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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel


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Community Answers

  1. Ambubaia's post in Why does displacement scale not work? was marked as the answer   
    I also ran into this problem. Took me awhile to figure it out but here is the solution:
    You have to set the general 'displacement scale' first. Otherwise displacement on single body parts show no effect. Just scroll to the top of the list where you also have the 'wetness' and 'glossiness' options.
    My displacement scale is set so 0.2 and all body parts are at 1.0 just so you have a refrence.
    Hope I could help you 🙂

    PS: If you later add other layers on your body you may have to tune up or down the 'displacement scale' on tha layer and the corresponding body part to balance out the '1.0' otherwise you get ugly seems to adjecent body parts.
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