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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel


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Everything posted by Trapp

  1. Dude, I don't know what to say... I've definitely been where you are and I know that feeling of complete desolation. I don't know what I would do if I lost all of my stuff from here. Sending you a big bro hug. If you need anything, we're here for you, mate!
  2. Trapp

    Hojo Akemi

    The secret is finally revealed! What a tragic story about Akemi! I really enjoyed this blog!
  3. Now this is a harem I'd love to own! You should walk us through the editing process of this pic, it's too beautiful for words!
  4. Because I want to put her on a comic and I didn't plan on her being a nudist lol! However, the instruments she plays are not the best looking addons in-game, so I might need to reevaluate what I'm going to do with her
  5. I can't believe it took me this long to reply to this comment lol! The thigh-hips joint are a problem in-game since the beginning, but nothing that skillfully posing the model won't fix. I would be more concerned that I can't put absolutely any clothes to her except for very baggy ones. That does raise an issue with the sculpture, and honestly, I don't want to change Negi-chan's mod to anything else! She looks perfect just with this mod! But I didn't plan on her going naked 24/7 lol!
  6. Estoy de acuerdo, por lo mismo estoy tan endiosado con mi Dani. ¡Algo de esa apariencia común que esconde tanta sensualidad es muy atractivo para mí!
  7. Ay ay ay! Verónica está hecha un bombón!
  8. Going to make this entry super quick because busy afternoon in preparation for the work week. I just stumbled across some blog entries by @Driver showcasing a brand new body type compatible with XBody 1.8.2 and needless to say I had to try it out. You can read the original entry here and get the addon to test for yourself here. Comparisons between this addon, the Default Body and the Female Body V2 can be seen here. Now, onto the review of the NBP version 0.29 Body Mod. For this experiment (and after one too many crashes), I'm using a brand new model, yet not a new character for me. This is Negi Haruno, and I'll be speaking about her later on as I figure out what her place within the TrappVerse will be. I can say that she is 20 years old, she's from Japan (duh...) and she is a musician. With that out of the way, onto the addon itself. The body sculpture for this is just EXQUISITE. I'm the kind of guy that will want his models to show off the midriff as much as possible and I have to say: This is the absolute best stomach/belly I have seen on any body mod, EVER. Period, bar none. It's that good. The rib and stomach definition are just absolutely perfect. I narrowed down the waist a little bit on the Customizer, but even without a narrower waist, the midriff section is just that good. Just how I love my tummies! One point of contention and conflict for me with this one is the butt and hips. Don't get me wrong, the shape is PERFECTION. If I'm known for something is for how much I love ass, and the ass on this is way too good. WAY too good. I found, however that if your models are already stock with big butts from the standard body sliders, the butt will look very wide. Not complaining, but you might want to consider toning it down on the regular butt sliders for this one. Also an issue with posing is that the "joints" between the hips and thighs warp as in the following picture, but I didn't have much time to play with this. This is a potential "issue" I will talk about on a future post or a revision of this post, but so far, the misplacement is very present. Hopefully it will be a pose problem and not an addon one. Last but not least, the genital area looks super cute! Still remains to be seen how it will work on actual intercourse, but I'm looking forward to experiment with it! As for the shoulder area, using the Shoulder Rotation controls on PoseEdit make them look better than they've ever been, looking very natural with the body. My overall first impression of this is: I will be abusing this addon. A lot. The body sculpture for this is a work of art. The main problem is clothes fitting and, quoting the man himself, he didn't bother with the existing clothes for this, so that might be a problem for regular poses, so it remains to be seen how this issue is ultimately fixed. But overall: I love it even more than the F7C, which has serious issues of its own. Great work, Driver!! I can't wait for the official release!
  9. These are powers not meant to be abused, my friend. I'll show you what I mean in the upcoming tutorials!
  10. Trapp

    NBP version 0.29

    Alright! Let me try this now! How do I install?
  11. Hey everyone! I'm at work right now, so I'll try and make this one super quick. I'm not sure how many entries I will do on this. I guess it depends on what you folks ask for if there's any interest. DISCLAIMER: This is meant to be a very basic guide written by a mentally challenged person. This is not: 1. An extensive tutorial on how to use Photoshop. 2. A step-by-step all-in-one solution to picture issues. 3. The formula to get your girlfriend back As I stated, this is a basic guide and the tips and tricks displayed here will have to be adapted to each and every scenario. Every picture is different and there are tons of factors that will determine what tools you should use. This tutorial is based on TK17 screenshots taken with Hook4 on a VERY NICE room texture that you can find and try for yourself right here: Now, on with the tutorial. I'm working on a series of mini-comics with some of my lovely ladies and this texture uploaded by @Ghostbear was the inspiration for it. As I mentioned before, I use Hook4 because of computer performance issues, but this room right here is almost as if I had H5 installed on my system. I know it slows down as much lol! Keep in mind that this tutorial is based on this specific room, but any room where you use H4/H5 will do. Let's begin. As I mentioned on a previous entry, Hook4 on my computer works rather strangely. It really darkens a lot of rooms but there are usually these "beams" of light or very bright sections to it, even when using an indoor location. I don't know why this happens, but since H4 doesn't have a GUI like H5 does, I don't want to go through editing each room texture's level_definition files since I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. This will only cover the screenshots taken. And with that being said, here's the test subject for today. DISCLAIMER: This is Nanno Chairat from Thailand. Yes, she is a very tiny Asian but she is 28 years old. It doesn't show well on these pictures, but she has tattoos. She is perfectly legal and her appearance here isn't breaking any KE rules. This is also my only model with such an appearance and again, SHE IS PERFECTLY LEGAL and she *might* be modelled after a former fuckbuddy of mine. Real good times. With that out of the way, we move. I'm using Photoshop CS3 for my photo editing software. I am aware that there are far more modern versions of it, but this is what my POS computers can handle. If you use more recent versions, the same tools are available for you. If you use something like GIMP, you should be able to see similar tools in it. This is my unedited photo. It's looking good but it still suffers from several issues. Namely, a dark background, low saturation and for some reason, the eyes are covered in this very heavy glow that makes them look creepy af. So, the first thing I'll usually do for this is hit every pic with the Levels tool, so go into the Image option at the top menu bar. The Levels tool works in four different ways. First, you have RGB, which controls the amount of overall Brightness of the picture. Then, it has three sub-levels: Red, Green and Blue. With Red, you can tint or saturate your picture to Red (right) or Cyan (left), Green (right) or Magenta (left), and Blue (right) or Yellow (left). I use these very sparingly, as each room is different and depending on whether the textures have a day or night sky is the amount I will usually calculate, but it is recommended that you don't oversaturate your image at this point. I use it strictly as an ambience tool. This tool has an on-screen Preview which will let you see how the picture is affected. Also, it allows you to save your changes! The Shortcut for the Levels tool on Photoshop is Ctrl + L. Load your presets with L and choose the file. Load and select Ok. Next, is Brightness/Contrast. This tool adjusts said parameters of your pictures and it is the one thing I reach for the most since my TK17 screenshots are very dark at times and I usually have to max out Brightness for the pics to look decent and use Contrast to balance things out. In this case, however, I use far more Contrast to saturate the image a little more. I'm looking for a night-time kind of look, so using more Brightness would ruin that. With this, my image is looking pretty decent already! Also worth noting is that neither this, nor the next tool have any shortcuts, so you have to use them by going to the drop-down menu at the top of the screen. Now, what I'll do for every single pic next is use the Exposure tool. I couldn't explain to you what this does, but make sure to use it sparingly as well, since it can cause several weird effects on your pictures and it will destroy the natural look of them. I want to get slightly more saturation and definition from the image, so that's what I use it for. This works similarly as the Levels tool, but this only has three sliders: Exposure, Offset and Gamma Correction. Again, use these sparingly. Both these Tools will turn the cursor into an Eyedropper which will sample a specific color, so make sure you don't click on the image while this special cursor is on. If you do, you might not get the desired effect for the rest of your gallery. And that's it! Now my pic is looking pretty damn good! This is it for Part One of this tutorial. The second part will be all about using a Tool that will be your best friend for editing those nasty lines we sometimes get on the joints of our models. See you there! Part 2 - The Smudge and Brush Tool
  12. This will be another short entry for my TK17 Screenshot dedicated Photoshop Tutorial. You can read Part 1 by clicking right here! Once again, a disclaimer is in order, so, on with it! DISCLAIMER: This is meant to be a very basic guide written by a mentally challenged person. This is not: 1. An extensive tutorial on how to use Photoshop. 2. A step-by-step all-in-one solution to picture issues. 3. A guide to hack the son of a bitch on Instagram who claimed to donating you 0.15 BTC only for him to send them through a shady website with no info on Google and yet requiring you deposit 0.01 BTC of your own to "validate your account" after which you spend over a month struggling and fighting with family over the lack of money only for your Instagram account to be HACKED BY THE SON OF A WHORE WHO PROBABLY JUST STOLE BACK THE BITCOIN ALONG WITH YOUR POORLY INVESTED MONEY MOTHERFUCKER I WILL KILL YOU!! Erm, I mean... Back to the tutorial now... Also, fuck crypto dudes. So, this is where we left off last time. We introduced the Levels, Brightness/Contrast and Exposure tools. These tools affect the entirety of the image and can be slightly tweaked to achieve certain effects. However, we're not close to being done. Oh no. What comes next is the ultimate in making your screenshots go from good to amazing. I give you... *drum roll followed by a brutal death metal like scream* SMUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDGE!!!! The Smudge tool is going to be the tool you will rely on the most for editing parts of your pictures that look the most unsightly. Namely, I don't know if you can tell from the previous picture, but there are some distinct lines around the joints for Nanno's and Marco's arms, hands and torso indicating where the joints of the models are. But that's a concern for future Trapp. Right now we want to focus on getting the eyeball glow fixed. Use your Smudge tool and make sure to zoom in to the problematic part. There, choose the brush size of your preference. As an added note, all my screenshots are sized 1024x768, which is the standard output resolution for TK17 screenshots (feel free to correct me if I'm mistaken). So obviously, using a large sized brush for the Smudge tool will fuck up the entire area it covers, so be careful and gentle with it, like you would your girly. For such a small resolution, I will usually go with a 1 size brush for the eyes, since there are very few pixels in that area and again, you want to be precise. So the first thing I did was slowly close up a circle of sorts where the eye iris is. When using the Smudge tool you need to remember that it is constantly tracking colors. What does that mean, though? It means, the area the cursor hovers over will pick up that specific color. If you move the cursor, it will track whatever color is beneath it. So if you, say, want to drag a green or a blue pixel but you end up smudging a pixel of a very different color, all surrounding pixels will be affected. This is the result of my Smudging. It's not quite clean yet but there is a defined boundary between eye iris, sclera and the eyeball glow. From here, the next thing I did was use the Eyedropper Tool (circled in red on the pictured) to try and pick up the closest color to white that I could. Why? To use the Brush tool, of course! The Brush tool, what it does is, it will paint over a specific area. And in the case of this pic, that specific area is the eye white. I realize in hindsight I could have done a waaaaay better job by painting the eye white over a different layer, but I'm just that retarded. Aaaaaaanyways, the reason you want to use the Brush tool is to COMBINE its effects with the Smudge tool. This will come in handy as we go over the next part of the tutorial, but for now, we obviously don't want our eye white to be entirely white. That's where Smudge comes in, to drag some color into specific parts of our picture. In order for the eyes to lose that Uncanny Valley characteristic after editing, we need to be measured in our use of both the Smudge and the Brush tools. Since this was my first try, I don't think there is much else that can be done at this point, but here's the end result from a zoom out: There doesn't seem to be anything inherently weird about it until we zoom back in. How this may look to you is entirely subjective, but I agree that there's plenty of room for improvement here. Also worth noting to wrap this post up is that I used a larger sized brush on the Smudge tool to get rid of those fugly texture lines on Nanno's shoulders by simply brushing along the collarbone and illuminated skin. As a final note for this part of the tutorial, I must address this: Photoshop's (or any photo editing software) tools are very destructive. What I mean by that is, THEY DO NOT WORK ON A SINGLE PIXEL BASIS. They affect surrounding pixels as well, which results in some serious alterations to the image, even with a brush size set to 1 pixel. When using the Smudge or Brush tool to lighten the eye white or getting rid of body texture lines, BE CAREFUL. Remember that the larger the brush size, the bigger the number of pixels affected by your usage of these tools. And your models standing out won't now as much if you're not surgical with these. I learned this part the hard way when putting together material for the next part of the tutorial, and believe me: Mistakes like these will cost you time and effort to solve, making you even fully ditch your entire photo edit. That is it for this post. I hope some of you are taking these tips to heart and starting to make your pictures look awesome. On part 3 I will show you step by step how to get from a dark, undefined image to a bright, vibrant one with a bit of "special effects" to it. See you then!
  13. Trapp

    So far, so...

    Are Ryn02 and Ryn the same model? Let me get them. Thank you!
  14. Trapp

    So far, so...

    Thank you! Does it require any specific mod and base model?
  15. Trapp

    Project Default

    The Racer Girl outfit is super hot and deserves a comeback! Also, we don't get enough love for the guys, so maybe some shirts and jackets?
  16. Trapp

    So far, so...

    Jesus Christ, she looks LOVELY!! Also, I couldn't make a face that pretty if I tried, she is gorgeous all over!
  17. As Tutorials should be lol! Thank you man! You inspired me to do this one!
  18. Thanks man! But this doesn't mean content is going to slow down! On the contrary! I've got a special series of posts coming up!
  19. I believe these blog entries are about to become slightly more spaced in terms of time now due to my new job (yay!), but for now I wanted to tell you about a few happenings regarding comic creation and a few new models I'm working with. Also, let this entry be witness to me having actual progress with archiving my models for exclusive posting here on KE, so if you're interested in any of my girls, requirements won't be many other than XBody and XLashes for them, as well as some specific addons for each that will come included in the model upload. Whatever else you might need will be mentioned when those uploads finally come. With that being said, here's a preview of a special group I've been working on. Yes, I'm aware that there are some superior models of these ladies available here at the Klub, but not ALL the ladies... Also, DOA XTREME VENUS VACATION HAIRS AND SKINS WHEN?!?!?! I know they don't look anywhere near their actual videogame models, but if anyone is interested in having sexy versions of the Dead Or Alive girls up to DOA5 LR (since that's the extent of the assets available for TK17 users), they will all be ready for your pleasure soon enough, EXCLUSIVE for Klub Exile! I struggled a bit getting these together, but I hope you will enjoy how they look. Going into the OC territory, I think it's time I discuss the girls in my latest gallery, linked right here: So, besides Dany (who I've extensively showcased and sort of talked about in past entries), we have three new girls. The tallest one is Rachel Vidal, 23 years old and a friend of Dani's. She will have a small role in CNC Baby. She is a bombshell Colombian with the biggest boobs out of all my girls, even surpassing Aoi-sama! She enjoys metal music but isn't shy about clubbing. She's also a bit of a loose girl, so if you want some fun times, definitely hit her up! Rachel here is a very versatile girl. So much so, that you can go in her butt without any lube and she'll be happy to take you! The second girl is my tiniest yet. But she's more than legal, I swear to God! Her name is Nanno Chairat from Thailand. She's 28 years old and has two jobs: Veterinarian and pet aesthetician during the day and bar girl during the night! She travelled to LA from Pattaya for work and is struggling a little bit with the language barrier. However, there are a few things she is an expert in: Making your pets look their best, and raising boners! Yeah, her looks are admittedly dangerous for KE, but she wouldn't be here if she wasn't old enough at least. And if you must know, she loves being manhandled! Let me tell you, I love tiny Southeast Asians! And Nanno here is a super special one ready for petting! Me so horny! Last on this list is Cassidy Monroe. You mean you don't know of her?? Well, she's a rising adult film actress and has a bubbly personality to boot! She's German and while she doesn't have a proper role in future comics, she has a twin sister named Hannah, who is the complete opposite of her. And of course, she suffers because of her twin's lewd antics... They will also be featured in CNC Baby when that drops. I don't know about you, but Cass is a fucking CUTIE! Also, she's not afraid to flash you if she digs you, so... Fich mich!! Would you have imagined a girl with a goth girl next door look to be so naughty? Her smile is something precious! In other news, I've been editing skins in order to prep them for model upload, since a few of my girls have certain characteristics I want to portray on them, and to be honest, @Morius has some amazing tutorials in which you can learn how to edit skins to make them look unique using Photoshop, so a huge shoutout to him for his support and help with this massive endeavor. Once that's taken care of, I'll update the Trapp's Angels blogs to include the model download links. As for the comics themselves... I've been having a bit of a writer's block on CNC Baby. I have tons of ideas for that story, but it's putting the first comic together that I'm struggling with. Namely, how to introduce the characters into the story and make the best of what visual elements I have already produced. Maybe taking time off of that and focusing on other things will help me come back to things with a fresh outlook. So far I've produced two demos of the comic and I'm not entirely sold on either of them. So until I feel confident about the story I want to tell, it will have to wait. Please be patient until then. Well, that's about it for this entry. Very early mornings await now that I'm on a schedule, but I know this will all be worth it. Thank you once again for reading these rants, and read you on the next one!
  20. Mr. OZ, your stuff is well worth the wait! I can't wait to get caught up on what will happen on Stiel Maiden!
  21. Jesus Christ, Malena is a sexy little chocolate! Also a tough girl, she looks so badass!
  22. Trapp

    Amélie Boucher

    What a BABE! She's a tough cookie for sure! I like her story arc a lot and she seems very interesting! I like a woman that doubles as a chameleon!
  23. Neat! I can't wait to learn more about Mari-chan!
  24. Great profiles! I wish I was as concise about my own characters! And these girls, whoa... Hotties!!
  25. It's more like, every other texture gets warped when it happens. Like, the skin loads fine, but the hairline, makeup, nipples, muscles and pubes (if used) all get warped out of place. I'll look for the manual but it's full of confusing terms, to be honest. As for your tutorials, I'll check them out once I'm done archiving the files needed to share all my models.
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