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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel


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About Ghostbear

  • User Group: Member Level 3

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  • Joined: 03/03/2021

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Community Answers

  1. what room is that you got a link for it
  2. Ghostbear

    re2 room

    hi guys i am looking for a resident evil room like police station baclk alley anyone know ig they were ever made thanks
  3. thanks but i have no idea how to mod i was hoping someonehad made one
  4. hi guys i am looking for a resident evil room like police station baclk alley anyone know ig they were ever made thanks
  5. Wow these models look great thank you for sharing them
  6. Ghostbear

    Find Me in Da Klub

    Looks great can't wait to see it in game
  7. This looks great can't wait to see it in game
  8. thanks for all the work you put into this great job
  9. what i have seen of the rest they are great as i said i remember these when modgarden was still around
  10. oh man thanks you i remember these they were great
  11. Hi oyster  


    I have some of the old voice files from 7.5 "Jen and Paige"  i was wondering if you would be interested in them ?

    1. OysterMug


      If they are the old Replacer voices by user "23eyes", I have them. Thanks. 👍

      "Jen" is still a T X X that I've never got around to extracting and turning into an OVC voice set. I have "Paige" (which 23eyes already converted long ago.)

      Any legacy voices that you have already in OVC format, I encourage you to upload. If you have the T X X, you might try turning it into a voiceset using "Voiceset Creator".

      I'd love to see some new voice uploads. It has been a VERY long time since anyone has uploaded anything new.

    2. Ghostbear


      yes they are they the old 23 yes voices

      i can up load them to google drive if that is ok


      what i have is a voice pack with all the old voices  from 23yes 

      i know T--- files are not allowed here so i hope google drive is ok 


      i will go through what i have 



    3. Ghostbear
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