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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel


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Everything posted by Trapp

  1. Trapp


    Such a luscious babe!
  2. Trapp


    That glistening sweat on the skin looks fantastic!
  3. Trapp

    Blue Lights

    Well well well, am I going to need to get the hose? How did we go from a discussion on UV light sex (which this is just regular light lol) to cum as a beauty supplement to what not to say on a first date? You guys are awesome lol!
  4. Trapp

    Blue Lights

    Don't know about you, but I would love to have sex on a room with such chill ambience!
  5. Ironically enough, that's the name of a brand that produces heaters here in Mexico lmao!
  6. Trapp

    RIP Blake

    Al chile, yo soy exactamente igual. No soy el tipo de persona que cree en Dios, o en algo divino. No creo en que las personas sean recompensadas o castigadas por sus acciones al morir, y mucho menos creo en eso de la trascendencia. Simplemente somos. En el pasado no fuimos, y en el futuro, no vamos a ser. Y aun así, mi compa me hace desear que sea lo contrario, porque con todo, era una de las personas más genuinamente buenas que conocí. Nunca tiró mal rollo a nadie, siempre fue una persona de principios. Teniendo oportunidades para beneficiarse o hacer algo "malo", jamás lo hizo. Él fue mucho mejor persona de lo que yo jamás seré. Lo que me reconforta de todo esto es que tengo lugares donde puedo verlo, escucharlo. Y ya no siento angustia, al contrario. Siento felicidad y orgullo de ver que ha tocado a tanta gente haciendo lo que hacía, a tal grado de incluso haber recibido reconocimiento de profesionales establecidos en su rubro. Eso, pocos lo logran. Y siempre lo voy a recordar como el cabrón que dio todo por su sueño, y aunque dejó cosas inconclusas, ya es un campeón. Su ausencia sí me va a calar un buen rato, eso sí. Y al final, soy igual de depravado que todos los que estamos aquí. Pero estar aquí se siente como un segundo hogar luego de tanta pérdida. No sabes cuánto valoro todas las interacciones que tengo aquí, y la calma que siento que aquí puedo reírme, intrigarme, aprender y hacer muchas cosas. Obviamente nunca voy a alcanzar el nivel de contacto humano que mi compa tenía, pero para mí está bien. Igual tengo el mismo sentido del humor mórbido y roto, y sé que en cada broma futura que haga, ahí va a estar para decirme "Cabrón, no te pases de verga". Fue uno de los buenos, y solo por eso, genuinamente deseo que todas las pendejadas del cielo y eso sean reales, aún si con eso ya me condené a mí mismo.
  7. Trapp


    Why not make it a Back 2 School theme? That would get people interested!
  8. Trapp

    RIP Blake

    Thanks everyone who reached out to me about this. This is not the thing you would expect to see in an adult game forum, but as I stated, I had nowhere else to vent. He had such a broken sense of humor, he would have laughed about it so hard. So that's how I'm going to remember him. Regrets mean nothing. All I can do is remember our time fondly, like you all say. That's the best way to honor his memory.
  9. Life fucking sucks right now. Today I woke up to one of the worst possible news I could have received. One of my best friends passed away last night in his sleep. It's very hard to process because he was very young and there weren't any signs that something might be wrong, at all. I don't have anywhere or anyone else to mourn him, so this small blog post will have to do. I met my friend Blake in 2006/2007 at a music store I used to work at. I was a drummer at the time and he went around with a friend of his videotaping with his camcorder and we became friends after bonding about music, eventually recording a few silly videos and thinking of forming a band together after mine had broken up. It was through him that I met Horse The Band, pioneers of the Nintendocore sound, and I remember the all-nighters we pulled playing videogames, recording short films and hanging out at local shows. We would hang out at one of his friends' house late at night wearing makeshift masks made of tin foil on the late 2000s version of Omegle, we would chase him being chased (it makes sense) by our lead guitarist as he was throwing up on the street after a spaghetti binge with our singer filming them as I played Slipknot riffs on an acoustic guitar laughing our asses off the whole time. When Horse The Band came to our town, he filmed the whole show and I was in charge of stage lights (horribly btw) and after they played, we hung out and talked to Nathan and Dash backstage. Gig after-parties were dumb and hilarious, dealing with drunk-ass dudes and watching fans thrashing the stage on one occasion. Fun fucking times. On one occasion when I was going to leave town to study music (one of my many life failures), he and our lead guitarist would come pick me up after work when I sold my drum kit and we would go drive around town smoking pot. The high I had that day, I'll never forget. I felt like I was trapped inside my own body watching everything as if it was through a screen and yelling "I'M GOING TO DIE!!" next to a fucking patrol and him telling me to shut the fuck up. I never had a tastier pastry than on that day, and we ended up getting Carl's Jr after my high came down and I was in a zombified state, munching slowly at my Western Bacon cheeseburger. These were but a few of the many adventures I lived with my friend Blake. He had dreams of becoming a filmmaker, and even prepared a short film with some very prestigious actors which sadly got canned due to budget reasons. He spent the final years of his life making Fucking Ugly Drawings (Pinches Dibujos Culeros) filling them with his personality and feel. Always the affable guy, he gave me some of the strongest hugs anyone ever gave me, even lifting my skinny ass on many occasions. We laughed together, cried together, ate and got drunk together, and even made music together. Even though life drove us apart, we managed to stay in touch, with him even wanting to feature me in one of his comics, which sadly never came to be. I'm sorry I missed your birthday, man. I'm sorry I didn't stay in touch with you more often. Now you are gone, and it breaks me to my core to know that I will never hear your laughter or feel your hugs again. I'll leave you with a clip I found on YouTube of us playing a show back in 2008. The video is obviously crap quality, but the audio is pretty clear. He plays the lead at the very end of the song, called "Fuga de Cometas" which was written by our lead guitarist, and was the song that brought us together. I love you, brother. Godspeed, Blake.
  10. The only thing I've ever used to resemble that was Photoshop lol! How about something for the H5 Skin System? You know how there are tattoos there for easy placement? Maybe some tattoos could be made to simulate bruises, cuts and scrapes! It's what makes the most sense to me!
  11. Alexa has got to be one of the hottest models in KE! Glad to see her back!
  12. Trapp


    Very little things can beat a tanned, extra curvy babe! I love this!
  13. Trapp

    Barbitch Fuckdoll

    Getting serious Kenzie Reeves vibes from her
  14. Trapp

    Lubrification service

    Okay, THIS might be my favorite so far. You never disappoint with these, ever!
  15. Trapp

    Just a Sex Show

    Dayum! What babes!
  16. Trapp

    Demon Dream

    Chef's kiss! So beautiful!
  17. Exactly. That's why 7.5 to me was very important to understand the mindset of Lori regarding her job in the last pages. She already had great character development from the start like you said, but that's what really cemented her as more than a badass with a good heart. That's why I immediately thought of Ripley and Sarah Connor, as well as Eowyn from Lord of the Rings. Like them, I know Lori believes in seeing her mission to the end, but it doesn't make it easier to do because of how she is. In Sarah's case, she wants to prevent the machines to take over the world, but at the same time, she wants to protect John in case the worst does happen, to the point that she would give her life for that to happen. Quoting a certain bandana-wearing super soldier from videogames: "It's easy to forget what a sin is in the middle of battle". I can only imagine how much that weighs on Lori's conscience. Well, this is important shit to know! No pun intended
  18. Okay, first the obvious out of the way: Lori Slayer is RIPPED! I can absolutely see the resemblance between her and your Lori! Also, great call on Panam, she's the hottest girl in Cyberpunk 2077! With the thirst out of the way, I love Lori as a character. She's sassy, determined, a total badass, yet very human. Those traits in modern female characters are far and in-between from the massive cesspool of Mary Sues plaguing modern media today. In her, I see a little bit of Ellen Ripley and Sarah Connor, really taking me back to the late 80s/early 90s female badasses. Lori could easily be placed among those hallowed characters in my book. She is THAT good. Also, great choice in music! The video was pretty cool too!
  19. Trapp


    That room has never worked in my game, ever.
  20. Trapp


    WHOA! She looks GORGEOUS!! This is chocolate at its finest!
  21. Trapp

    Please Cum More

    Dayum, how awesome!
  22. Trapp

    Sophie - Latex Love

    This is absolutely gorgeous! She looks so sexy!
  23. Trapp

    Say hi!

    Ooooh, a more grown up Marie Rose! Nice!
  24. Trapp


    Sweet pic! What room is this?
  25. Trapp


    Jeez, talk about a real treat! She's gorgeous, man! Any chance you could share her soon?
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