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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel


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Posts posted by Danath

  1. Hello!

    Nowadays my game often crashing if i clicking on some button, fore example: chaange dress or load exiting Mody morphs or changing hair, it happens often but randomly. My game has a huge size, around 160gb (using the game since the beginning, try to sort my items), so i hadn't such a problems earlier years despite the lots of addons and activemod stuffs. I attached my Log file, i dunno what the error means, that why i'm here, hopefully somebody can help me, thanks




  2. Hello!

    I would like to expand my library with more non-human bodies, sadly there isn't any new bodies for a long time  in Non-Human Bodies section of the site. I would like to ask, if u have some fantasy/horror character, what u like to share(especially Add-ons), text me.: Thanks! 🙂

  3. 25 minutes ago, HDiddy said:

    I'm not following what the issue is. I'm confused.

    It's not literally an issue, just an annoying thing with some poses, sorry maybe my english was bad.
    So in PoseEdit for example  cloths (bra, dress etc) connected to breasts and i want to disable this, because some of my poses looks stupid, when tits are "free" but dress/bra still connected to it.

  4. Hello!

    This is an old  "issue" for me,  is there any solution to disable, that morph cloths or normal cloths follow boobs, for example i created an undressing pose, but after that cant continue the pose becuase bra following the breasts.
    I guess they are somewhere in the tracks.ini file, i edited long ago toysto not follow the persons, but i fear if morph cloths using different numbers and lines in the tracks.ini, its hard to search them.
    Hopefully somebody can give me some advice, thanks 🙂

  5. Hello!

    I need help, maybe a more experienced member can help me.
    I would like to know is there any possibility, that can u  Disable bodyparts and PE Morph cloths , i mean when u for example doing  a pose with breast the cloths following the breasts, but not vice vesra, i know when u editing the  Cloth Morphs the bodypart don't follow it, but i want to completly disable , that the cloths  won't folllowing the bodyparts, it is possible somehow(maybe in the named "tracks" file?? 

  6. Hello!

    I need help, maybe a more experienced member can help me.
    I would like to know is there any possibility, that can u  Disable bodyparts and PE Morph cloths , i mean when u for example doing  a pose with breast the cloths following the breasts, but not vice vesra, i know when u editing the Morphs the bodypart don't follow it, but i want to completly disable , that the cloths folllowing the bodyparts, it is possible? 

  7. 5 hours ago, Viscard said:

    So I remember seeing someone created an awesome set of tears for Hook5 paid back at modsgarden, using the layer system. I've randomly got a bunch of the normalmap files from it, but not the whole thing - not enough to figure out how to get it to work.

    Does anyone have that full original file? 


    I can help u with tears things, i have several different type of tears (9 maybe) with Paid hook5 customize system.


  8. 20 hours ago, Number251137 said:

    Haha! I can clear that up straightaway. The author of those rooms is; me, me, me, me and, er me. I still haven't got around to publishing half of those rooms on Klub Exile, although I have re-done the Silent Hill Bathroom and made it a lot grittier and darker (check it out!)


    EDIT: You'll find you need XP Points to 'buy' anything on this site, although a lot of Legacy content is free. You earn points by producing content, but also by posting, sharing pictures, etc. I've donated 100 XP to get you started, and hope you enjoy the site!

    LOOL , what a fail! 😄
    Btw ur roomsare absolutly beautifull, i love them, it's a shame, that i have a bad pc right now, maybe i misunderstood something above, sorry for that 😄
    And of course thanks sir, u are a  true gentleman, i read about the system, interesting,i just signed up yesterday, if i have time i will look around this site, seems pretty good. 🙂


  9. On 2/10/2021 at 11:29 PM, Number251137 said:

    No, since both were relatively recent to the garden, so both fall under the '2017' rule here at Klub Exile. Which is a shame, because both were awesome! If you have jungle cave and jungle camp by amanarop, I'll take them if you have them... Cheers! 😃 


    I have Jungle Cave and a lot of rooms, sadly dont't know who is the developer of these rooms.
    Here are some rooms : Cells, Jugle Cave, Peru, Silent Hill Purgatory,/SH Bathroom.



  10. Hello Guys!

    An old mostly silent user here (before hook3) from modsgarden, i found this site trough the Loverslab site.
    The End of the Modsgarden site hit me a little,  when i had begun to explore that site i was around 17 with 0 english and other language knowledge.
    I figured it out step by step from myself how most of the things works in and out of game.
    I'm still not a fluent english speaker (sorry for that), i liked to create characters (aspired to create beautyfull girls mostly) and some fantasy / sci-fi monster creatures to(thanks to PG13), my work contain models and pose edits for my own, i was always little stressed to publish my things, i'm not a talented who can handle the Blender and create textures, body mods etc.
    With this new paid Hook5 Customizer system i think i did some farly nice characters i will upload them in the near future (problem is, that i using a homemade Mini/Giant mod, don't know it is legal here to conversation about it).
    nice to see here "Big Names" from MG @Smoke @Euphie @x17 for examples, i really love your works and thanks for being here.

    Best Regards all!

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