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Everything posted by Trapp

  1. Keep in mind that this is written by someone with no actual knowledge of how the military works, and whose closest reference is a video game franchise with a story so convoluted that still is grounds for debate even today! But I'll try my best!
  2. Quick small entry before hitting the sack and preparing for another week of work. During a conversation with Good Buddy @Morius, and following a similar format of his blogs about the Special Task Force "Stargazer", I've decided to delve slightly into the story of "Maverick", the private military corporation Hikaru Ichinose and Nina Sotelo used to be members of. This first entry will only serve as a reference point as to what to expect, as well as a small overview of said organization. Be mindful that this is a work in progress and that a one-shot comic is currently in production, which will delve specifically in Hikaru's history with the organization. With that out of the way, let's begin. WARNING: Some of the assets seen in these pictures are taken from Mass Effect and the Metal Gear series. No copyright infringement is intended as these are shown only for narrative and world-building purposes. Logo taken from the Metal Gear Wikia. Only meant to be used as a point of reference to my in-universe organization. Maverick Security Consulting Inc. (Maverick for short), is a private military corporation (PMC) founded in the early 00s as means of providing military assistance in countries with severe humanitarian crises such as unhinged cartel violence or civil war. The organization has reach all around the globe and, while going by different names in certain regions, they all work under the unified Maverick branding. It is said that Maverick has financing from superpowers from the West like the United States, United Kingdom, Japan and several countries of the European Union, with a small percentage of the aforementioned countries' budgets financing the PMC's operations. Originally introduced in Gravure Love as a namedrop in a couple of comics, the original inspiration from the name came from the video game franchise "Mega Man X", which presents sentient androids known as "Reploids". These Reploids were modelled after Dr. Thomas Light's final creation, "X", who underwent a testing of his internal systems to confirm his reliability due to the innovative feature of having human-like thoughts and emotions, being bestowed with self-awareness and free will, but still bound by Isaac Asimov's Three Rules of Robotics. The name "Maverick" is the English name for Reploids who go out and defy human orders, causing damage and attacking robots and humans alike. The original term in Japanese for these rebellious robots is "Irregular". However, upon stumbling with videos about Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, the company the main character, "Raiden" was working for at the beginning of the name was also called Maverick. So, yeah. That's where the name comes from. So far, this project will diverge slightly from my usual content, as it will include more action and serious scenes rather than sex scenes. Don't worry, sex will still be present! But I want to try and tell a different story as I wait for inspiration to come for CNC Baby Issue 2, which might take longer than what I originally anticipated, since the route the series will go in is still up in the air. So for now, this is what is currently inspiring me. I'll leave you with a presentation of a few of the characters, who will all have their own profiles in the future. Hikaru Ichinose is the most prominent member of Maverick in the TrappVerse. Currently retired, he was one of the most elite soldiers of the organization and has been involved with them from the age of 18 until his defection at age 24, following a haunting discovery about the organization and the corruption that seeped within it. His codename was Pegasus. Nina Sotelo is another member of the PMC who defected. She was originally trained in combat by a character who has close ties to both her and Hikaru. Nina was known for her silent assassination skills and also was a bit of a master of disguise, which let her blend in with the outside world. Originally a member of the White Horse Unit, she was recruited into Maverick's new SuperNatural Unit. Shortly after this, she defected under protection from Hikaru, who negotiated her freedom in exchange for secrets he discovered while back in Japan. Her codename was Scorpio, and she was one of the most elite soldiers the organization has ever had. Joao Alves was a member of Maverick who quickly rose through the ranks during the time Hikaru was still under employment. Codenamed Lynx, he had strong negotiation skills and connections with Brazilian cartels and guerillas, such as the infamous Tropa Vermelha. He betrayed the organization and was executed by Nina, who was his lover, then wife. And finally, Sabrina Sotelo was another prominent member of the organization, being ranked as one of the highest combatants within Maverick. More information about her will be revealed in the one-shot. According to Nina, Sabrina died during her first official mission. Her codename was Andromeda. As an added bonus, Maverick has started R&D in the training of a special assault team named The Alpha Cavalry, which follows morally dubious forms of recruiting. Dark rumors about this unit and its members have begun surfacing after Hikaru Ichinose's arrival to Japan. This could spell certain doom for the organization. And that's about all I've got for now! Stay tuned for more during the following weeks as more progress is made here. Until next time, Trapp out!
  3. Trapp

    Hanami Promo Replica

    Sounds like a plan! What is that hair you got for your copycat? I don't recall seeing it before!
  4. Trapp

    Hanami Promo Replica

    It's great to be inspired from amazing renders you see online and get these results! I would advise you to play a little bit with the face and eye controls on PoseEdit to give her more expressiveness. If she's an XBody model, you can even refine those expressions further!
  5. First off, thank you to everyone who has commented on this. I know you all have your personal struggles and it doesn't really get easier, but some days are just better than others. That's how life works. I chose to reply to this comment specifically because I want you to know that, if I can do what I do, with as limited time and resources as I have, there is literally nothing that stops you from doing your own thing. It may take a month, it may take a year, it may take longer. But as long as your mind and heart are set on getting things done, you will reach your goal. I mean, just look at @Oz70NYC, even when he's trying to take it easy, he's pushing content out the door like I've never seen him do! Comic after comic, story after story, and they're all just amazing. They're serious, they're hot, they're fun. That is the style of narrative I try to push for, but here's the thing: I haven't lived through what he did. I don't have any of his knowledge and experience, and I think that's what makes each person's work unique: Your own experiences makes the foundation of your work. For me, the Gravure Love series I'm making, has no rhyme or reason at all. It's just a Hentai inspired story with a guy and his "harem" of ladies, as we would see in visual novels or animation. But I do want to deepen the characters' lore and personalities, and make them come alive. I even got a suggestion to delve deeper into the MC for this series, which I haven't even thought about, but it inspires me to do something new that I haven't tried. So I guess we'll see how that fares. Now, for CNC Baby, I'm having so many ideas, that it's difficult to filter and process them so that they make sense within what the first issue has shown. It is a project that is set for the long run, and I want to add more of myself in it. The current progress on that is slow because I need to prepare as many images as I can, and I don't always have access to the laptop with the game, and adding to that, is apparently ADHD. But I do have kind of a layout for things, so it's just a matter of getting everything aligned with work and family and life to get the ball rolling. Realistically, I don't see the second issue being released any time sooner than two months from now, at least. But I'm trying! And finally, hearing things like this makes me feel like what I do here is worth it. Thank you for hopping along for the ride, and I hope that I get to see whatever it is you're working on. I'm sure you will do great. And again, Oz, @SovietTiger, @Morius, @Tipsy, and those who haven't seen this blog entry but have been supportive of my shit since I started here on KlubExile, whether it is just comments on my images, tips on how to get shit to work in my game, or just flat out laughs... Thank you all. There truly is no better community than us. Exile For Life!
  6. Trapp

    All about arms

    This is an important update! One I didn't think LATONA needed, but hey! I welcome it!
  7. Okay, at first you had my curiosity... But now you have my erection... I know what I said lol! That sounds neat! Now, in regards to that, and going back to Krillin and 18 (specifically, their DBZ Abridged incarnation), I think Nick Landis and Amber Connors would be great voices for Sully and Lori if we're talking voice actors specifically. I would go with Nick's natural voice since his Krillin is very cartoonish (he also does Vegeta and Piccolo, sick vocal range) but Amber... She can do badass, vulnerable AND sexy all at once! https://youtu.be/zQ8kVFlEJQU
  8. I didn't expect Sully to be the next character profile, but I'll be damned if he isn't a damn good character. I love that despite his physical hindrances, he's still got mad balls! No wonder Lori loves him so! As a couple they remind me of Krillin and Android 18 for how disparagingly different, but absolutely adorable they are. Can't wait to see more of him soon! Also, I'm REALLY curious about Rory's story now lol!
  9. I do see the resemblance, and Jon Bernthal's performance as The Punisher is top notch! I won't stop hearing his voice every time I read JP's dialogues now!
  10. Simple, yet to the point profile. And that track, man! It sounds AMAZING! Gives me cerebral Vol. 3-era Slipknot vibes. A perfect representation of a man willing to bring the world as we know it to ruin in order to start anew.
  11. I want to take you back to September of last year. I was in the middle of recruitment for what would become my current job (nine months in now, which makes me breathe a little easier!) and it was during that time that I realized, the computer I had at the time wouldn't be useful for the job training I needed to undergo, so I loaned a laptop with enough power to get me through things, and after some testing, I decided to install TK17 on it just to see how it ran. After a while of putting out comics and not being happy with the visuals both Vanilla graphics and Hook4 were giving me, I was debating on whether or not I should throw in the towel. Also, I made this post about a character I had created a couple of years prior. This character has been pivotal in my growth as a content creator, and a huge motivator for me to continue exploring the world of possibilities The Klub 17 offered. I slowly started to gain some knowledge, experimenting with different addons, textures, body mods... And then, the golden ticket arrived: I was finally able to use the Extended version of Hook5, and a new world of graphic power was now at my fingertips. Nine months have passed since then. I learned more about Hook5 thanks to the wonderful friends and community I made here on KlubExile. I became frustrated at the lack of time to work on this passion project of mine because of work, family and plain old life. During that time period, I moved out three times, including from a lifelong home after personal tragedies took some of my closest relatives from me. Life had hit me with several physical, mental and emotional blows that had me contemplating the possibility of taking my own life after some serious self-reflection about myself and the actions that brought me to the point I was back then. I had taken up a job training at one of the worst possible places for people to work on back in May, becoming so stressed out that I ended up with a serious health scare and the worst pain I have ever felt in my entire life. Fast forward to the present, and some issues still remain in my personal and family life that I need to work on, as well as realizing that I'm not getting any younger and that my habits will bring forth my downfall if I don't start taking my health seriously now. And also, since September of 2022, I put out so many comic books and galleries, and I'm striving to become even more prolific as long as time allows it. Then again, "more" doesn't necessarily mean "better". Which brings me to the topic of this blog: CNC Baby, as stated in the linked blog post above as well as this one, in which I talk about the evolution of my lead female for this series, is a story that was born out of two things: First, an attempt to understand women's sexuality. Particularly, what it means to women to relinquish control and power of their bodies to their preferred sexual partner, and to try and define where the line between consensual and non-consensual acts becomes blurry. At the time of writing this blog, it is still unclear whether this will be the ultimate road I will end up going down since there's still so much more story to tell and so many characters waiting for proper development. Second, and on a much more personal note... CNC Baby and the creation of Daniela Olivares started as a way for me to get over a person from my past who I had become obsessed with for five years. Risking relationships, opportunities for growth, and making many awful mistakes along the way as I tried to fill a void that person left in me that I just couldn't fill with anything. The aftermath of that left me in a deplorable state, and what I once thought to be a lost opportunity for love, was nothing but pure, twisted obsession over a moment we both lived and hyped up to for months before it happened. And coming to terms with that devastating realization, was one of the most painful, yet liberating things I ever had to deal with. It wasn't pretty. It painted me for how despicable and pathetic of a person I could become. It was at that point, and after several things happening in my life in the following years, that I decided I didn't want to be that person anymore. And like I stated, some things still need to be worked on. But in hindsight, I'm doing better now than I have in years. My eyes are open, and now it's up to me and only me to see my current trials through to the end. This first issue of CNC Baby was the result of three years since I created Dani's original model up to writing the last line of dialogue for this comic book. Being a small content creator, a justified fear is that the work that means the most to you will suffer from that "tree falling in the forest" paradox. Will it make noise if no one is there to listen to it? If no one is there, can we know for sure that the tree actually fell? And most importantly: Does any of it fucking matter at all? For today... I choose to believe it does. I know I have a long road ahead of me. And I intend to see it to its conclusion. CNC Baby will remain a priority for TrappComics, but it won't be the only thing I will focus on. With dozens of characters to work with and more control over the game and its graphic enhancements, I would be doing myself a disservice if I didn't exploit it to its fullest in the pursuit of telling more stories of any type. I make no promises, but I'm looking at TWELVE ISSUES of CNC Baby. Will I be able to pull it off? Nobody knows. Will it be more issues? Less issues? Nobody knows. What shape will the story take? Noooobody knoooooows... But for now, here is the first issue. Thank you for reading as I've decided to randomly expose a very intimate part of myself here. CNC Baby is Live. And it will get sillier, hotter, cuter and darker than anything I have ever committed to a page. That, I can promise you. Read CNC Baby #1 - The Desire In My Head below. P.S. - Also, I promise that I will live to see Metalocalypse: Army of the Doomstar on release day, one way or another!
  12. Trapp

    CNC Baby #1 - The Desire In My Head

    Daniela Olivares has a forbidden crush. And she also has some "particular" interests... To the outside world, she's just a quiet girl. But the lewd turmoil inside her is about to come to light... In this issue: Dani has the hots for her Calculus teacher and it is messing with her head. Will she muster up the courage to confront her hidden, rampant desires?
  13. Trapp


    From the album: CNC Baby #1 - The Desire In My Head

    © Story and Characters by Trapp. All graphic assets belong to their respective creators.

    • 0 B
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  14. Trapp

    Scifi Pussy

    Holy shit, this looks awesome!!
  15. This sounds great! Just remember to take care of yourself, Oz!
  16. Trapp


    Those tits are beautiful!
  17. Trapp


    Dani needs to blow off some steam before bedtime...
  18. Trapp

    Golden Brown

    Mega babe! Will you put her for download some day?
  19. I love goth chicks, but this one does have the power to turn one into a husk!
  20. Trapp

    I command you to rise!

    Well, I tried singing the lyrics but the last time that happened, I ended up summoning an ancient giant lake troll that ended up wreaking havoc all over the country... We're still waiting an apology from these guys:
  21. Trapp

    Come fly with me!

    ¡Nomás porque no hay reacción del chamuco, pero sí! ¿Qué mejor que una aerolínea con aeromozas que vistan así? ¡El negocio se va pa'rriba!
  22. Trapp

    Take me...~ ♥

    Ni hablar, ya para la próxima!
  23. Trapp

    A Comforting Embrace

    I will wash away your sorrows...
  24. Trapp


    Aoi-sama is reminiscing of old times! Want to take a dive with her?
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