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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel


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Everything posted by Trapp

  1. That's alright. I found some Hook4 Files by someone named Snipesso but I don't know jack about how they work, so let's forget about Hook for the time being. Oddly enough, I have skins that are meant to be a 4x size and they work just fine, but there are a lot of them that don't. Same thing with 2x skins, some of them look amazing and others, well... They look hideous. I'm currently starting to get all my models together with the stuff I know works for them, but it's going to take me probably all day. I was supposed to ask you yesterday, but it totally slipped my mind! When resizing my skins, do I only need to rename the .png files or all the files within that folder? (.txf and the like)
  2. Will do! This will also work great as it will allow me to start prepping my models for upload here. A busy day awaits tomorrow!
  3. Morius and I have been talking about that. The thing is, the skin textures in 2X look infinitely better for things like tattoos and stuff (which I want to add to characters), but when I downloaded the addons it really warped the rest of my skins. I believe I need to fix that on my end to make it work or something...
  4. I would like to book Jasmin for a porn shoot one day!! Does she do anal?
  5. If anything, insight is always welcome here! And three cheers for stupid solutions! As long as they produce results, I'm all for them! So far, it's been working good for me, albeit a bit time consuming. I'm too lazy to read the H4 manual, but I definitely have to if I want to improve my shit. Also yes, I just need to copy the source skin I use for Lincyn and check your tutorials out. The star tattoos she has on the pics are from a set put on the Pubic Hair section on Customizer, but I only need her to have the one tattoo. So I'll have to take time later today to make that work. She has the heart tattoo on her butt as well as one single star shape on her right hip close to her pussy, so yeah. I don't know if I can post stories from my laptop, but hey, I guess I should give it a shot! Exactly! It's not stupid if it works! Also, I agree. I haven't spoken to @ArtsAndCrafty yet, but @aardy is a Godsend. He's helped me out quite a bit and he is indeed a wizard!
  6. Lo que no sé es dónde acceder para crear esos archivos al entrar a los Rooms, menos si son los del juego base. Igual necesito darle una buena leída al instructivo y practicar. No queda más.
  7. Sí, necesito mejorar mi estilo visual por mucho. Espero pronto llegar al punto donde eso sea posible. Tengo por ahí un PDF sobre las funciones de edición de H4, pero no tenía idea de que había una interface para editar. Según recuerdo, los cambios de level definition se hacían por medio de archivos .txt, pero la verdad es algo que necesito experimentar. Espero poder tomarme el tiempo para hacerlo y ver qué puedo mejorar en ese respecto, pero es como dices. Tal vez necesito usar H5 para poder hacer la edición durante el juego, si es que eso es una posibilidad. ¡Y esa es la intención! Estoy haciéndolo y con eso espero que poco a poco se vaya generando una audiencia para mi trabajo. Ojalá pueda llegar eventualmente a ese punto.
  8. Another sleepless night, another lengthy blog entry. These past few days have been... eventful to say the least, but the progress on the newest comic has slowed down quite a bit due to extra work I need to get through to increase the quality of my images and it's been a pain in the ass. This blog is to explain my process behind the production of the comics, its limitations and all that shizzle. So, let's begin. First and foremost, I use Hook4 as a graphic enhancer for my stuff. Why? As I previously stated, I don't own a computer powerful enough to withstand H5. This comes with its own set of challenges that make my screenshots a lesser quality than the work H5 users have showcased on KE, which is frankly amazing. Also, I'm using H4 without any knowledge on how to edit room lighting and any of that stuff (and with H4 not having a "hub" of sorts in-game to do all that editing as far as my dumb ass is aware), making my images look like this: This is a scene from my upcoming comic "CNC Baby", with female protagonist Daniela Olivares. This is how my screenshots look in-game and, depending on the room and light direction, they may even look darker. This is in the regular Pedestrian Room coming included with VX update P, which I haven't updated out of laziness so I had to resort to downloading the stand-alone addon for it. There are rooms that look a lot darker than this, and without proper controls for H4 (and no idea how Snipesso's files work with that despite having them) I have to resort to heavy photo editing on Photoshop CS3. Ancient, I know. Below are a few examples on how I edit pictures, starting with the simplest ones. This picture from Sex Tales 5 was first adjusted with the Brightness/Contrast tool, then hit with a round of Color Balance to give it that "sunset" type look. This scene was built in the "A New Loft" room, which is one of my favorites. The images below are different, and I used a different tool for that one. They're excerpts of my Tinder spoof gallery featuring two other models: Marina Nonaka and Lincyn Hamilton. On these images, I did something a bit different. The room here is a texture of the regular Bedroom called "Nina's Room", available in the Legacy Rooms here at KE. What I liked about the texture is the fact that it's a night time room (which I could use a lot more of, honestly) and it was another dark room on regular screenshots. In addition to Brightness/Contrast, I used the Levels tool on CS3 to give it a lighter color balancing and hit it once again with another round of Brightness/Contrast. In the main Lincyn picture (nude and non-nude), I added a Lens Flare to emulate the look of the moon shining above in the distance. Probably not the most original trick in the book, but it achieve the effect I wanted to give the image. On that texture, I had to do some manual editing to remove the very ugly sky texture lines you get that makes it look like a poorly built dome. The pictures below exemplify a bit more of how the room's natural lighting in addition to the photo editing affects the model's body. Note the very dumb layer of a poorly transformed heart picture I wanted to put on Lincyn's butt since her character has (as originally conceived) a bright pink heart tattoo on her left buttcheek. I'm a sucker for those tiny tattoos. Going back to Daniela, her comic is representing a huge challenge in different areas beyond photo capturing. I'm trying to make my writing a bit more interesting, but also, the challenge of competing with H5 users by upping my game in terms of photo editing. So, here's the first image of Daniela, in its new edited version. This one required a lot more work. First up, I went into photoroom.com and used its Background Removal to get Daniela without the background room since using H4 turns the green screen into a solid black and that... Just doesn't freaking work. So, since Photoshop's Background Eraser tool is too destructive and I haven't practiced enough for it to work the way I need it to, I outsourced the bg removal and pasted on top of the heavily brightened and contrasted original picture, then used the same Levels tool for both layers and used Lighting Effects on the non BG layer, giving the image more of a 3D look. However, this process has to be SPOT-ON or else you'll encounter issues like the original model looking out of phase with the top layer, similar to out-of-phase audio tracks when recording music, as it would happen with guitars or snare drums. I'm a recording enthusiast lol. The next two pictures go a bit more in depth on additional things like editing room lights in some sense, but this is more embarrasing to showcase, really. This is the original picture uploaded in my first Daniela gallery here. The room used is Single Apartment. I know I will encounter another problem since the bedroom in that has a huge fucking mirror that I can't take advantage of with H4, but that's a problem for future Trapp. For this image, I used the same BG removal online tool I used on the previous example, but I also did a few other things. For example, the outside of the window with the sky looks very meh, so I searched and decided to use a leaf covered wall for the outside, removing that part of the image and replacing it so the window now has a foliage bg. Then, slight amount of Levels on both room and character, and brightening the spots where the light bulbs are. I thought I could get away with the Line and Smudge tools for the light effects coming out of the bulbs, but for the most part, they look ugly as hell. Then, another round of Lighting Effects on the model layer, and this is the end result. Not the prettiest looking, but at least Daniela stands out a bit more from the original picture. The other problem with online BG removal tools is that they're not "smart" enough for a clean removal of the background and I believe that must be because of resolution and color detection issues. So, I had to give another round of very meticulous and sloppy Background Eraser tool to get rid of the obvious spots to finish it up. So, this is a pretty lengthy process as previously described. Now do that times a few hundred screenshots and you'll tell me "well, just upgrade to Hook5 then!". I realize it might not be worth going through such heavy editing for porn comics, but then again: If I could use H5 without performance issues, I already would have. And I believe the story I want to tell with this is worth the trouble I'm going through with learning new skills. But as with all the work I've been doing for the past two years attempting to become a proper content creator, the question remains: If a tree falls in the middle of the forest, does it still make noise when hitting the ground? It's at times very disheartening seeing my efforts not being appreciated by people, but then again, I might not be doing things right in terms of promotion. Oh well. Hope this entry sheds some more light on my very stupid comic production process and I hope you enjoyed this entry. As a gift for your patience, I leave you with this new gallery of Daniela, with a much simpler editing process and fully nude versions. I wish I could have H5 to do all this crazy shit much easier on me. Anyways, see you on the next one!
  9. Well, she's a real cutie! I love lewd girls that have a cute side to them, you hit that ball out of the park!
  10. 24 and yet so youthful! She is a true beauty indeed! I'll happily wait for your upcoming comments on the comics!
  11. Milfs are the bringers of life and joy, my friend. Aoi-sama just happens to be filthy rich as well! And yeah... Julie is just the sweetest chocolate! How old is Mari, by the way? Misha and her would really get along! I'm very happy with how Misha came out! Once you reach the Therapy comic, you'll fall in love with her! And Anri, oh Anri... She deserves a story of her own!
  12. Welcome once again, everyone, to a special edition of Trapp's Angels. As I stated in the previous of these posts, I'll be taking a deep dive into the origins, creation and story of my girls. This post, however, will be slightly different. I'm going to be talking about FOUR of my girls, who starred (at least three of them) in my comic "Ecchi Squad". For all intents and purposes, that comic is no longer considered part of the TrappVerse canon. The information portrayed in this document takes no information from the comics with the exception of a bit from Misha, but nothing that isn't told in Therapy Pt. 1. So for now, just enjoy! The original cover of the first (and only) issue of Ecchi Squad. This is quite the diverse group of ladies! 1. Origins and Creation The Ecchi Squad was born out of wanting to create a sort of "harem" story like the ones in Hentai. The plan for that comic series would have been to know more about the women before they went in and done their dirty deeds with the MC, culminating in a reverse gang bang. The premise was completely different and, in a sense, a little asinine: They would have come together due to their pursuit of a "sexual revolution", similar to the one during the 1960s. However, there was no real plot device for it and it was just an excuse to throw more hot girls into the comic book machine. I can't really recall what inspired me to create them the way they are now. All I know is that inspiration came, at least for Aoi and Anri, from JAV (Japanese Adult Video) idols such as Hitomi Tanaka and Anri Okita in Aoi's case, and Ema Kisaki, AIKA and Mio Kimijima in Anri's. When it comes to Julie and Misha, all I know is that I wanted a "ganguro" style girl with very dark skin (ultimately being an Afro-ascendent woman) and an Eastern European because of the amazing girls in porn from those regions. Thus, a little work on Customizer later, and there they were. 2. Background and Story A little heads up here. The following info hasn't been committed to comic as of yet, so everything in this section is subject to change depending on how comic creation proceeds in the near future. With that out of the way, we move into the formation of the Squad, which begins with Aoi-sama. If you look for the definition of "female empowerment", Aoi-sama's picture should be the first search result! Aoi Sugimoto (born Aoi Mizushima in Okinawa on July 28th, currently 42 years old) is the widow of Mikado Sugimoto and owner of the Sugimoto corporation, a pharmaceutical company worth billions of dollars. Before that, she was known simply as Hazuno; a rising JAV star that put most of her kind to shame in terms of sheer bust size, sporting a natural 107 cm round K-cup (in Japanese size chart, probably an F/G cup in USA sizes). Aoi started her career in porn at the age of 20, but her life before that is shrouded in mystery and tragedy. She quickly became famous abroad due to the rise of the Internet until an abrupt retirement in 2002 due to her becoming pregnant. She returned to porn two years later and started booking fan dates for high-paying customers, moonlighting as an escort in addition to her return to adult films. In one of these encounters, she met Mikado Sugimoto; a 51 year-old millionaire who fell in love with her after watching her videos, curing him from his erectile disfunction. After a few dates, he offered to marry Aoi in exchange for her to quit the adult industry, which she had considered due to the rising number of younger talents and a decreasing number of DVD purchases, but also to be there for her daughter Sayaka, another Angel to be featured in an upcoming series. They married and Mikado took them in, training Aoi to run his company in the event of his passing, which occurred by the time Aoi had turned 30. Savvy and with a knack for business, Aoi managed to create business partnerships with national as well as foreign companies from Korea, Singapore and Taiwan to make the Sugimoto empire grow into the most powerful pharmaceutical conglomerate in Asia, assisting Western labs and companies with research and development of vaccines, medication and beauty treatments. But with success, Aoi became cold and mistrusting, with several business relationships falling apart because of bad business practices, as well as having unsatistfying sexual encounters. Fearing for the damaged reputation of her conglomerate, she started deviating resources for a personal project: A powerful pheromone with 100% effectiveness that could be used in women with arousal issues that for whatever reason just weren't able to enjoy sex. This would lead her to meet Marco right before the pandemic hit with full force. Julie is the quintessential ebony goddess, and quite frankly, the one that makes me horniest out of all my girls! She's my favorite! This encounter wouldn't have been possible without the intervention of Julie Ann Getgood (28), born on June 25th in Manchester, England. Having been a victim of racism during her early years, her pain wouldn't stop there. At age 12, she had lost her mother due to ovarian cancer and had to work hard to put herself through college. This wouldn't prove to be easy, and she would have to resort to sex work by the age of 18 under the name "Candy", becoming an underground sensation in London. With this, however, came a time of excess and recklessness that took the life of a close friend and co-worker, making her quit that lifestyle at age 21. Depressed, she gathered all the money she had earned and decided to start a new life in Japan, where she would be seen as exotic by the people of Tokyo's red light district in Shinjuku. There, she would resume her work as a prostitute, eventually sleeping with 9,999 men by the time the encounter with Marco occurred. However, that would prove to be an even darker time for her, as she would discover at age 24 that she had inherited the same type of cancer that took her mother's life. Having become hopeless, she started a downward spiral of hedonism and carelessness that should have brought upon a more dangerous health risk. During a chance encounter with Aoi in Shibuya, where she was ambushed by men trying to kidnap and rape her, Julie stepped in, having learned to fight by living in Manchester's poorest neighborhoods, and saved her. Since then, she's been on-and-off in her care and when coming up with the idea of experimenting with the pheromone, she ran it by Julie whose health had begun to deteriorate further. Aoi then offered to pay for Julie's medical treatment in order to cure her from cancer, but she would initially reject the offer, believing that "she shouldn't spend a pound on saving a woman who hasn't learned from her mistakes". By the time of the events in Cuba, Julie had finally undergone an oophorectomy, but the cancer had spread to her uterus. She would eventually undergo the proper treatment and her cancer would be cured. This, however, came at the cost of her losing the chance to ever have children. Fortunately, her past antics never derived in her contracting any sort of STD, but she had to undergo hormone replacement therapy in order to keep enjoying sex. As of today, Julie is in remission, and has been for the better part of a year. Misha is a massive cutie despite her misandry. She's also a goth aesthetic enthusiast and no one rocks that look like she does! By the time Julie had saved Aoi from a kidnapping attempt, she would encounter Misha Kovalenko (22), born on March 30th in Odessa, Ukraine. She was a runaway who was rescued from a trafficking circle in the Czech Republic. Julie and Misha began bonding due to their liking of Manga and Anime and became inseparable friends, despite Misha becoming a misandrist because of her experiences. Most of Misha's backstory is depicted in the comic Therapy Pt. 1, so check that out to learn more about her. More information will be available in part two, so stay tuned for that. In the meantime, our last Ecchi Squad member to discuss is Anri Hasegawa (neé Minase, 27), born October 1st in Sendai, Japan. Yeah, I have a thing for Japanese women. Can you blame me when you have beauties of Anri-chan's level?! Her longer hair makes her look even more gorgeous! Out of all the Squad girls, Anri is currently the least developed of the four, with her original background being that of a young gym owner, married at the age of 21 to a businessman. By the time of the gang's encounter with Marco, she had found out her husband was cheating on him. She met Aoi during a business lecture of hers and her knack for accounting and numbers led to them working together in a few philantropic activities, eventually bonding on a personal level, with Anri and the others finding out about Aoi's past as a porn star. After pleading with her husband to stop his cheating, she eventually had enough and ended up cheating on him with a young man at her gym, a fact she confided to Aoi who told her to take responsibility for her own satisfaction. Anri is quirky and politically incorrect at times and developed a more cynical personality as a result of her husband's attitude towards here, going as far as to putting herself at risk of being caught cheating by him, which eventually happened; ending up in a divorce in which she ended up taking half of his assets thanks to the intervention of Aoi's ruthless lawyers. 3. Personality and Relationships I'll keep this one as short as possible due to the already ungodly amount of previous text. As the head of a huge business conglomerate, Aoi is a sharp thinker, pragmatic in her way of doing things as well as being the textbook definition of female empowerment. She's a merciless negotiator and is usually very mistrusting of people, men in particular. However, upon meeting Marco, she had grown to admire and respect him due to his loyalty and empathy as well as his seemingly endless lust, which she isn't shy about indulging in, going as far as to call him "Trapp-sama" as a sign of sexual submission. Aoi-sama at her most vulnerable. I had a lot of fun making the scenes for Sex Tales 5 and this might be my favorite pic of hers from this set. Julie has a similar devotion to him and considers him one of his dearest friends and lovers, being the only other person outside the Squad to know about her medical condition and giving her the support and motivation to carry on with it. She sees herself as the "big sister" of the group and despite her hardships, she is unapologetically cheerful and carefree. After her battle with cancer, she's pursued a healthy lifestyle and like Anri and Misha, she works out hard and has studied Karate and Krav Maga as a hobby. Despite her inability to bear children, she is as much of a hedonist as ever, looking for more steady partners as is the case with Marco. Trapp Tip of the Day: When confronted by a horny harlot, wait until she lets her guard down and pound her like a bull! Read Sex Tales 5's ending for the outcome of this scene. Misha, as was previously discussed, is a hothead with a tendency to get into conflict if someone rubs her the wrong way and is currently trying to overcome her misandry with the help of her girlfriend Erina, if only to get rid of her biases about men. Despite all that, she is artistically gifted and has great talent for music and arts, being a concert-level pianist and skilled drummer. She can also be very protective of the people she loves and is willing to go above and beyond to show her appreciation of the people in her life. She loves working out and is a fan of MMA. Despite her brash personality, Misha does have a heart of gold. I don't think I could ever pull off a cuter pout than this! Finally, being the newest member of the Squad, Anri is a bit of a loose cannon in the sense that she doesn't care if someone gets offended by her words. She's very opinionated and informed about social issues, seeing the current wave of "wokeism" as hypocritical at best, taking a rather extreme attitude against them, making her look like a yandere at times. She enjoys the same healthy lifestyle as Julie and Misha and is very open about her sexuality, going as far as having Marco properly pop her anal cherry in Sex Tales 5 and becoming hooked on it. She sees him as a good friend to shoot the shit with and is also a loyal friend to the other Angels. Anri-chan isn't above a good meme. If you ever heard of the infamous Jack-O Pose challenge, she can do it in spades and take dick like a champ while doing it! 4. Fun Facts - Out of the current Trapp's Angels line up, Misha and Julie are the tallest girls, clocking in at 1.75 m (5'9") and 1.74 m (5'8") respectively. Anri is 1.67 m (5'6") tall and Aoi is the shortest of the Squad, measuring only 1.60 m (5'3"), but not the shortest of the entire group of Angels. - Aoi currently holds the crown for both Eldest Angel, being 42 years old, with Monthy following closely at age 40; and Bustiest Angel, currently sitting at 105 cm, while Misha is the one with the smallest bust, being an 87 cm B/C-cup. - Despite the Ecchi Squad not existing anymore, the girls maintain their bonds and frequently visit each other, thanks to Aoi's massive resources. They get together and travel places at least once a year for a whole two weeks. - They were planned to have a sort of hierarchic structure with Aoi being the matriarch and benefactor, Julie being the second-in-command and face of the Squad, with Misha not being as much of a man hater and Anri with an undefined role. Of course, with the Ecchi Squad now not being canon, this is all subject to change. - Their fetishes are as follows: Aoi is a seductress and usually prefers younger men, taking advantage of her wealth of sexual experience. Julie has done pretty much everything, with her favorite sexual practice being double penetration either at the vagina or the anus and spends most of her time naked. Misha gets off from domination and being superior to men, but is secretly into degradation porn, with only Erina knowing her secret at the moment. And finally, Anri was a hotwife until her divorce and enjoys cuckolding and cheating, but technically since she can't really cheat on anyone, she's become more of an exhibitionist. Whew! That was a fuckton of information! Of course, this is for the most part a general overview of them. Remember that some information might be subject to change depending on developing comic ideas, but don't expect a massive change in the current information given here. If anything, I might do follow-up posts individually for them as I make more comics involving them. Hope you enjoyed this long-ass post, and see you on the next one! 5. Model Download 6. Gallery Excerpts Misha in the Angels' 2021 New Year Celebration. I really like to change Misha's hairstyle, she lends herself to a lot of looks! Despite being in her early 40's, Aoi-sama looks so pretty without makeup! Not to mention her absolute bombshell of a body! Milfs are definitely the best! Julie went by "Candy" during her time as a sex worker. I modelled her original look after Japanese gyarus in Anime. Julie and Misha chilling out by the pool while Anri talks to Marco on their first encounter. Anri flaunting her goodies at her gym in front of her first extramarital lover. After dropping her wild ganguro look, Julie has never looked more beautiful. Gotta love a nudist. Misha with her girlfriend Erina on an intimate and very passionate moment. They are so cute together!
  13. Trapp


    Loving this style! They look so cute!
  14. No, there are only two Erina comics at the moment: Sex Tales 1 and Therapy Pt. 1, with the second coming soon, as well as a cameo on Sex Tales 5. The thing with the trip to Cuba, I have been writing a sort of script to tell that story on a Visual Novel format, but since I don't know anything about how to make one, either I make it on comic version or as an actual novel... Don't know which, but I'll be throwing hints and flashbacks here and there to tell that story during future comics. The info on these blog posts don't and won't contain any comic spoilers at all, but I encourage reading them to get some understanding of certain situations. Also, I was a blogger years ago, albeit not a great one. I love writing about my girls and I have invested A LOT of time on them as it is to not make an effort and tell their stories the way they deserve. So please look forward to more of these. I'll try and keep the spoilers (if we can call them that...) to a minimum, but this will be a detailed archive of every one of my girls.
  15. Hey everyone! I have something very special for today's blog. After I posted my Tinder spoof galleries (check them out if you haven't yet), I got some inspiration from fellow countryman @SovietTiger and decided I would be making special blog entries dedicated to each and every one of my girls. In these, I'm going to be talking about the origin, creation and story of the girls gracing my comic work. In this inaugural entry, I'm going to talk about the girl that started it all: Erina Serebrova. Erina posing with her girlfriend Misha for a Klub Exile exclusive gallery, featuring @vi363r's outfit "Dark Arts" 1. Origins and Creation Erina's appearance and background originated from an old fling I had starting my IRL fuccboi days back in 2013. Not to get too personal with things, but it was a situation that changed my life in many ways, most of them for the worst. However, we managed to stay friends for a while after she got married and I believe it was about a year and a half ago when I last contacted her. I was working on another thing I had before the comics that I ultimately dropped completely and will probably rework in one way or another in the future, and I put a last minute character on that thing in honor of her, remembering how she told me about a novel that she was writing and how she had written a section of that with a character in honor of me. I never got to read it nor do I know if she ever finished it... However, after making some design changes on her and attempting to digitize my first paper drawings on Paint Tool SAI, I changed her eye and hair color to her current look. Being an Anime inspired thing what I was doing, she had the look of a younger girl than what she actually was in that story (24 years old) and after a while, I thought to myself... "What was that game called that you could make your own characters and make them have sex?" Fortunately, I remembered and saw that I still had my old archive of TK17 7.5 backed up on a flash drive, put it on my piece of crap laptop that I use now for Photoshop and comic creation and BAM. Erina Serebrova was born and I used Comic Life 3 to create my very first Sex Tales comic, posted here on Klub Exile. Her last name comes from a model called Nina Serebrova who's on IG and is a real fucking cutie and served as a framework for a lot of my girls, as many, MANY other models I followed there over the years. Erina as pictured in the cover of Sex Tales 1, her comic book debut. I used animated poses and the Free Play mode to take those screenshots... I was dumb and didn't know how to use the Pose Editor back then! 2. Background and Story Erina Ekaterina Serebrova was born on May 4th in St. Petersburg, Russia and is 26 years old. She is the daughter of German-American repatriate Nathaniel Schumacher, who was considered a programming genius, but that suffered from multiple sclerosis and died when Erina was about to be born, leaving her to be raised by her mother, Katja Serebrova; a gorgeous model and actress who fled the Soviet Union and returned to Russia right after its dissolution by Mikhail Gorbachev. Showing an enviable intellect, Erina would be breezing through high school and even college level assignatures by the time she was 12. Her intellect only kept growing and developing... But then puberty hit. She became very curious about the adult stuff and she had succeeded in "popping her cherries" on her own by the time she graduated high school. But she never had been with a man before, and wouldn't during her college years. Erina in her college days, with her adorable nerdy look. Btw, can anyone tell me if this hairstyle is part of the VX stock hairs or an Addon? This was on 7.5, so I don't know for sure! With much effort from her mother and herself, she earned a full scholarship at the prestigious Oxford university in the UK where she would study psychology, motivated by her need of understanding herself and her sexual deviances. However, she would also take additional classes like Economics, Political Science and some Programming basics, as well as forming part of a debate club that made events with people from other universities. It was during this time when she met Damien Lockhart, a handsome and brilliant student and heir from a very wealthy family trying to make it on his own. Erina would fall head over heels with Damien, but wouldn't express her feelings towards him for fear of rejection as she would see Damien being approached by beautiful women all the time. And at a surface level, he seemed to be more focused on his studies and duties, which made him more attractive in her eyes. However, being her senior for a year, Damien graduated and left for the United States in hopes of starting a tech company there. Erina regretted not confessing her feelings towards him and with the help of friends she had made, started to change her appearance and the way she dressed. She always felt unattractive and now that she was in college, she felt like she needed to make a change or she would always be perceived as "the ugly nerd". Once she finally faced herself and came to terms with her own beauty, she started turning all heads on her, even getting offers to date or become friends with benefits by many a student, which she ultimately rejected. When her graduation came and with the blessing of her mother, Erina decided to move to Los Angeles in pursue of not just a career, but love. However, as she struggled to build a name for herself and start a practice while studying a Masters Degree in Sexual Psychology, she saw herself limited on time, and with no information about Damien's whereabouts. Frustrated and stressed, she made a choice that would change her life forever. During a particular moment of stress and loneliness, she decided to go to Craigslists and search for hookups there, trying to avoid dating apps as all she wanted was to experience actual sex for the first time. She then ran into an ad posted by someone named Trapp (real name Marco Torres), looking for girls to cast and shoot amateur porn, with detailed information about the gig, payment and more. On a whim, Erina contacted Marco and set a date and place for an initial meeting and, if she felt comfortable enough, do a photo shoot and video. She accepted, thus beginning the events of Sex Tales 1. After that, She and Damien began a passionate relationship that ended upon discovering Damien's association with Marco had generated over a dozen of pornographic videos and not only that, that he was still talking to some of his former co-stars. Angered and heartbroken, she ended things with Damien and continued on with her work despite dealing with depression and met Katie McKinnon, a college student moonlighting as a famous camgirl who started a taboo relationship with her estranged stepfather. A few months later, she would travel to Cuba with Katie due to an invitation from BabeWorld, a company that focused on promoting models and adult entertainers, to do a week of photoshoots and videos to reach a wider audience on a project that involved several growing companies all around the world. Little did she know that joining the trip would be Marco, who she would confront due to his involvement with Damien, but ultimately burying the hatchet and bonding with him as he was dealing with a mission from Aoi Sugimoto to recover a pheromone produced by her company before it was developed into a rape drug unlike anything the world had ever seen. The events in Cuba ended with her life as well as of those in DeJackson Bennings III's private villa endangered when his plan was uncovered, with Marco risking his life to protect her and the women he had grown close to. After those events passed, Erina returned to LA and decided to continue her education, eventually obtaining a PhD in Sexual Psychology. Since then, her life became more stable and she decided to give dating another chance, this time with a girl from Ukraine called Misha Kovalenko, a self-proclaimed lesbian and feminist who had gone through her own trials and tribulations. Nowadays, she maintains regular contact with Marco and the friends they made in Cuba. As an added note, she underwent plastic surgery to increase her bust size from a B to a D and is helping her girlfriend to overcome her bias against men. Erina scolding Marco after sending two models on their way during Sex Tales 5. Here, Erina had already gotten her boobs done and Marco is showing his Hideo Kojima fanboyism. 3. Personality and Relationships Erina is an extremely intelligent person, with an IQ of 164. She has a very rational mind and doesn't have any bias about people in general due to her work as a therapist, which has gotten her to meet all kinds of people, and even create psychological profiles on prisoners convicted by sex crimes. She is at first a tough nut to crack due to her still developing social skills, but she has proven to be reliable and dutiful, as well as very loyal and loving to the people close to her. On the flip side, she doesn't tolerate when her loyalty isn't reciprocate, going as far as to cutting people out of her life completely because of it, as it happened with Damien. She is also very emotional and cries easily when watching emotional shows and movies, and tends to lash out at people when she feels her trust has been broken. She is also a very sexual person, being very precocious as a teen in terms of her curiosity and experimentation, but it wasn't until she reunited with Damien that she finally experienced real sex. Since then, her only other male sexual partner has been Marco, with whom she has a very close friendship; seeing him as one of her pillars. Even if she sometimes disapproves of his life choices (like starting an adult film company and having slept around with countless models), she has come to admire him and trust him with her life after the events in Cuba, creating a weird dynamic in which there is a good amount of sexual tension between them. Strangely enough, they both seem to have conflicting feelings about each other, with Marco admitting at one point to have feelings for Erina, but being aware that because of his antics, an actual romantic relationship with her might be extremely challenging, if not impossible. So instead, he decided to root for her in her pursue of happiness. Erina is currently dating Misha Kovalenko, who she met in Cuba and bonded with due to their love of music, film and sex. Erina admires Misha for her strength of character and drive to improve her body and skills, showing an extremely gentle side to her brash personality in critical moments. At the same time, while she shares a lot of opinions about male behavior with her, Erina gets uncomfortable when Misha goes on a tirade about how men suck, this conflict culminating during an encounter with Marco as they were interviewing men for a threesome, planned by Erina as both a way to help her overcome her trauma and to spice up their sex life with a man, due to Misha's enjoyment of hardcore porn. Despite this, they love each other to death and are helping each other grow, constantly supporting and helping each other to become more complete women. 4. Fun Facts - Erina's name is actually of Japanese origin. Her mother named her that way after reading the manga JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and liking the character of Erina Pendleton, the love interest-then widow of Part 1 protagonist, Jonathan Joestar. Ironically, she would be a widow by the time Erina was born. - She was born on May 4th, also known as Star Wars Day. Ironically, she wouldn't become a fan until she watched the prequel trilogy during college, with her favorite movie of the franchise being Revenge of the Sith. She's a Taurus. - Continuing with her Star Wars connections, her favorite character is Asajj Ventress, she sides with the Sith instead of the Jedi, and used to own a Jar Jar Binks plushie given to her by Damien, which she threw away after their breakup, but now owns a Grogu plushie which she sleeps with every night. She hates the Disney trilogy, but loved Rogue One. - Out of all the girls, she has the highest IQ, being 164. She's 1.64 m (or 5'4" for the American folks reading), weighs 56 kg and her measurements are 93D-57-88. - Her favorite colors are green, purple and black. Her favorite food is Meat Lovers pizza, and she likes watching Anime, sci-fi movies and true crime videos on Youtube. She enjoys listening to rock and metal and her favorite bands are Lacrimosa, Slipknot, Mastodon and Placebo. In a full 180, she loves to dance. - She has a light BDSM fetish and favors anal sex instead of regular sex. She enjoys having her belly button licked and being restrained during sex. Her weak point, however, is her neck and ear lobes. She has a gang bang fantasy she hasn't been able to fulfill. 5. Model Download 6. Gallery Excerpts To wrap this entry up, I leave you with a small selection of pictures from Erina. Thank you for reading this Wikipedia article of a post, and I'll see you on the next one, whenever that comes. See you soon! Erina posing with Anri Hasegawa, Julie Getgood (when she was going by Candy) and Katie McKinnon. Timeframe, around the Cuba incident. Erina during the 2021 New Year celebration, Pre-surgery times. And yes, the original model with small boobs still exists! Erina with her new boobs! She was beautiful with smaller breasts, but she's amped up to the next level now! Misha and Erina posing for a booty pic, from the Dark Arts gallery. This outfit has made me start to convert all my main models to the F7C body, which as awesome and sexy as it is, it really warps the genital area and the belly button in a way that's not particularly my favorite. Yes, I have a belly button fetish. No, I will not apologize for it. Misha and Erina sharing a passionate make-up kiss at the end of Therapy Pt. 1, posted on KE. Erina posing with Katie McKinnon, Emi Akatsuki and Victoria Montero "Monthy" for the KE XXXmas Photo Contest 2020.
  16. Bro, you have no idea of the scope of my characters' lore! I want to become the Hideo Kojima or Vince Gilligan of degeneracy!!
  17. Voy a escribir esto en Español porque eres un compatriota. No recuerdo cuándo exactamente descubrí ModsGarden, pero fue a través de un cómic que hacía una chica de Venezuela y gracias a eso me descargué 7.5. De eso ya van como siete años, yo creo hasta que por pura curiosidad regresé a usarlo y creé mi primer cómic con Erina (también Rusa ) y luego de un laaaaaargo break debido a una pérdida personal, estoy de vuelta con este juego. Aún me falta muchísimo por hacer y aprender en cuanto a mods (¡Quiero a mis chicas de Dead Or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation en TK17!!), y por supuesto, conseguirme una PC/laptop que tenga la potencia suficiente para H5$... Pero estoy muy contento no solo de estar con los Exiliados, sino también de encontrarme con mexicanos que disfrutan este juego y hacen maravillas con él. ¡Un abrazo hasta donde te encuentres, carnal!
  18. Por supuesto, LAS QUESADILLAS SIEMPRE DEBEN LLEVAR QUESO!! I can't wait to learn more about Rassía and see her story unfold! This will be awesome!
  19. No comment, other than I welcome my badass female overlord! Women modelled after the inspirations you mentioned are needed in the world! Congratulations!
  20. Una belleza de mi país! Should I call you "paisano"?? Rassía is a freaking beauty, man! And what a background! Are you making comics or a story with her? I'm not too into telenovelas, but with her as a protagonist, I'd watch to the very end!
  21. These are looking amazing! You've gotten yourself a reader!
  22. Makes enough sense to me! But I feel it would be very impractical due to having to move every addon, texture and whatnot from one folder to the other as you work. Then again, it is a plausible idea! And thank you! Daniela really hits close to home and her new iteration is just PERFECT. I'm still struggling with the F7C body because of certain outfits and the look of the genitals, but other than that I'm in love! Such a versatile body, and it makes the butts look GODLY!
  23. Good morning everyone! Today I bring you a new model with a brand new gallery. This is Daniela Olivares, she's 21 going on 22 and she's the star of an upcoming series called "CNC Baby". The basic premise of this new comic series is as follows: A man is approached by a girl who has a Tumblr blog in which she talks about her CNC (consensual non-consensual for those curious) fetish and, after some shenanigans ensue, she finally starts living out her fantasies. Unlike the rest of my comics, I want to take particular emphasis on the character development for this story, and with that, it will be taking quite dark turns as this is an exploration of an admittedly dangerous fetish to pursue irl, but one I can't help to feel great curiosity about. So, about this model. Back in late 2020, I uploaded a gallery of a model called Daniela, with a very similar aesthetic to this one. However (and as I'm sure, I'm not the only person with this problem), one day, the original model's textures just didn't show up and in an attempt to fix things, I ended up ruining said model, so I had to delete her and create a new Daniela from the ground up. I have strong emotional attachments to this one, so I wanted her to look the prettiest I could make her, and I'm happy to report that the feedback I've gotten on her in social media has been unanimous in that she's the cutest girl I've ever made. The original Daniela model. This one seemed to be a bit taller and had a more mature looking face, which wasn't as cute as the new one. More about her: When creating her, I remember I grabbed one of my previously saved bodies and I don't exactly recall who I cloned her face from, but the thought process behind her creation was very similar to the original model. Only for this one, I wanted to really amp it up in the sense that she was a very young looking girl that shows an air of both innocence and mystery to her. She is a very reserved and shy person in real life, but her mind is filled with thoughts of sexual abuse and having her body used thoroughly by someone. As such, she isn't very expressive, even in the face of being overpowered and used like in the gallery I just posted. New Daniela in Customizer. Using vanilla eyebrows and two versions of the model. One with this hairstyle and one with the hair of the previous picture. To make her even more realistic, I went with using XBody and carefully adapt her body to the F7C type while making sure her genital area wasn't too warped as it happens with that body type, which makes the vagina close up and the asshole gape quite open which is disturbing when trying to create non-sex or softcore poses. In consequence, I had to stick her with XLashes, an addon which really isn't that much to my liking because of alignment issues. That, however, still beats the regular Eyelashes textures that warp with XBody and are hanging above the eyelid. Getting those things to work with body mods is a real pain and I still haven't found a solution that satisfies my needs. Then again, XLashes isn't the worst thing in the world at all, but depending on the model, I do have to do additional tweaking to get the eyelashes to look as natural as possible without them being too far apart from the eyelid edges, which drives me insane. Now, about the comic itself, I'm really struggling right now with production, the taking of pictures, in particular. I've been advised by KE Big Bosses @Smoke and @HDiddy to get Hook5 paid so that I can have better control over lighting and an overall graphic overhaul from Hook4 (as well as the added benefits of H5 Object rooms and realistic cum textures), but the PC I'm working out of can't handle Hook 5. How do I know? The F7C Repack, running Hook5 standard really slowed down everything when I tried it, and for the sake of comic creation, I need to constantly edit poses on the fly and focus on characters instead of environments. That, of course means that the tradeoff from Hook4's graphic enhancement, is to have very dark screenshots and not being able to edit lighting and other features on the fly. Maybe it's my lack of proper practice with H4, but like I said, I need to put out content fast and leave the fucking around to a minimum. On an end note, seeing the AMAZING gallery work from the members here makes me wary and a little bit jealous that I can't play with things like indoor lighting more than anything, so until I can get a PC or laptop with enough graphic power to optimally support Hook5, this is what I'm stuck with. In any case, I won't stop working with what I've got to keep providing you with content you can read and hopefully enjoy. That's it from my end, hope to read you in the next entry, whenever that occurs. In the meantime, this has been Trapp, signing off. Take care, everybody!
  24. Trapp

    So, Serena Dermin...

    There's something truly endearing about her! Despite being a hardened warrior, she has a smile that gives off an air of wonder and innocence to her!
  25. Welcome, everyone! Today I have not one. Not two, but THREE WHOLE COMICS just posted for your reading pleasure (hopefully). The first one, Purple Room Casting, is one of my original series with all original models (and a few special guests, like Issues 1 and 2 are meant to be) and the idea is, Marco Torres (protagonist of Sex Tales 5) started a porn media company called Black Trapper Media and he designated Harleen The Assguardian as the host of live castings made available to subscribers of the page. This will be an ongoing series. The other two are more spur of the moment, "popcorn eating" kind of reading. The first is a Dead Or Alive inspired comid with a few more numbers coming soon, and the second is just a gush/fantasy fulfilling comic with a pornstar from Japan. There will be more stuff coming soon as I go back to work on projects mentioned in my previous blog post. I hope that, if you have the time, please lend my comics some of it and let me know how you like them. I'm working my ass off to try and tell good stories and your support and feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading and I'll see you soon!
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