after the loading screen is complete. 

    The log shows that its downloading the textures!??!? And each texture takes like 6 secodnds to complete (Bruh its just 1 image)

    So something really odd happens ,there, anyone knows why?

  2. Nope, still having issues, now loading a room with a _level_definition crashed after the loading was complete.

    This happens if I loaded the models too many times as if its out of memory.. The console log doesnt show anything interesting but simply during the reload of textures or the load of the second room for example, it would stop and say "writing crash dump"

    Also here's the mainfx_errors output:

    settings loading succeeded
    adapter 0:NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070
    adapter 1:Microsoft Basic Render Driver
    requested: 1920x1080
    requested Format: B8G8R8X8_UNORM
    replaced Format: B8G8R8A8_UNORM
    create device11 succeeded
    lua connected
    attempt to call a nil value
    entering validate resources
    BentNormals - compilation succeeded 0.109131
    BoundEffect - compilation succeeded 0.046875
    CopyEffect - compilation succeeded 0.047119
    CubeFilter - compilation succeeded 1.108887
    DeboutEffect - compilation succeeded 0.047119
    DofEffect - compilation succeeded 0.109863
    FinalEffects - compilation succeeded 0.047119
    GlowEffect - compilation succeeded 0.062012
    HDRAvgCs - compilation succeeded 0.093994
    HDRFinal - compilation succeeded 0.125000
    InterfaceEffect - compilation succeeded 0.046875
    MXAOEffect - compilation succeeded 0.093018
    OutlineEffect - compilation succeeded 0.031982
    SCombineEffect - compilation succeeded 0.156006
    SEyesEffect - compilation succeeded 0.062012
    SMAAEffect - compilation succeeded 0.312988
    SSAOEffect - compilation succeeded 0.109131
    SSLREffect - compilation succeeded 0.281982
    SharptoneEffect - compilation succeeded 0.077881
    SubblurEffect - compilation succeeded 0.109131
    VNormsEffect - compilation succeeded 0.031006
    extern shaders overall 3.125113
    compile main block 28.016113
    WARNING: create shader texture DIFFUSELUT fail: file not exist
    WARNING: create shader texture SPECULARLUT fail: file not exist
    WARNING: create shader texture mouth_disp fail: file not exist
    create shaders pool 0
    init shaders params 0.078000
    sysfunc hooking succeeded
    hook initialization succeeded
    relocate m:\tk\mod\activemod\
    increased heap size: 64
    m:\tk\mod\activemod\_hook5data\water\water_ocean.dds: ddsloader failed used ordinal function
    m:\tk\mod\activemod\_hook5data\water\water_ocean2.dds: ddsloader failed used ordinal function
    m:\tk\mod\activemod\_hook5data\water\water_ripple2.dds: ddsloader failed used ordinal function
    m:\tk\mod\activemod\_hook5data\water\water_lake.dds: ddsloader failed used ordinal function
    m:\tk\mod\activemod\_hook5data\water\water_ocean2.dds: ddsloader failed used ordinal function
    m:\tk\mod\activemod\_hook5data\water\water_ocean.dds: ddsloader failed used ordinal function
    m:\tk\mod\activemod\_hook5data\water\water_ripple2.dds: ddsloader failed used ordinal function
    m:\tk\mod\activemod\_hook5data\water\water_lake.dds: ddsloader failed used ordinal function
    create texture failed


  3. Hello, I reinstalled with the most recent version & hook version, and everything seems to work just fine besides one thing


    Whenever I load a room that has objects in it, it will not load the objects of the room but instead a "game-wide" setup of objects / lights I have for ALL rooms for some reason... That happens for every room

    So rooms that rely heavily on their hook5 objects (Like "The Pub") will end up empty and green, as if it's saving over the same 1 file for all of the rooms.

    I remember having a setup for each room and rooms used to load their own unique objects / light groups


    Many thanks in advance! ❤️

  4. 2 hours ago, Shanegsd said:

    about the skin issue, can you do me a test and tell me the result. download the model below. extract the rar file to your game folder. she has a hook5 extended skin. open the game equip _skin_Android H5 GUI skin to the model or any model and see if it shows up in F4.


    (this is not an attempt to increase my download count or anything, just for testing purposes)

    I downloaded, dragged and dropped the folders onto my game's folder & overwrite replace and everything...

    Went into the game > pose edit > F4 > skins > "Active skins" with an empty panel.

    Went into the customizer > F4 > Skins > "active skins" is empty, the same..

    Did I miss something ? Maybe I should have switched to a specific skin in the customizer panel?

  5. I've fixed my texture problem by mounting all of the Activemod files into the addon zip (what use do I have for a textureless room anyways?)


    As for the skins... still stuck with an empty window under the "Active skins" category in F4... What I really try to get is to attach skin overlays like "wet" over other normal skins... I guess if that's not possible then it doesn't matter

  6. Howdy ho, I have hook5 paid and I have installed it correctly according to guides (double checked) and it works just fine


    1. But for some reason whenever I click on "Skin" at the f4 menu, the "active skins" panel will be empty (dragged the window / scrolled down... still empty)

    I've tried searching the forum thoroughly, as well as renamed some of hte skin folders I dled to [Skin] and downloaded the skin example. I also went back to patreon, paid the 1$ and got the hook5 paid from there, installed, nothing...


    2. The second problem is for room textures. Many rooms I have work just fine with their activemod texture variants but for some reason some rooms like "Zack's Island" or "Hunterroom23 forest camp" just have the addon's room (without textures) and the game won't read the room folders in activemod... 



    HELP! Please 😞


  7. Depends on the plan, if you aim to create AN ENTIRE CRUISE SHIP then daim, I assume the best plan would be to take an existing model and re-fit.

    As for the more do-able plan, what about a pack?

    Cruise ship deck? (Just a side deck)
    "cruise ship bedroom" (Round windows etc)
    Engine room?
    Maybe cruise ship pool (But only the pool / bar section, not the entire ship)
    ship captains room? 

    The rest already exist, (bar / casino / pool table / stuff like that)

    Maybe it's obvious, tho' but this is my two cent about it anyways.

    Thanks for the reply!

  8. Greetings, I am using TK to create renderings for games I've been working on for a while now.

    I still have a dream to create one on a cruise ship. However, I haven't found a single cruise ship related asset anywhere since modsgarden.cc

    So, one would be much appreciated and I am sure by more people than I =)

  9. Not sure if this is the right spot for this topic but I had a question,

    did anyone encounter a mod which allows one to customize the scale / size of the head? (besides horizontal scaling which already exists)


    • Thanks 1
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