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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel


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Everything posted by Trapp

  1. Trapp


    From the album: The Elf Who Came Out Of My Game

    © Story and Characters by Trapp. All graphic assets belong to their respective creators.

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  2. Trapp


    From the album: The Elf Who Came Out Of My Game

    © Story and Characters by Trapp. All graphic assets belong to their respective creators.

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  3. Trapp


    From the album: The Elf Who Came Out Of My Game

    © Story and Characters by Trapp. All graphic assets belong to their respective creators.

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  4. Trapp


    From the album: The Elf Who Came Out Of My Game

    © Story and Characters by Trapp. All graphic assets belong to their respective creators.

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  5. UPDATE: Here it is, the last TrappComics issue for the foreseeable future. Thank you all for your comments of support, you are the best. Enjoy this comic I made for you all. Hello everyone. Look who's gone and bit off more than he can chew now. Going to keep this one short and sweet. Well, probably not that short. Also, I lied. It ain't going to be sweet. As of today, March 8, 2024, I have decided to take an extended hiatus from comic book making. That means, no continuation to ANYTHING. No CNC Baby. No Goddess's Journal. No Gravure Love. Nothing. I'm beyond burnt out. My mental and physical health, as well as my job are starting to suffer from whatever the hell is messing me up right now. I can't rest, I can't focus on literally anything. And to be truthful, I need a break. A long, decent break. I need to make changes in my life that I have postponed by trying and doing things the same way I always have, and unsurprisingly, getting the same old results. I don't think I ever made this public on KE, but I had a Patreon. Yes, I had a Patreon. I obviously never publicized it here because 1. Rules are rules, and 2. It wasn't actually related to the comics. It was created for drawing content, but that soon went the way of the dodo the second I was able to use TK17 once more. Of course, my job happened and I somehow managed to make it. But since last year, life has been throwing me curveball after curveball, and I was just not ready to deal with ANY of it. Between moving four times in the span of eight months, the devastating death of a close friend, a steady yet not really decent income, and the sudden realization that I was, once again, in a position in which I don't even want to be inside myself... Yeah, it's definitely not a recipe for success. To that, also add the fact that my Instagram account (trapp.comics if anyone is interested) is currently reaching an obscene (to me) amount of followers and I can't make even 1% of them truly give a shit about what I do to support me. I wanted to become a story teller for years. I wrote a lot of fan fiction when I was a teenager. I became an expert online roleplayer by that time. I was imaginative, creative, but not always good. I can recognize that much. The quality control on my shit lately has taken a nosedive, which was much more evident on CNC Baby Extra 1, where I mistakenly changed the text bubble colors on some pages without even realizing, because I was just anxious to put that shit out. And the writing for it, I don't think is the strongest out of the rest of my work. I won't delete it, don't worry. But I've reached a point at which I just can't make time for this. Like I said, I've reached critical levels of weariness and stress from the accumulated workload I have been tasked with in the last two months. "Ask for a vacation, then." I genuinely would if I could. But the system was changed on the company I'm hired by. We have to EARN our vacation instead of being given the right for it like it was at the beginning. "Ask for a leave of absence, in that case." If I did that, my home situation would literally crumble. I cannot afford to take time off work. So, there is very little in the way of options for me. Which in turn, has caused my focus on comics to be shaken greatly. I can't just sit down in front of the computer and attempt to make scenes without wasting time on crashes, getting distracted by trivial shit, or basically having to take care of many things at once that, if I don't do, nobody else would. That is why I conclude that taking time off from this creative endeavor is what I NEED to do. Quoting the good comrade @SovietTiger: "Primero lo que deja, y luego lo que apendeja." Or to put it in English: "Get the dough first, and then focus on the D'oh!" And my oh my, I've been waaaaay too focused on the D'oh! part. Also, depression. I need to go to therapy ASAP. So, here's the plan. I have one last comic to publish, and with it, my hiatus will become effective. I've already teased the fuck out of it, and I'm not sure how it will perform. I've been half working on it for weeks now since, again, I don't have much in terms of creative writing to push me forward for the reasons stated above. It will be published this weekend. The earliest time, tonight; Sunday at the latest. And then that's it. TrappComics will officially go underground for a good while. As for my presence in the KE community, I'll still be around. I've been working on some galleries and your boy has been cooking some shit that I've never posted. I tried to turn some of that into a comic, but it just hasn't worked. So I'll be posting that in the weeks to come, along with anything else that I can do on my spare time, or if I feel like it. This isn't a case of me getting bored or frustrated with the game. I just need to shift focus to other things, and with that, comics will no longer be a priority. If I become inspired to post anything in that regard, or if I can go on and release anything, I'll let you all know in due time. But for now, don't hold your breath. @Oz70NYC, @SovietTiger, @Morius, @demonv1, @Driver, @erikku90, @gobman, @aardy, @beepbeepimajeep666, @vi363R, @PsychoCatGirl, @HDiddy, @Smoke, @Sexvision, @state808, @playadollx, @LordHunt : You guys are the fucking goats. Thank you for your insight, opinions, comments and for allowing me to use your models and assets for my story telling. Everything I shared here on KlubExile is yours to use whenever and however you wish. I sincerely appreciate you and those I forgot to mention for giving me the time of day. Thanks to everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) who's shown my shit some love or paid notice to it. That is all I ever wanted out of this. Hope you enjoy my next comic. See you all soon.
  6. I know that these will be a banger, man. The prologue issue was as good of an introduction as you could ask for. Can't wait for these.
  7. I suppose the figurative to literal dick ratio isn't too far off each other
  8. I love the dynamic between these two. At no point does Rassía lose her fierceness, but Malena is like a scared kitty here. So cute!
  9. My oh my! I said once that Hannah gives me vibes to Jennifer Carpenter (The Exorcism of Emily Rose, Dexter) if she was hypersexualized. What a beauty!!
  10. Nothing better to calm an angry babe like some good food!
  11. Malena's expressions are just adorable
  12. I'd be pissed too, do you know how hard @vi363R worked on those clothes?! Hope Rassía smacks that bitch to the Kremlin and back!
  13. Always gotta make sure people know what they're getting into!
  14. I second that motion! There HAS to be a sculpture made out of this!
  15. ¡Un enorme placer haber sido de ayuda en tu primera entrega en formato de cómics! ¡Está en definitiva es una que no querrán perderse! And for those of you who haven't read it, go! Now! This is fantastic stuff!!
  16. Is this going to be for one body specifically?
  17. I really like the way this one looks, and Serena is just absolutely adorable as always!
  18. PLEASE DO!! YES!!! Also, I need tips to make my own. I know you need UV files to create textures, but I want to learn how to do my own! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS!!!
  19. Trapp

    val 50.jpg

    No, wait, there's a bunch of whiteys in Europe... Also in Russia... No no no wait! I've got it! She's LEBANESE!!
  20. Trapp

    val 50.jpg

    ARE YOU TELLING ME YOU NEVER HEARD RUSSIAN BEFORE?? Wait wait wait, no. Something's not right... I've heard that dialect before... Maybe it's... Italian??
  21. I would LOVE to have her join the roster at one point. Only problem, I already have a character that looks A LOT like sexy Ms. Torres there. Maybe she's a relative of the boss? But I say go for it, comrade! As for the reason this topic exists: I believe we might need some attire for our branding. Here's my humble proposal: As for the character in question, here she is:
  22. Absolutely. I think, through it all, Max is allowed to feel how he feels, but I mean... He is mature enough to listen to other people. It will be a bit of a healing process with him, but I'm sure out of the two, he is the most grounded. He dealt with a harlot for six years, he's proven his patience lol! As for Dani, yes. Even if she wasn't physically hurt, she did have a lot thrown at her at a very young age and needs to learn to open up more to people. She never told anyone about her past, except for Max. She risked getting vulnerable with him, and now she has an inner battle to fight. However, thinking of roadblocks to their progress is a bit difficult for me. I have ideas here and there, but I'm not entirely sure how to establish them yet.
  23. You both make fantastic points there. Max's relationship with Dani changed the moment she told him she didn't want to be protected. This comic proved that as he finally went "beast mode" during sex, or as "beast mode" as vanilla guys can get. And even after Dani stopped him, he still showed great concern for her. What happens to him after this encounter is everybody's guess at this point, so take what I'm about to say with a grain of salt. Max will obviously feel a tremendous amount of guilt for "hurting" Dani. He thinks he went overboard with her, so he's understandably shaken because of this. I don't think, at least in the upcoming issues 4 and 5, that we'll see him deviate that much from what's established. He just found out that Dani is not a cute kitten, but a fierce tigress (see what I did there?) and it's obviously going to be an adaptative process. As for Dani, at this point, she feels shame. She also feels guilt for what occurred to her mother and realizing that she might be a bigger freak than what Aura could have been. The masked man played dirty this time, and Dani's not having that shit no mo'.
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