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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel


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Posts posted by PronZombie

  1. Вопрос к знатокам
    Как сменить очередность загрузки текстур?

    Использую Body4x Mod
    Решил сделать текстуру облегающего нижнего белья, используя Спандекс (Spandex) как основу.
    Возникла проблемам: игра отрисовывает текстуру сосков ПОВЕРХ спандекса, а надо наоборот.

    В игре 2 набора сосков. 
    Стандартный Images\Q=Tex032M\Shared\Body работает как надо, но у них низкое разрешение .
    А вот дополнительный, высокого разрешения Images\Q=Tex032M\Shared\Body\Nipples багует и загружается поверх.

    Как исправить?🤨



  2. Hi 🙂

    I decide to create tight lingerie😍, by using spandex layer, and run into problem.
    Game renders nipple textures ON TOP of spandex. Same goes with nipple tattoos and bodystocking.
    I can only change nipples transparency or disable them completely.

    How can I FIX that?🤨

    Right now textures load in that order:
    Nipples on top
    Skin texture at the bottom

    I want to change it to:
    Spandex on top
    Skin texture

    Is it possible to change? Which files I should edit?

    P.S. I Using Body4x Mod and Basic Hook5


  3. Hi 🙂

    Have another nooby question

    How to make Eyes Glow?

    I am talking Specifically about the eyes. I know how to make other body parts glow, but same doesn't work with eye textures. 

    Mods that i found, have similar structure: eyeiris.png diffuse texture; eyeIris.txf; eyewhite.png diffuse texture and _pass files

    name = EyesPass
    stage2 = *bump folder name*\eye_normal.bmp
    stage3 = *bump folder name*\eye_h.bmp


    So what should i do to make them glow in the dark? Is it even possible?


    preferable result ))).png

  4. Hi😃
    In "Outfit" section, there is "Chastity Device/Penis" option

    So far, all addons that i found, had poor connection to Female body
    They all had UGLY SEAMS that looks terrible, especially with lighting (see picture)🤮

    Is there better Penis003 mod? With seamless attachment!

    I know it can be done! See XPenis by HDiddy, for male models

    I specifically need Penis as "Outfit" option, so i can try it with different Female Body Mods

    Also, it feels like obvious mod, that many users can use.🙂

    The Klub 17-0002.jpg

  5. Sorry for my English, but I have complicated question regarding Interactive Animations.

    i tried to create one? and find out that ONLY CERTAIN keys work in "Penetration Loop".

    Example: "Penis Length" and "Penis Girth" work just fine.

    *picture 1*

    But these keys: "Penis01 Bulge,Penis02 Bulge & Penis03 Bulge" DON'T WORK  

    *picture 2*

    From tutorials I found that: "Only items linked to 'interactive' targets will be animated by Penetration Loop and at the same time override all other animations on those targets"

    QUESTION: is there a way to ADD Penis01 Bulge,Penis02 Bulge & Penis03 Bulge to "Penetration Loop"

    I tried to search through "Scripts" folder, but didn't found reference to which keys should work in Interactive mod
    Is there a way to modified game files four it.

    Again, sorry for my English, but I hope you can help me. 



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