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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel


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Everything posted by Trapp

  1. Trapp

    CNC Baby #2 - Ground Zero

    Daniela Olivares has a forbidden crush. And she also has some "particular" interests... To the outside world, she's just a quiet girl. But the lewd turmoil inside her is about to come to light... In this issue: An art class is bringing Dani closer to the object of her desires. Unsure of what to do, a beacon of light will help her find her way. What will result of her confession to Max Huerta? This issue is a collaboration between myself and @SovietTiger, who graciously allowed me to feature Rassía in this issue. You can get her below. Music featured in this issue: Coco Jones - ICU Ximena Sariñana - Las Huellas (Amarte Duele Soundtrack)
  2. Trapp


    From the album: CNC Baby #2 - Ground Zero

    © Story and Characters by Trapp. All graphic assets belong to their respective creators. Rassia appears courtesy of SovietTiger.

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  3. Trapp


    From the album: CNC Baby #2 - Ground Zero

    © Story and Characters by Trapp. All graphic assets belong to their respective creators. Rassia appears courtesy of SovietTiger.

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  4. Same here, man. It's beginning to look like a good story is coming, I hope!
  5. I can see the Finish line, so I have to push it a little bit more!
  6. So, progress has been made, FINALLY. I tried to keep this under wraps for a long time, but I have some good news to share with everyone. I released the first issue of CNC Baby back in July 1st, and since then, a lot of shit happened. Like, A LOT. I moved within two weeks without a proper eviction notice and in the meantime, one of my closest friends passed away in his sleep. And since moving, there's been massive life changes and the cherry on top of it all? Hurricane season is coming strong and reached my little desert town, being trapped in the rain for days and revealing the deplorable state of my current house. Oh well. So these haven't exactly been the best of times. However, being the stubborn sunovabitch I have always been, I bulldozed through and I'm happy to report that Issue #2 of CNC Baby is coming next week! However, a bit of a warning is at hand. This upcoming issue vastly differs from anything I've put out, namely Gravure Love and After-Party Sluts. While those are fun (and I will continue to make those), I wanted CNC Baby from the start to be a more serious comic, closer to real life. While the ultimate point of it is to explore the fetish of Consensual Non-Consensual, the truth is, the idea has expanded beyond that. And this issue, for one, doesn't contain any of that. Hell, it doesn't even contain any lewd scenes with Dani. Well, again, for the most part. Instead, the focus of this issue is to build up characters and the world they live in. Therefore, there will be a lot of side characters and cameos, the main one being already spoiled as it is Rassía from Comrade @SovietTiger. Also, this one finally gives some proper development to the character of Max Huerta, a figure who, until the release of CNC Baby 1 was just man meat for Dani. Here, we see him having a bit more agency and discovering his motivations and personality, which is something that is needed for a lead. Here's a little bit of background. Max Huerta was born in Nicaragua to American parents. His father fought as part of "Las Contras" during the Sandinista insurrection that took down General Somoza, so he has double nationality. Besides his work as a teacher, he is involved in his family's activism in favor of immigrants that go to the United States until he decided to focus on his academic formation, marrying a prestigious woman in his mid 20s as they both seemed to have similar interests regarding politics. That, however, didn't last very long as his ex-wife true intentions became known. Using Max to further her political career, she climbed up in popularity and has tried to be part of the National Congress. However, with Max finding out about his father's second family back in Nicaragua, and with the Sandinistas becoming an oppresive force that rules the country, he helped his father and brought his younger brother and sister to the US. Knowing his ex-wife's true intentions, he decided to become more active in his family's pro-immigrant activities, thus straining his relationship to the point of a tough divorce. However, I believe that the main theme for this issue is Friendship. Dani and Max are characters that are brought together by circumstance, but how their relationship changes is mostly dependant on the outlook of their friends. In Dani's case, Rassía and her classmates; and in Max's case, his other friendships. It is through these relationships that Dani and Max will start to become closer towards Issue 3, where the big step will finally take place, changing their lives forever. As of right now, I've decided NOT to stick with the original story draft I had written and just see where the story takes me. There are many elements of that manuscript which are still considered, but things may change in the future as the story further develops. And also, given the time it has taken me to work on this issue and the long-term goals associated with this series, providing a proper timeframe for upcoming issues is no longer a priority. I don't want to stress myself up and force ideas that in the long run might not work, so I'm going to take my sweet time with Issue 3 of CNC Baby after the release, since there are TONS of other things that I've been sitting on for months on end, and it's about time I finally give them the time and attention they deserve. So there. That's the update. What can you expect after CNC Baby 2? Well, besides the usual content, I will bring back Trapp's Angels profiles soon and continue uploading my models for you guys to enjoy. At one point I said I would upload Dani, however, I have such close ties to her that I don't think I could share her alone. I don't see her as anyone else's partner but Max's, so I'm still debating on that. In any case, more to come soon, and stay tuned for the release. Thanks for reading.
  7. Trapp

    The Night

    The lighting looks PHENOMENAL!!
  8. Trapp


    What a sexy little plaything!
  9. Alright, this is going to be awesome!!
  10. No, I'll try and upload her today later. Stay tuned for that!
  11. Jenna is a cutie! Well, I don't have her per sé, but I have a model that looks a lot like her, if that makes sense? Or maybe it's just my bias since I'm so attached to her...
  12. Yeah, that's pretty much what I've been doing these past few weeks. I have a looooong way to go, still.
  13. Hey everyone! Seems to me like KE has been a bit too quiet lately. I myself haven't really had much time with the game since my duties at work have shifted, and it's not a good time. At all. Also, I've been getting a few visual novels to play, so I'm currently going through a couple of those. Does that mean I stopped making stuff altogether? Nope! I don't have much time, so let me break down what I'm preparing for you all for the coming weeks: After-Party Sluts has been a (relatively) easy series to make, since I don't have to think much about plot or narrative. I'm definitely going to take more time with those and use a lot of my more "obscure" ladies, or at least the ones I haven't fully showcased as of late. If you missed it, I put out a second issue a few weeks ago starring @demonv1's very own Layla, as well as introducing two new girls who will be soon showcased: Amanda Soares (pictured at the bottom) and Aya Ramos (left side). I have some naughty naughty plans for these two! As if the end of this comic didn't spoil enough! If this isn't how you want to start or end your day... I don't know what to tell you lol! Next, I decided to bite the bullet and do a small introduction comic for one of my favorite girls. Probably becoming a series of its own (not about her, but the idea in general) in which I grab some girls cast for Black Trapper Media and delve a little bit into why they decided to go for the porn route. I think it's interesting to think about this, since there's a lot of documentaries that talk about life after porn or those kinds of things, but never about why they go into porn. It might be a cop-out since the answers are very easy to imagine... But I feel that only barely touches the surface, and also, Black Trapper Media isn't your run-of-the-mill porn company. More of that in the upcoming issue starring Pervi Lexi, who really went out of her way to be cast! Also, an appearance from my homegirl Harleen The Assgardian! She looks so badass as a rock singer, ngl. However, with these projects in tow, you might be asking yourselves (if at all...): What happened to those two big projects you were working on, Trapp?? Well, as of right now, Maverick is still in a bit of a hiatus. Reasons are laid out at the beginning of this post, duh... I feel like I have a good story to tell, but the way I wrote that first draft doesn't necessarily feel like the way I should approach a comic about Hikaru Ichinose's past. I love the idea and I stand behind what I have in mind for it, but I don't know if my current route is the adequate one. Also, still got a ton of work to do for it. For what it's worth, working on this potential cover really makes me motivated to get this done! And finally, the elephant in the room: CNC Baby. For this one, the second issue is coming together. I prepared a sort of "progress log" issue that helps me keep track of what I wrote for it and what the final product is bound to look like. As previously stated, this second issue is not going to have much in terms of sex in the main story line, but I plan to have an extended addendum courtesy of @SovietTiger himself to showcase some of Rassia's finest sexual moments! As of today, I'd say the comic is 60-65% complete. Still need to go and capture more stuff for it, but, as I said... I need time for that, and every day I wake up for work feels like a part of my creative juices are being slowly and painfully drained. But the good news is, Issue #2 might see the light at the end of October if all goes as planned! So, root for me. I don't like to brag, but I think this might be one of my finest works yet. And also, it will feature appearances from some people you've seen before! So I'll leave you with this last picture to showcase some of that. Guess who dat ass belongs to! Spoilers: It's a mature Trapp's Angel already featured in a previous comic. Until next time, Trapp out!
  14. Trapp


    I'm just going to flat out say it: This is a true work of art!
  15. Trapp


    Ahhh yes, worth reliving the moment every time!
  16. Trapp

    Belly dancer

    One private dance with her, please?
  17. Holy shit, I can't even imagine the amount of hours it took to capture all of this. It looks AMAZING! That seems like a re-texture of the stock Library room.
  18. Count me in, Boss! I want to read this story and see if I can get inspired myself. Been on a bit of a dry streak lately...
  19. Which of these will you sample?
  20. This looks AMAZING!! Can't wait to see this work out!
  21. Trapp


    I know, right?! Btw, her comic will come out today.
  22. I hope you sincerely enjoy the comic once it comes out, I'm looking for a release tomorrow!
  23. Trapp

    Loving kiss

    They're both adorable!!
  24. Trapp

    Slaves to the Black Mamba

    Layla appears courtesy of @demonv1, thank you for letting me play with her!!
  25. Trapp

    Slaves to the Black Mamba

    Line up, bitches! Who wants some of this when I'm done with her?!
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