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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel


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Everything posted by Bulokungol

  1. You're free to go after I sucked 'em nipples out , Miss!
  2. Name confusion led to hot , steamy encounter. All poses are from other artists. Thanks for creating such beautiful poses and animations. This is for everyone who loves TK17 , especially Lord Oz70nyc. Thank you for all your contributions to the community. We will miss you. Enjoy life everybody! Always choose to be good. Ps. Sometimes Lady T's so in the heat of the moment that she loses control of her shockra. That's why there's clipping and other mysterious proportions LOL 😝😝
  3. Bulokungol


  4. Still trying to learn.
  5. Learning stuff to make this jurassic laptop work. 😝 I forgot where the animation came from. It ain't mine but thank you very much to the rightful owner. I discovered cheat engine and tried it. Recorded at 0.1 fps with bandicam 720p motionjpeg 60fps (rendered 10GB , WTF!). Then edited at Openshot , sped it 8x. then exported with FHD 1080p 30fps (60fps will take too long 🤣 ain't nobody gittime fo tha!) Btw , Reshade was active. (Curves , SMAA) Can't use too many cause the game's lagging too much. Thanks guys! New day , new way. Always for the better. Take care and have fun!💞
  6. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n6T4nN3N5Wy_ynjg8B5ePSci-Y2SNkAJ/view?usp=drive_link Screen recorded with bandicam at 720p motion jpeg 30fps 100 quality. Facken 3.2Gb shitness.... i think i need to record at 60 fps but im getting scared at how large the file is. thats it for now guys. Let me cook... im gonna cook something ... Live , Breath , Enjoy. Somebody hates us just by seeing our face. We can't let them live in peace. Let them suffer!!! HAHAHA lol... Take care guys!!!
  7. Bulokungol

    An Offer

    I tried the sequencer. I found that the production process is slow. Too many things to consider at all times and the next thing is its already midnight when I saw the clock. The primary screenrecord is nice. But its 2.5gb ( 720p motion jpeg on 100 quality 30fps) for a 6min vid. The fonts on sequencer are meh. No slowmo. Still needed to edit outside the game. This might be my last post for now. I'm really getting tired to make this game work. Maybe I'm rushing things. Learn some more. Plan goals and gitgud.😝😝😝 I'll try to post the primary screenrecord on Google Drive. Take care guys. Keep at it. Don't forget to have fun. ❤️❤️‍🩹❤️
  8. wahahahaha... Finish on your own. Okay...
  9. getting closer to my goal model wahahaha

    • 0 B
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  10. Bulokungol

    Testing 3

    Trying to learn the base game. No hook , no reshade. Just jumbled mess😝😝.The quality is bad cause i edited it afterwards. Next time I'll try the sequencer so that the vid might retain a better quality with screen recording. Used openshot editor cause my laptop's an ancient entity😂😂😂. I need help in making faces. I want to mimic a face but I'm just too raw and noob. I really can't get the sliders to where I want em to be. I'm open to tips in getting better on the base game. Not going to touch hooks physx etc... Thanks for the poses and animation Lord Nick Cockman. And always , Lord Hdiddy , the reason I'm here. Be safe and enjoy life , everybody! ❤️❤️❤️
  11. I lost count how many times I've reinstalled this game just to get the hook working. Hook5 just won't work on my laptop. Hook4 doesn't work too but it helped Reshade to be functional , at least. So now I'm just trying to gitgud at the vanilla TK17 VX game. Maybe some of you can give me some poses. I'm still trying to learn how to create one. It's so damn hard! Take care , guys. Have fun!
  12. Thanks guys. I find this place interesting. Kinda busy lately so I really can't focus in learning this game. Btw I'm just using the vanilla TK17 VX and some reshade. Hook 5 won't work cause my graphics card is so low. Take care,guys!
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