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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel


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Everything posted by Trapp

  1. It is, don't worry about that lol! One of the best rooms in the game!! And yes, shy girls are a diamond in the rough indeed. They're usually the closet freaks, and I love that! Definitely closer than you think, bro! Progress is a little slow at the moment, but progressing!
  2. The takeaway from this post is that the status quo for Dani is about to be defied and turned on its head. Dani herself won't change much in the eyes of others, but the hint of what's coming is going to be an explosive revelation for both her and Max. One of them without any real sexual experience and a desire to live out her fantasies, and the other with some experience but with repressed desires he's ready to unleash on our petite lady. Also, there's going to be a lot of in-universe cameos, with some development for Rachel and Hannah in particular! My BTM Babes gallery is a point of reference for some of these.
  3. UPDATE 01/19: The third issue has been released! Go read it RIGHT NOW!! Okay, so I want to take the time to talk a little about my headspace when creating CNC Baby. In case you missed it, I made a preview of a scene from the upcoming issue 3 on @Oz70NYC's Comic Klub, which you can check by going into my profile and clicking on the Clubs I'm a part of. That's not a huge story preview, but it's BIG for me, as it allowed me to delve a little deeper in the mindset of my lead male for the story, which I will discuss a little later. But for now, I think it's important to discuss Dani, who will see a massive change in her personality as of this issue. So far, Dani has been a girl who has trouble socializing due to issues of her past. Namely, watching her mother being abused by an unknown man at age 15 and having to flee the US shortly after. During the travel, her mom passed away of unknown reasons which haven't been fleshed out just yet. Because of this, she has shut herself off from other people, but when she's shown that a person cares about her, she slowly opens up to them. In a sense, Katie McKinnon has taken Rassía's place as Dani's bff, as in Katie made sure to drag her along with her to do things and talk to others, thus becoming friends with the likes of Rachel Vidal and Hannah Müller, who have vastly different ways of thinking. The point here is that for the first two issues of CNC Baby, Dani has been a reactionary character. She even told Rassía that she was always a follower because of her meek personality. However, Max's "rejection" sent her on a downward spiral of isolation, only attending her classes and heading straight home. During this time, she's also avoided attending her art classes by fear of reuniting with Max, unable to sort out her emotions. However, one phone call from her childhood friend is about to change things for her, showing a resolution never before felt by her. Finally, we're going to see Dani for who she really is. Which brings me to Max Huerta once more. The cool thing about fleshing out characters while creating scenes and imagining dialogues is that, when they're committed to paper, you start getting an idea of the type of people your characters are. So, without getting too deep into spoiler territory, here's a tidbit of information about Max Huerta. Despite his relative youth, Max was raised with old school values due to his father being a former Contra soldier during the first Sandinista war in Nicaragua. He raised Max and his siblings with strong standards of morality. However, Max was very curious as a child and teenager, which was in a sense frowned upon by his father as he tended to be very upfront and blatant. So he ended up a person of a huge moral front and avoided inappropriate behaviors, chastising himself for any awkward conversation he had with Dani. More on that will be developed in the upcoming issue, but basically it comes down to Max being unable to be sincere with himself when it comes to his wishes and feelings towards people, Dani in particular. While he is very driven and responsible, he has some hidden raw emotions that only require a catalyst to be released. And the start of that will be shown in this issue. The fact that he tries so hard to deny how he feels and being unable to accept any womanly advances is mostly based out of fear. Monthy mentioned he was a sheep in wolves clothing, but in a sense, it's the inverse. Moving forward, though, we're going to see Max making a set of decisions which will be controversial for him, to put it one way. It's all a matter of seeing where these decisions will take both him and Dani, so there are some dark places I'm going to go with this story, some of which are going to be a bit uncomfortable to talk about. Sorry if this entry was a bit text-heavy. I sometimes struggle to get my ideas in order without writing them down, but it is with this process that I can keep a mental record of what the endgame is for a story and shape it into whatever direction I see fit. I would also like to discuss side characters later, but for now, where do I stand with Issue 3 of CNC Baby? Well, so far I have 95% of capturing done and the dialogues are at about 50-60% written. Realistically, I'm looking at a release window of two weeks before the issue is out. Could be before that, but I make no promises. Thank you for reading. I hope you will enjoy this upcoming issue.
  4. The assets are still available here, I've seen them. They're actually linked right here: The files are already there, they just need to be ported, but I don't know about the textures for the hair in particular. Since Loba has bicolor hair canonically, it should be able to be compatible with hair streak color changes in Customizer. And the tattoos was all you, man! I just needed to search for the tattoos. The eye makeup was a whole other thing, though. I had to actually paint over the texture on a separate layer and duplicate and reverse the makeup texture. All those Photoshop tricks I learned thanks to you, man!
  5. Trapp


    How about a sexy oily massage with some anal pounding afterwards? Can she take it?
  6. Trapp


    I need more of her, PLEASE!!
  7. Trapp

    Neon, heels and juicy butt

    Question. How did you achieve the glow on the courtains? I just realized what they were and it looks so good!
  8. No, that's just a render I found on Rule34. I believe someone actually posted the 3D assets for Loba's hair and head somewhere in the forum, though.
  9. Trapp


    Ahhh, she's perfect! Redhead? Check. Big tiddies? Check. Glasses? Check. All she needs now is to be a perverted freak and she's not girlfriend, but WIFE material!
  10. It's been ages since I've been particularly invested in playing any actual videogame... How do I know all these characters? Porn. The fuck is wrong with me? I'm not joking, I watch more YouTube videos regarding gaming than doing actual gaming since I don't really own a console, but I know a ton of girls from a ton of VG franchises. And I really wanted to make Loba as well, but for now, this is the progress I have. Let's see what comes out of it.
  11. Same here with my obsession for the Xtreme Venus Vacation from Dead Or Alive... At least the hairs! Those are freaking good! Well, there are obviously more important things to do than catching up on videogames and the babes they make porn off of them LMAO! Hopefully sometime this year I'll be able to do just that!
  12. And surprisingly, she looks better than I expected! Also, a younger version of Loba looks interesting! I would still prefer someone converting the assets available here for her to actually make THE Loba, but this is a fantastic start! Also, cosplay porn is a thing, is it not?
  13. I put these up so that the community can have fun with them and make some good stuff! Please enjoy!
  14. Making this a quick one because I'm in slavery mode. I recall some time ago, somebody went and shared some assets to recreate who, in my humblest of opinions, is one of the sexiest characters in recent videogame history. Unless you've been living under a rock, not interested in gaming or haven't been paying attention to the Rule34 website, then this babe needs zero introduction. Apex Legends' best girl: Loba Andrade. Yes, yes, I've been on a Loba porn kick, whatever... Side note, her face reminds me so much of a RL friend. It's almost as if SHE was the base for Loba's face, but I digress. The problem with creating textures for TK17 for noobs like me is that I don't usually know what the hell to do so I can only experiment with skin textures and look up PNGs for any tattoos I might want to add. And being that I still run a potato for a computer, 4X textures take a heavy toll on my system, so I have to settle for 1X instead, and you don't need me to state the obvious here, but TATTOOS LOOK FUCKING HORRIBLE IN 1X RESOLUTION. So, I came up with a workaround. For this experiment, I decided to use my Brazilian cutie Amanda Soares and take her to town on this. First of all, I changed her skin to "Skin Fitness V2" which I don't remember where I got it from and downsized all those 4X textures to 1X. And of course, when trying the tattoos on the skin, they looked absolutely atrocious and heavily pixelated. I then remember I had one skin for another girl that had a 4X sized body texture and the rest of the things were 1X, so with that in mind, I located the skin and after some trial and error, baked it in Photoshop. Side note, you CAN edit skins in Photoshop while being in-game. After editing the body texture and changing the genital area from 1X BACK to 4X and using the Brush and Smudge tools to add Loba's trademark makeup to the face texture since finding a vector for that make up was unfruitful to say the least, this is the result: The makeup looks quite blurry for some reason, but again, I didn't want to waste time resizing everything to its original resolution and risk using the 4X Mod and having my game crash, so I kept the head, hands and feet on 1X. There is still a distinguished line between the texture joints, but that was bound to happen anyway because of the nature of the skin. For what it's worth, as un-pretty as it looks, I think I managed to do a good job with the look of the face, despite Mandy being half Loba's canonical age of 36. As for the tattoos, Loba allegedly only has the one neck tattoo of the wolf, which I found on Twitter (I REFUSE TO CALL IT X) and was of a great quality. And with the 4X resolution on the body, it looks fucking amazing. Same with the Mandala tattoo under Mandy's boobs. Like I said, I baked the Skin Fitness V2's body texture with the one of the other skin called Full HD Skin Reworked and gave her some much needed abs definition because that shit gets me hard as fuck. After adding some clothes, this is the final result of my makeshift Loba model. And yes, you bet your ass I'll be making a comic focused on her. Just remind me to change her eye color for this. Also, I'll need to update Mandy's download as well to include the new baked skin. I need to test and see how it looks on 1X resolution first. I'll let you know once I get there.
  15. Agreed, that was an amazing show. We got to watch the movie premiere and it was amazing!
  16. After listening to a lot of metal for years, it was my daughter who turned me to the Swifty side as well. This is so cool!!
  17. I recognize that T-shirt!
  18. I've been waiting long to see Luke's story unfold, and I know it will be worth it! Same with Rory, he's got a past that I'm dying to know more of! Godspeed, Oz! We're almost there!
  19. Adding my most recent one. Disclaimer: This one is actually in production as we speak lol! My girlfriend is an elf who came out of my videogame. There. That's also basically the title of the new comic. I introduce you all to Myriel Amarillis:
  20. Trapp

    Height spectrum: Females

    I'm glad that there's acknowledgement for girls on the shorter side. I wasn't fully aware of how short or tall a model can be without the use of The Mod Which Shall Remain Nameless, and it makes me confident to try a very short model next. I mean, I uploaded two of them already, but I haven't thought of checking how tall or short my models are. I guess it was just out of convenience that quite a few of my models are below average height or as short as they can be. Also, let it be said: I LOVE Ashlith.
  21. Trapp


    At least it's not "Base Ball Bat"
  22. Trapp


    She needs to get together with both of them and see what they're about before settling down. Or hell, maybe together?
    One of my favorite things about this series is how it has plenty of moments of levity and world building which feel very natural despite the ethereal elements of it. Now, we are seeing the stakes REALLY being raised, as we uncover a truth we didn't know about Vicki. Also, Bubbz herself should be considered a goddess at this point, and has become my favorite character of the OzVerse. Strap yourselves in for a wild ride! Not a lot of "hiding the sausage" here, but believe me when I say it's totally worth it!
  23. Trapp


    Ugh, that would be SOOOOOO convenient!!
  24. Trapp


    Welp, sugar babies are a blessing for a reason. Also, I see where Vicki comes from, but at the same time, romance is earned. You don't get it unless you put yourself out there, and even when you do, there's no guarantee it will be there. And if there is, it's never about the grand gestures. That gets too boring too quickly, and it takes a toll on the relationship.
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