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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel


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Everything posted by Trapp

  1. Trapp

    Cozy Sofa 01

    I missed her, she looks as sexy as ever!
  2. Trapp

    New sheriff in the town

    Would definitely have this one as a poster!
  3. Trapp

    Neon, heels and juicy butt

    That lighting is POTENT! Also, it looks fantastic!
  4. Trapp

    resource cube

    Her eyes are so pretty!
  5. Absolutely, yes! At the core of it all, I consider it a fun time because of how outlandish it is, and I know that visual novels are a massive undertaking. It's not one of the best, but I have no problem recommending it to people who enjoy them. As for the next one I'll talk about, probably in a month or two... Now THAT's a fantastic ride.
  6. UPDATE ON 10/29/2023: I posted this blog earlier on Saturday, but when I went back to it to add more pictures of the girls for you, the post got completely fucked. Long story short, I deleted the original post and rearranged everything here, hoping that things make much more sense. Also, I changed my original ratings for some of the girls to things that made a bit more sense to me. Yyyyeah, that's about it! Enjoy! I'm going to start this blog right out of the bat by letting you know of some new developments regarding this game. Irphaeus and team released a new update to Waifu Academy called 0.10.0 which, in and of itself doesn't really move the plot along too much, but it does include several changes if you start at the very beginning of the game. If you do have version 0.9.9 in your game and you cleared it, you'll be rewarded by keeping your Save files and moving on with the story from there which, granted, doesn't move the story forward too much, but it does present you with some very interesting developments, plot-wise. However, I first want to take the time to talk about a few loose ends left at Part 2 of my review, with emphasis on loose... Or is it?? 6. KAYANE TENDO I've postponed this one enough. Don't be fooled by her appearance, as Kayane is much, MUCH more than she lets on. First up, I want to talk about her appearance. The gyaru/ganguro look in Japan is usually frowned upon by society because of its unconventional looks in their culture. Kayane takes the ganguro style and amps the sexuality to Hentai levels (of course she does, what kind of game do you think this is??). Her school uniform is extra skimpy, she is hypersexualized AND she has tons of tattoos. Not only does she have the pink hair and the tanned skin, but she also has beautiful and piercing blue eyes. In terms of appearance and sex appeal, she is my top girl and I'm not ashamed I find the ganguro aesthetic extremely attractive. For more real-life reference, look up Aika on your favorite porn browser. I rest my case. However, the one thing I commended Irphaeus and team for this visual novel is how in many cases they subvert the anime tropes in ways we don't expect. And if you were paying attention to the previous parts of this review, you would know by this point that Kayane is actually Shirohime's younger sister. As in, Kayane is a yakuza herself. And one apparently holding a high rank within her organization, as she has no problem berating underlings for messing up their orders and despite being Kenichi's "girlfriend", she actually hates his guts. And if you get on her bad side, well... Better start praying. She's a massive flirt, and isn't afraid of using her body to lure people into doing her bidding, but she actually isn't a malicious person. She even goes as far as seducing Kutaragi in order to keep her underlings in check and avoiding the kidnapping of both Motoko and Yukiko for reasons still unknown. Hopefully in future updates, we will finally see why she was adamant in protecting her classmates. So, overall, how does she stack up in comparison to the rest of the girls on the visual novel? Well, there are tons of them in this game and I did promise a ranking. So, without further ado... 7. WORST GIRL TO BEST GIRL There are a couple of things I will discuss leading into this, but for now, here's my official Waifu Academy ranking from worst girl to best girl. As I stated before, the ranking is not based on the girls appearance, but rather their personality, importance in the narrative and how hot their sex scenes are, with the latter being of least importance to me for obvious reasons. With that being said: And now we move to who are easily the best girls in the game! Keep in mind that this is my personal Top 4, you can disagree with me in the comments! Nanami Ikali: 9/10. Shinji's older sister. There will be a whole section talking about her below, so for now, just enjoy this MASSIVE eye candy. I will take this moment to acknowledge that creating unique looking characters in this day and age for people like me who aren't versed in design and art is very difficult and may result in cookie-cutter looks. Maybe I like Nanali so much because she looks almost exactly like my own Emi Akatsuki. And I'm all for it! Kayane Tendo: 9.5/10. I already went out on why I love her so much, so she deservedly so wins the Bronze Medal. But to be completely honest, with my personality, she would be the perfect fit for me. Truly a keeper. Also, despite being very sexual, she's actually a virgin! I am not kidding, she actually is. Level with me for a moment. I know she's a criminal. I know she can kill me easily if she wanted. But if I died by staring into those eyes and having my wish of a death kiss granted... I'd go out a happy man, my life taken by the most beautiful Yakuza in history. Motoko Musashima: 10/10. Another trope I'm admittedly a complete sucker for, is the Yamato Nadeshiko, or perfect Japanese woman. I mean, can you blame me?? I grew up on that shit! And Motoko is the perfect example while also being a slight subversion of it, as she is capable, resourceful and has a strong personality to boot. She reminds me of my very own Marina Nonaka so much, that it's impossible for me not to be head over heels over Motoko. She's responsible, sensitive, feminine and as a lover, she can be absolutely devoted. We don't have many sex scenes with her, however. But that's fine. She deserves to become a woman in her own terms, and I'll enjoy that moment when it comes. Just imagine waking up to that every day... Motoko is truly a goddess! This type of character is admittedly very detached from reality, but I think girls like Motoko embody the goals of men: Beauty, femininity and a little spice with their personality. Motoko to me is unbriddled perfection, but I can see why it wouldn't be the case for you. To be honest, I'm just happy I can stare at such beauty myself. Maki Takamura: 11/10. This is it. The absolute PEAK of girls in this game. I already gushed about her on the previous blog, so enjoy some eye candy as well. Like I mentioned, Maki is the absolute purest expression of love that Kutaragi can feel for anyone. Maki and Motoko have stolen his heart genuinely, making them the absolute best choices of the game. But Maki triumphs where Motoko fails, and that's sex appeal! And to me, that comes first in games like this. So here are some selling points for why Maki is THE BEST GIRL. Maki Sell No. 1: When you spar with her, she will put herself in very fanservicey situations that will work in your benefit. Maki Sell No. 2: She has a body chiseled by the Olympian Gods and she will make you work out, one way or another! Did I mention she really enjoys having sex with you? And is also open to try tons of things! Maki Sell No. 3 - The Deal Sealer: SHE IS SO. FUCKING. ADORABLE. My heart can't take this much sweetness!! I absolutely am devoted to Maki!!! #TeamTakamuraForever Also, did I mention she fights a fucking DOLPHIN in the latest update? Jojo style?? Dolphin: Oh! You're approaching me? Instead of running away, you walk right towards me! Maki: I can't beat your rapey cetacean ass if I don't! AND I DON'T EVEN NEED A STAND TO DO IT!! Dolphin: BRING IT ON, TAKAMURA!! SKREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! ...Okay, this was kind of stupid. But I ended up on the floor crying of laughter because of this. True story. 8. UPDATE 0.10.0 AND THE CASE FOR NANALI IKAMI Now, a lot of these captures I took from Version 0.10.0 of the game, released almost a month ago. I barely noticed the game was updated and I was ready to give the game my final (as of now) rating. However, from what little I played of it after advancing the story from the HoneyBee's contest where 0.9.9 ends, I took notice of several things. First and foremost: The script, while still riddled with typos, has been slightly modified. If you go back to the very beginning of the game, not only are several inconsistencies corrected, but the script FINALLY makes the effort of not making Kutaragi into a monster from the get-go. Of course, you can still choose your Good, Neutral or Bad Karma routes as you would expect, and they FINALLY have a Karma counter! ...But the system itself doesn't fucking work, yet. Another thing that the game has done in this update is completely rework the intro sequence. Now, the first introduction to the Karma System occurs inside the train, and depending on which of the three routes you get, you can get interactions with Kayane (Good), Nanali (Neutral) or Yoko (Bad), which perfectly exemplifies the roles these characters take in the story. The choice system also gives us a taste of that towards the end, at the beach scene, where you can choose to do different activities with Maki, Nanali and Motoko. The only one missing here is Kayane and now we have my ideal Waifu Academy harem! Now you might be wondering why I'm mentioning Nanali a lot. Well, here's the thing. On previous updates of the game, Nanali doesn't really make many appearances. She's just Shinji's very hot sister who works as a receptionist at Zaibatsu Corp. However, this update did two things that give her character a ton more weight in the story. She is now introduced from the very beginning of the game and you can interact with her right there. She is reading a book and shortly falls asleep, which leads the way for you to grope her. She quickly wakes up and thinks she was having a lewd dream about someone from her past and looks at you with familiarity, as you do with her. And this scene is just breathtaking. Nanali is just such a massive beauty and I'm extremely happy that she gets to play an important role in the story. However, since I started playing from my saves, I actually spoiled this little bit of information: Nanali is absolutely one of the most attractive characters in the game, and this revelation alone made her that much compelling for me. So I'm going to end it here, since I already wrote so much and I'm busy today. So where do we stand with Waifu Academy? Well... The intro scene was completely revamped, so it's time I took another deep dive and see what differences I can find in this new version of the game. Will there be improvements? Where will the game fall short now? I won't be talking about it for a long time, but I'll say the following: You got me hooked into playing through the whole thing again, Irphaeus and team. Please don't disappoint me. Before we wrap it up, here are some pictures of Nanali. The team should have kept this design! Also, no tramp stamp here... I think that must have been a last minute rewrite or something... Still, she's fucking HOT. This scene... I wish they kept her original look for this! Imagine having such a bonafide babe at your complete disposal... I love Nanali! Now, overall, I would give this visual novel a 6.5 out of 10 in its current state. The story so far isn't hot garbage, but it does have considerable flaws, particularly with the character of Kutaragi being too resourceful for a student. The girls look fantastic and their personalities have a wide range, but quite a number of them don't do anything in the story except for being fanservice material. Nothing wrong there considering the game we're dealing with, but I want development as well. The length of this visual novel is approaching very long levels, but I would actually have to time myself and see how long it actually is. Plot lines are still in wait to be fleshed out, so for now, I think this is a proper rating for Waifu Academy 0.9.9. Once I finish 0.10.0, I will write about, if any other substantial changes have been made. Until next time, Trapp out!
  7. Should definitely give it a listen, then! I think the wildest thing I've listened to is The Dillinger Escape Plan lol!
  8. That's cool as fuck, I can't wait to see this story and lore unravel! Also, cool song choice! Didn't think I would hear some sort of noisecore around here!
  9. Only the last part remains now! The end will be released sometime this week!
  10. Welcome back to Trapp Reviews. Today, I will hopefully finish my main review of Waifu Academy a Ren'Py visual novel made by Irphaeus. On the last entry, I delved into the setting, style and plot of the game, as well as a few of the characters. Soooo, in order to continue where I left of, I will be talking a little more about the characters from this game. We've discussed the quote-unquote "important" characters, so it's about time I delve a little bit more into the other girls and guys making this story what it is. Starting with... AHHHH!! KILL IT WITH FUCKING FIRE!!! I mean, ehhh... Kensou Busujima: The Otaku of the game. But not just any Otaku. This is where all the memes and jokes at the expense of Anime fans come from. Kensou is one of those guys who you look and and you know the motherfucker hasn't showered in over a week. And to go with his questionable hygiene, he gets the absolute worst traits of Master Roshi, Happosai from Ranma 1/2, Jiraiya from Naruto and Minoru Mineta from MHA amped up to 11. He loves taking panty shots of his classmates, is inappropriate in his mannerisms and speech and is always causing trouble everywhere he goes. This is where most of the cringey comedy in the game comes from. He even goes out on the street with a full Ahegao pajamas set and a tacky red coat to match. For further proof, here: To his (and the writers') credit, he is a very consistent character in the respect that you don't know what's going to happen when he shows up, but you know things are proooobably not going to end well. And as far as male characters go, the one good quality I do have to give him, is that he is loyal, despite thinking with his lower brain and basically being a fuck-up of the highest order... He just wants some Anime tiddies, man. He deserves at least that much. Shinji Ikami: Some real original names we got here. And trust me, it's not over yet. Like his near-homonym, Shinji is a soy boy. So much so, it's PAINFUL to watch at times. In a sense, he is very relatable because most fans of Anime, comic books and geeky stuff always had trouble fitting in and making friends. I know I did. And I at times feel resentful about that, and it irks me just a little bit to see that side of myself reflected on other people, real or not. Shinji doesn't have a spine on his body, being bullied by other guys and forced by Kensou to give Motoko, the class president, a love letter he wrote himself, with disastrous results for Kensou's junk. After that, Shinji goes into this arc where another classmate tells him to join the stream of this girl named Caramella and talk to her by donating money. This arc is painful. But it reflects that feeling of loneliness modern men feel as they are unable to form proper relationships with women because of the current social climate, where even talking to one of them is a gamble you do not want to take. Sadly, at the time of this review, it hasn't been resolved, so it's a matter of time whether the team can get their asses back to work here. I want to discuss the girls a little more in depth, but before I do that, I need to go ahead and touch upon two more important things: How the plot develops, and the gameplay. WHAT GAMEPLAY?? Didn't you say this is a visual novel, you retard?! Yes, I did. And yes, it plays like EVERY OTHER REN'PY BASED VISUAL NOVEL. Meaning that there is a "choice system" that will be taking you to either one route or the other, mostly without consequences, but there are key moments where you cannot go back. And here is where we have the Karma System. Waifu Academy is not the first game to implement a choice system in Visual Novels, and I think it is a good way to create replayability. Now, I already went on a tirade about Kutaragi in the previous entry, but that was just my opinion of the character himself. You can go and choose the Good Guy or Bad Guy route with different unlockables for each scenario, all of which in the context of the game are very spicy and range from peeking on your female classmates to groping to an actual gangbang. So it is good that you have this choice scenario in a game of this style. However, the Karma System in Waifu Academy shines for its non-consequential results, meaning that no matter what choice you make, your Karma will either go up or down and you can STILL unlock certain character scenes regardless of which spectrum you're leaning against. And the game makes the stupid, STUPID decision to spoil what the ending is going to be by showing the three possible outcomes for Good, Neutral and Bad paths DURING TRIVIAL MOMENTS OF THE GAME, WITHOUT HAVING TO DO ANYTHING!! Way to go, guys. You're really are master programmers... 4. THE CURRENT PROGRESS OF THE STORY Sazaki Academy is currently working to host the prestigious Interscholar Games, and the weight of winning falls squarely on the shoulders of runner Kaori Tomikawa. However, during practice time, the coach Harada is seen moving large quantities of sports equipment to the gym warehouse. It is implied that this is a front to move materials into an underground laboratory where a powerful drug that is made to abuse women is being developed. This right here is the work of the Zaibatsu clan, led by a woman named Shirohime. I think now is as good of a time as any to start talking about other characters and their role within the story. Shirohime: This white haired woman is the current leader of the Zaibatsu clan. Her real name is... Kasumi Tendo. As in Ranma 1/2's Kasumi Tendo. WHY?! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! CAN'T YOU COME UP WITH MORE UNIQUE NAMES FOR YOUR FUCKING CHARACTERS?! IT'S NOT THAT HARD, I DO IT ALL THE FREAKING TIME!! HOW CAN YOU RUIN THE MEMORY OF ONE OF MY FAVORITE WAIFUS OF ALL TIME, YOU STUPID, LAZY FREAKING WRITERS?! Kasumi was perfect! She probably might not fly with today's standards of what a woman is capable of, but she didn't contest it! She was happy being the housewife and everyone in the show loved her! AND YOU GIVE HER NAME TO A RUTHLESS, CUNNING AND POWERFUL YAKUZA BOSS?!?! I'm going to turn into Nostalgia Critic after "Bat Credit Card" with this shit, so let's move on... SHIROHIME is the current leader of the Zaibatsu clan, the "newcomers" in the lore of the game's city, and current financial powerhouses, with businesses like HoneyBee's (the Hooters-esque restaurant), private gyms as well as strip clubs. They also have a powerful influence in the underworld, with fighting rings and the development of drugs, following the incident at Sazaki Academy 16 years ago. With Shirohime, we have Helen Anders, real name Tanya Henderson. This woman used to be a student with Shirohime at the time of the Sazaki incident along with an, as of yet, unnamed third girl who still hasn't been featured in the story. Helen is now the principal at Sazaki Academy and is the mother of Asuka. Her relationship with her daughter is difficult since she's too busy trying to keep under wraps what happens in the school and doesn't really give much thought to her daughter's actions unless they reflect negatively on her. I think now is as good as time as any to mention that the lore of this game talks about the main four clans who were part of the city's history: The Musashima (represented by Motoko and Yukiko, pictured above) were the most important clant in the past, being a political force. They were protected by the Takamura (represented by Maki), being soldiers. The Tendo clan, represented by sisters Kasumi and Kayane, were merchants and to this day, are a waning Yakuza family, from which Kasumi, now Shirohime, broke ties with to join the Zaibatsu. And finally, the Sazaki, now represented by Kutaragi, were the educators. Nothing much has still come out of this sub-plot, but from what I understand, the Zaibatsu are the more powerful family in modern times, with the Musashima parents gone missing, the Tendo recovering from the defection of Shirohime, and the Sazaki being apparently ruined now. This is Kenichi Zaibatsu, a main antagonist of Kutaragi on the academy, and for the heir of a Yakuza empire, he is a pussy. He has his henchmen, Tochiro and Katsuya, doing his bidding in exchange for money, with Kayane infiltrating the group for her clan's own ends. He's the type of character that has no agency and thinks his shit doesn't smell. It's pathetic in a sense. In any case, with the developing times from Irphaeus and the team, it still might take a long time to have a proper resolution to the storylines being presented here, as the team has clearly taken the time to develop characters and sexual plots as well. How it all will unfold is anyone's guess at this point, and sadly, the finish line is nowhere in sight... So let's get this shit over with and move on the the actual important part of an adult visual novel... 5. THE GIRLS AND SEX SCENES!!! Yeah, yeah, it took me fucking long enough. I'm sorry, but as I stated earlier, my objective with these games is not just the cum part. Anyone can make a good sex scene and make you groan with visuals, but to me, the whole package is just as important as the sexy bits. Not apologizing for that. That being said, I'll introduce the rest of the girls in this story and let YOU decide who is the best. Once again, I'm going to go a bit in-depth with them, and for the sake of length, I'm going to try and keep things short. Also, some girls will be left out because I don't feel like talking about them. They're not really relevant or likeable enough, soooo... Elizabeth Laroche: She is a girl from France whose backstory isn't really explained. Story-wise she has little to offer beyond being the archetype of the "closet freak", like my beloved Beli in HuniePop. She is a beauty with platinum blonde hair, blue eyes and massive breasts, and often allows herself to be groped by strangers on the train, including our illustrious MC. She is an art enthusiast, and despite her prim and proper behavior, she eventually embraces her very sexual side with Kutaragi. I personally like the archetype because of how it embodies the "Mind Break" fetish of Hentai so naturally, as it doesn't come from a place of abuse and malice as so many. Kaori Tomikawa: She's the star athlete of Sazaki Academy and is prominent in Track and Field. She is talented in sports and little else, frequently falling asleep in class as result of narcolepsy. The few instances we've seen of her, she's asleep in the girls' locker room or the gym storage room, which is where Kutaragi works his "magic" with the perfume crafted by Rachel, playing with her body and somehow curing her narcolepsy. This would lead the way for Kaori and Kutaragi to get closer, but we haven't seen much of it just yet. She's a good enough girl, but not much of a character beyond getting frustrated and pushed around by coach Harada. Inori Kumoto: Inori doesn't have much in the way of lewd scenes in the game. Her arc is that she is fan of an idol named Yuna and wishes to become a singer and dancer just like her, practicing her dance choreography to the point of obsession, eventually getting her opportunity to work with her thanks to the cunning Kutaragi.. She gets involved in a grooming plot of which she fortunately comes out unscathed and like Elizabeth, she's also trying to get Kutaragi's attention. She's probably the most innocent character of the game, as in, she doesn't get much in the way of sex scenes and seems aloof about seduction until she realizes the amount of women fawning over Kutaragi. Little does she know that he is on his way to become her step-daddy as her mother, Catherine, has already had her pipes cleaned by her crush... F in the comments for Inori u.u Motoko Musashima: Now THAT'S what I'm talking about!! I'll just lay it out (as if I ever needed to justify myself...): I LOVE JAPANESE WOMEN. I love Asians in general, but Japanese beauties like Motoko get my heart racing! She is this game's Yamato Nadeshiko (the ideal woman in Japan, as in she is beautiful, well-mannered and gentle) and she is the current class president. In terms of lewd content, she doesn't offer much except for one daydream scene where Shinji is cucked by Kutaragi. She has large breasts, a beautiful figure, and is a confident girl who commands people's respect by the way she carries herself. Unlike the clumsy and horny Elizabeth, Motoko always is proper and doesn't tolerate disrespect, as shown when she received Shinji's "love letter" and (hopefully) rendering Kensou sterile with a powerful knee to the nuts. Also, she gave us this lovely scene, which serves as gateway to the next character... Brace yourselves... The tanned girl on the left is Yoko Nishimoto. And let me tell you... I. FUCKING. HATE HER. Yoko starts harmless enough, being Inori's best friend and supporting her idol dream at the beginning, but slowly and surely taking Kenichi's side and being an asshole and troll to Kutaragi after he decides to help her with the Yuna situation. Yoko is vindictive, acts of her own convenience and has broken ties with her own family just so she could become a streamer as she teases her followers in slutty cosplay outfits and gives them horrible advice about their love lives for generous donations. She doesn't care about anyone but herself and her mind is so twisted that she gets involved in a petty blackmail tug-o-war with Kutaragi, which ends up badly for her, as she is fated to be sexually assaulted, either by Kutaragi alone or by him and two scumbags who plotted on raping her earlier on, with Minami being the one that nearly gets victimized. Her character is written so that you hate her and feel justified about going to extremes to get even with her at any costs, just because of how spiteful and selfish she is. Irphaeus went to serious lengths to make sure she gets her comeuppance, and hers might be the most uncomfortable scenes in the game because of the overuse of the pheromone perfume made by Rachel and how she, in her alter-ego of Caramella, is exposed and humiliated in front of her many, many fans. It's as if the game rewards you for being a bad person and going beast mode against her... If not for that context, and how hateful Kutaragi acts towards her (admittedly, she didn't make things easier for herself...), this scene would be so much sexier. I'm done talking about her. Now it's time to talk about the girls who, to me, are the best girls in this game. First up, the tomboy! Maki Takamura belongs in shows like Hokuto No Ken, Baki, Hajime No Ippo or any Anime which features strong characters beating the shit out of each other. She is the owner of a dojo in the outskirts of the city, having being trained by her grandfather, and holding a vendetta against the fighter who publicly beat him to death in live television. Maki is headstrong, proud and ridiculously strong. There might only be one female character that is as strong as she is, that being Jira Bhagaal, bodyguard for the Zaibatsu and Kenichi's trainer (she should be paid much more to train that bitch...). Maki isn't aware of her femininity, and doesn't usually care if her breasts are showing (which happened once during an arm wrestling match with Katsuya, one of Kenichi's minions), but it is through Kutaragi that she becomes aware of her attractiveness and willingly gives her virginity to him later in the story. Out of all the girls in Waifu Academy, I consider Maki to be the best, not only for her badass personality and super sexy body. She is the only character in the game with which Kutaragi truly connects on a human level, as she brings out his selflessness, will and honor. And despite his teasing of her, it feels more natural of a progression in a relationship than with any other character. Maki to me is the beacon of a character who's determined, with the right amount of innocence and naivety and a heart of gold that doesn't get appreciated. If this was a romance focused story, she would be my top choice, bar none. What can I say? Strong women are the best! I will have to stop here, as there is still one more character I want to discuss in extensive detail, as she is my favorite girl in the entire fucking game. I'll finish this review blog over the course of this week, as I want to gush a little bit about her, as well as leave you with my final thoughts about this game, not to mention the ranking of all the girls in the game. I need to capture more stuff for that, so please be patient. Thank you for reading! Tune in next time for the absolute queen of the game: Kayane Tendo!!
  11. After a week of releases in the comic book department, and following a post on the forums regarding adult games for the community, the spark of an idea lit up in my head, so I decided: WHY NOT REVIEW SOME ADULT GAMES FOR EVERYONE?? And so, that's what I'll do. And I'm going to start with a game that I first played about two-ish years ago that I recently came back to. Before we get started, I'm going to be setting some ground rules, so we're clear on what to expect out of these reviews. This new section will cover mostly Visual Novels, since they're standalone experiences that can be played like a regular game and moving on to the next one. Therefore, these will be very in-depth, so depending on the game's length, they can develop into 2-3 part blogs. I will be giving out in-depth spoilers for the games, so if you're on the market for new VN experiences and don't want to be spoiled, I'll make sure to cover that up. Read at the risk of spoiling key plot moments when those come. These are sex games at its core. So OBVIOUSLY I'm going to be displaying the ladies. The ranking system for the girls I talk about in the games will be carried into three segments: Personality, Plot Relevance and Sex Scenes. We all know these girls are going to be attractive regardless of what they look like, and appearance is NOT a parameter I'm going to consider when ranking them. Some of the settings or characters might not be appropriate for all audiences, so proceed with caution if any of these VNs pique your interests. Also, and as an unofficial rule, I'm going to assume that every single character in these are over the age of 18 independent of the setting. I mean, I don't think most VN makers are stupid enough to break the one basic rule of sexual content... And I'm sure as hell not going to risk cases in which that might be the case. With that out of the way, let's begin this new section in Trapp's Corner of Leisure called Trapp Reviews! This first blog in the series will talk about Waifu Academy, a visual novel created by Irphaeus. From the get-go, this isn't like most visual novels. While a lot of them use DAZ to create their characters, Irphaeus and his team instead decided to go for a more Anime style aesthetic by using Honey Select 1 as the basis for the character design. The story is chock full of characters, each with their own personalities and quirks, and it develops in a small Japanese town. The experience when playing this game is honestly mixed. There were aspects of it that I completely loved, but other aspects that, upon replaying it with Update 0.9.9, made me realize that... It's not the best visual novel I have played. There are others that I will revisit for this section, but overall, I would rank this as a mixed experience, with great visuals and sexual creativity deeply rooted in Hentai (mostly because of its style), but falling flat on the most important part of a visual novel: Its plot and characters. For now, let's start the review. 1. SETTING As previously mentioned, the Anime aesthetic of Honey Select is obviously very Japanese and will obviously cater to that core audience. If you're not interested one bit in the Anime aesthetic, you will NOT enjoy this game. If I take out the sexual element out of this game, I believe this would probably be a "Seinen" type of story, meaning it would be directed towards young men and adults because of the topics it touches. However, I think the biggest detractor for non-Otaku people will be that this story takes place in a high school... I KNOW WHAT I'M GETTING MYSELF INTO. Irphaeus took care to make the setting more... "accomodating" to an English speaking audience and went with the name Academy for a reason. Obviously this means that some context is required and, for better or worse, the joshikousei, or high-schooler is a widely common and acceptable fetish. And since the team behind this game doesn't go into the specifics of age for its prominent characters, the (admittedly shitty) justification the public will go for, is that these are people who are 18 years old, regardless of how they look. Now, I can go on a tirade about how some characters' appearance can be problematic in the context of an adult visual novel, but that's not my place since I'm not the creator. Lord knows Anime fans have gone to war because of things like "flat is justice" and shit like that. With that out of the way, we move. If you can get past that, the visuals on this game are very good, considering they come from Honey Select. And in my experience with that game, it takes A LOT OF TIME capturing images and creating scenes, just like it does with TK17. Moreso because of the horrible pose editor that game has. So, all in all, I think for one the visuals are very good, going from bright and colorful to somber and gloomy, which I think works in the context of the story and scenes being portrayed. And speaking of story... 2. PLOT Waifu Academy follows the story of the MC, who you can name however you want. His last name is Sazaki, but he goes by Kutaragi in the new chapter of his life. His father, Ryoji, just recently passed away after spending the last 16 years of his life bound to a wheelchair after a failed suicide attempt, all because of a scandal at the Academy he was the director of. The story starts out strong in the sense that it touches upon themes of sexual abuse and blackmail, which are prominent in doujinshi (unofficial publication of manga, mostly of the adult type), and how the MC's life was negatively affected because of it. He lived in a shitty apartment with his crippled father and his grandmother, being abandoned by his mother who moved on to a new family and completely neglected him. Now, after the passing of his relatives (an inconsistency later on since, at first, his grandmother is still alive and later in the story it is mentioned that she fucking died), he is invited by his mother's new family to live with them and finish his studies, all while he enacts a convoluted plan of revenge that only the edgiest of edge lords wish they could come up with... *SIGH* We're not up to a great start... Okay, so the premise seems promising enough (pun not intended), but from the get-go, this is a story of revenge. And if there's something I'm very torn on, is revenge stories. On the one hand, there's "Count of MonteCristo" and on the other, there's... Redo of Healer. If you know, you know. The main problem I have with revenge stories is that they're either too lazy, too dark and edgy, or too fucking stupid to make them compelling. And the problem with this story is that it doesn't know what the fuck it wants to be. There are comedy moments, there are serious moments, there's a lot of exposition and character and plot establishing, but there are a lot of moments when things just don't click. And I think the root of all these issues delves into the main character himself, Kutaragi. 2.1 A POORLY WRITTEN MC I'm not going to act like my writing is marvelous. I'm well aware of my shortcomings as an actual writer. But the experience I have as a comic creator has given me pointers to look out for when writing story-driven characters, and I have to tell you: The MC in Waifu Academy DOESN'T WORK. Kutaragi's motivations are established from the very beginning. He is resentful for the live he has lived until that day, hurt by the absence of his mother and the declining health of his father, which made his upbringing a painful one and led him to a very dangerous path at a very early age. Because of this, there is a lot of darkness in his soul, and he is quick to berate other people, even if they're being helpful to him. During most of the events of the VN, he shows a cunning, quick-witted and at times, survivalist way of thinking and approaching situations. However, he seems to have most people around him eating right off his hand, very obviously protected by the overused "Plot Armor". This also comes in handy as he slowly but steadily builds his "Waifu Harem" which includes half of his classroom, the new school principal, the school nurse and even people from the organization that he wants to take down once he realizes of their involvement in past events. However, that's exactly the problem with the character of Kutaragi. The main point of a visual novel is to be compelling, to make you WANT to see the story from start to finish, and that is very fucking hard to do if your main character is not compelling enough. And Kutaragi is NOT a compelling character. He jumps from cunning to spiteful to sickening levels of Gary Stu in order to advance the plot. And the fact that he is a STUDENT preparing this Machiavellian plot in which he hopes to get revenge on the people who ruined his life, who also happen to be very powerful Yakuza using the school to develop a sex drug, IS NOT BELIEVABLE. That, and the fact that the plot has set things up for him to get his revenge without caring who he hurts in the process while still maintaining the facade of good guy for people who have nothing to do with his plans. Those are the character traits of a sociopath, and it makes you fearful for the results of his actions, whether they are justified or not. And then, of course, we have to deal with the world the plot is occurring inside of. A character so broken that has such twisted ambitions is suddenly given the power of the plot to romance and defile whoever he wants, whenever he wants. But Trapp, this is a porn game! Why do you care so much about what happens in the story when the objective is to bust a fat nut to girls getting their insides rearranged? The point in storytelling is to make a story believable and relatable from start to finish, and even in a sexually charged setting, things have to progress in a way that makes sense for the world you have established, and a big part of that is your main character. Just take a look at Guts from Berserk and tell me one single flaw about how his character is built. Yes, he is violent. Yes, he is full of rage and hatred. But the story sets him up in a way that is gut-wrenching and beautiful, highlighting not only his qualities and strengths, but also his weaknesses. Kutaragi shows no signs of weakness, but he seems to manipulate everyone and everything around him in a way that comes out as malicious, going from berating and coercing the fat Otaku into doing his bidding to flat out allowing or orchestrating the brutal rape of two of his classmates on determined scenarios. Despite the moments where he truly shows some sort of humanity, the fact that these are parts of his character you can explore speaks volumes of how twisted and evil the character of Kutaragi can be, and I for one, am not here for it. But enough about him. How do the other characters stack up in comparison? 3. THE CAST A visual novel is only as good as its characters. There are some pretty funny moments with the rest of the characters. Some of them are pretty wholesome, some of them are cringe-inducing, and others are... Well... Okay, I'll be honest. I'm a sucker for this type of outlandish, farsic humor. The game did get a good chuckle or two out of me, and despite what I mentioned about Kutaragi, I have to commend Irphaeus and team for the banter they've made between him and the characters at the academy. The moments of levity are definitely appreciated in the game, and with that, I might have been slightly misleading in terms of what the story is actually like. The dark moments are present, yes, but they happen outside of most of the students in the school. To be fair, a lot of these characters fall into typical Anime tropes and, if you're as cynical as I am, you'll be like "you've seen one harem, you've seen them all". There's your annoying tsundere, your tomboy, your Yamato Nadeshiko, your gyaru, your Master Roshi type and so on and so forth. But I think the strength in the cast here lies that they're for the most part, atypical representations of these tropes, even including a few uncommon ones, and some that come out of left field as well. With that said, let's discuss a few of them. Part 2 of this review will touch upon more characters, since this is already a very long blog, and I honestly have a lot to say about them. Sheila Schweizer: Your new step-sister and the first objective of your "revenge plot". She begins antagonizing you, refusing to welcome you into her family until you, in your devious nature, mix some sleeping pills with her dinner and apply some "treatment" to her, which slowly makes her think of you and start having thoughts about being with her new "step-bro"... Yeah, I know how this sounds. And I just posted a comic regarding step-incest, but again, hear me out. Sheila is one of the more likeable characters on the game, to me at least. Despite the very rocky beginning and questionable actions that lead Kutaragi to earn her affection, she is actually a self-starter, motivated to do her best to achieve her goals and is not above hanging out with the rest of the students at the academy, occasionally butting heads with some of them due to her headstrong personality. She wants to earn money and has a sub-plot where she auditions and later works at a Hooters-type restaurant, quickly becoming one of the more popular girls. What turns me off about her development with Kutaragi is how she trusts him deeply in a short time despite the downright criminal way he gets in her head. But overall, she's solid. And very horny in private, so there's that. Tomoe Schweizer: Kutaragi's mother, and OH MY GOD IS SHE HOT. She was a Gravure idol in her late teens and got married to Ryoji Sazaki, shortly after giving birth to Kutaragi. She wasn't involved in the events that ruined Ryoji and Kutaragi's life, but ultimately abandoned them to pursue a different life as part of the Schweizers. Tomoe tries to be a good mother to Sheila, but is guilt-ridden by her abandonment of Kutaragi. She is sexually frustrated after her husband George has to leave town at the beginning of the game due to work, and will usually find herself in situations where her lewd body is shown. She is slowly going down the path of deviance after her son's return and is slowly driven to view him in a sexual light, which for better or worse, will reach its inevitable conclusion. Wow, they didn't even try to hide the fact that Kutaragi actually wants to bang his mother... Geez... Minami Tokashi: This one is your Marie Rose for the game in the sense that she looks very young. Again, don't hate the player here. She is an aspiring reporter, whose father covered the story that occurred at Sazaki Academy 16 years ago, resulting in the attempted suicide of Kutaragi's father. Like a cat, she is one very curious girl who tends to get in trouble trying to follow in her father's footsteps, with potentially dangerous results. However, if you play your cards right, she will reward you with your own catgirl fantasy. Is it worth it? If you're into that shit, yes it is. Asuka Anders: Daughter of Sazaki Academy's current principal, Helen Anders. I don't like Asuka. She does have that Marie Rose aesthetic if you're into that, but she's an insufferable, petty child. She is the head of the student council at the academy alongside Motoko and always does her mother's bidding. However, her antagonistic personality is usually penchant for awkward moments until the plot leads you to confront her for the head of the student council, which you eventually get. Out of the characters in the story, I think she is the most kindred spirit towards Kutaragi because she shows a conniving side to her, leading to the expulsion of a student after she practically abused him. After being broken by Kutaragi, she is in a game of power to get his attention one way or another, effectively fulfilling the tsundere trope that a lot of Otakus fall for. I mean, I kinda get the appeal, but at the same time, I don't get it... Rachel Green: I think Warner Bros. is about to sue a bitch... *ahem!* Rachel is the buxom, redheaded nurse at Sazaki Academy, and Kutaragi's first ally. She crafts a pheromone perfume from his semen (?) and is apparently linked to the events that occurred 16 years ago at the Academy, and not only that. She is also linked to the illegal activities occurring behind closed doors at the academy and seems to be of... "mystical persuasion". Her personality is odd to me, being sultry with the body to match, but also cryptic and apparently having demonic connections of some sort. Her sex scenes are pretty hot, though, and she is a tease too. Stay tuned for Part 2 of this Trapp Reviews tomorrow! Until then, Trapp OUT!
  12. Trapp

    Saddle Up!

    The only thing better than life at a farm, is life at a farm with a sexy country gal! BTM is proud to present the return of Katie McKinnon and Simon Kelliher in this spicy adventure! This comic was inspired by Macey, an OC created by macodace, who you can visit by clicking on the link! I loved Macey so much, that I adapted her likeness to Katie's own. Enjoy! The rooms featured in this comic are the Little Farm by @Devastat: And the H5 Barn by @aykekarallo:
  13. Trapp


    From the album: Saddle Up!

    © Story and Characters by Trapp. All graphic assets belong to their respective creators.

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  14. Trapp


    From the album: Saddle Up!

    © Story and Characters by Trapp. All graphic assets belong to their respective creators.

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  15. Trapp


    From the album: Saddle Up!

    © Story and Characters by Trapp. All graphic assets belong to their respective creators.

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  16. Trapp


    From the album: Saddle Up!

    © Story and Characters by Trapp. All graphic assets belong to their respective creators.

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  17. Trapp


    From the album: Saddle Up!

    © Story and Characters by Trapp. All graphic assets belong to their respective creators.

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  18. Trapp


    From the album: Saddle Up!

    © Story and Characters by Trapp. All graphic assets belong to their respective creators.

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  19. Trapp


    From the album: Saddle Up!

    © Story and Characters by Trapp. All graphic assets belong to their respective creators.

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  20. Trapp


    From the album: Saddle Up!

    © Story and Characters by Trapp. All graphic assets belong to their respective creators.

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  21. Trapp


    From the album: Saddle Up!

    © Story and Characters by Trapp. All graphic assets belong to their respective creators.

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  22. Trapp


    From the album: Saddle Up!

    © Story and Characters by Trapp. All graphic assets belong to their respective creators.

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  23. Hey everyone. You may not be aware, or maybe you're not following stories, but in case you missed it: CNC Baby is continuing onward, with Issue #2 - Ground Zero being released yesterday! Check it out below: As mentioned, this comic is a big departure as in there's not a lot of lewd content (coming from me at least), and it is LONG. It's even longer than Sex Tales 5, which I wrote as a sort of epilogue to a story that's actually never been written and/or published, so its overall status as canon is unresolved at the moment. I never want to do a comic as long as this lmao! But, you know what they say... I'm currently on day 2 of my quote-unquote "vacation" from work... And things haven't slowed down lol! But I'll try and put together some goodies for you in the meantime. Some shorter (and lewder) comics, galleries and more. First in line is a comic with Pervy Lexi (featured in my cover) and a dumb Isekai type story with lots of lewdity! My immediate plans for the future include making new Trapp's Profiles, as well as hopefully start work on the Maverick project. However, it cannot be stated enough that a lot of the ideas I want to portray for those series go beyond the possibilities of TK17... So I'll write short novels instead! Expect those to come out sometime early next year! Comic plans were already stated in a previous entry, so no changes there so far. Just gotta finish what I already started and flesh out some more ideas as well. As for other news, I want to shout out @HDiddy and the admin team for shouting out my blog on the F95 page! And not only that, but I didn't know I was 3rd place for the month on image poster, or that Negi-chan was featured in downloads as well! If you want to play with a bonafide Japanese punk waifu, get her right here: That's about it for me. I'm very grateful that my work is slowly being noticed by the community, and I hope even more of you interact with my content, whether you have good or bad to say about it. Interaction is my life's blood as a content creator, so please don't hesitate to come over and have a good time!
  24. Well, it's good to know that in any universe, the Shinoda name is usually related to the Yakuza. In my case, Hikaru is a bastard child of the heir to my universe's Shinoda in Japan, and trained since childhood to become an assassin. Maverick is supposed to touch on that, but you know... Can't portray "that" on a comic, so I'm thinking of making a more in-depth profile about him, or maybe a short novel. There's so much plot in there that cramming it into a comic is daunting, especially with all the other shit I want to work on!
  25. Wait wait wait... Taka SHINODA??? My man, it seems we're on the same wavelength, because this guy right here: ...also has the Shinoda surname.
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