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Posts posted by TheDarkLord99

  1. 27 minutes ago, Exiled_Vizir said:

    Hi, I have some suits for women in my v7.5 installation, see example in attachment. Tell me if your interested, I'll test them in v10 and upload them if they work.


    Example 3.JPG

    Example 2.JPG


    These are good, but not quite exactly what I had in mind, but I am still interested in them.

  2. I'm wondering if there are any business suits for women on here. I'm not talking about business/professional dresses or skirts, but full suits.



    button shirt

    suit jacket


    I've seen a few suits on here, but nothing with the style I had in mind.

    Something form fitting that can insinuate the woman's curves/figure.

    Something along the lines as the image below.





    • Love It 1
  3. 4 hours ago, ddman2 said:

    forgot to say you need to make a new layer in photoshop, paint it all black and move it below iris layer.


    I think I've gotten a hang of it. Still not too happy with the eyes I originally tried, but I think it might be that texture itself.


    Thanks for helping me with this.

    The Klub 17-0004.png

    The Klub 17-0002.png

  4. 10 hours ago, ddman2 said:

    click channels - Blue


    1, 2. select empty space with magic wand then "Select-Inverse".


    3. click on color picker and select 238 white


    4, paint the selected area with white. You can adjust glow intensity with color. White 255=max glow, grey 238=less glow

    Thanks for the help.

    I'll play around with your tutorial and files.

    I still have room for improvement. 🥲

    The Klub 17-0042.png

  5. 3 hours ago, ddman2 said:

    Copy/paste the texture eyeiris.png, rename it "eyeiris_s.png". Using an image editor, you paint "eyeiris_s.png" blue(blue=glow in hook5)

    white blue channel=glow in Hook5.jpg

    Enter this command "glow_intensity=1" inside "eyeiris_pass.txt". 1.6=more glow, 0.6=less glow. Save and change eyes in game back and forward to reload the eye texture and _pass changes. You can use dds, png, bmp.   /    dds loads faster

    eyeiris folder+_pass.jpg

    You can use normal+spec for eyeballs "eyewhite.png" too so when you browse the h5 effect won't get disabled.

    eyewhite.png and eyeiris.png should be same size: 512x512, 1024x1024 etc


    EyesPass ,EyesPass2 are shaders h5 uses for eyes. This allows you to move the iris up/down, big/small, more/less shine etc


    glowing blue-eyes.jpg


    Eyes_Sophia.01.rar 254.94 kB · 1 download Eyes19.rar 121.49 kB · 1 download

    Thanks for the tutorial and the eye files.

    What is the best way to paint another eye texture blue? I tried myself in Photoshop, but the results were pretty messy and not as clean as yours.

  6. On 6/4/2021 at 11:21 PM, HDiddy said:

    You must not be saving the skin after you add the layers.  If you save the skin it will not change from scene to scene.  You can always turn on or off cum options as you please.

    I've been having this same problem. I add my layers, save the skin, then when I load in a new room, none of my layers appear. And when I try to load the save, none of them show up on the model. However, I can see them listed on the Hook5 menu. And they won't show unless I load them in as if I'm adding them for the first time.

    The Klub 17-0007.png

    The Klub 17-0009.png

    The Klub 17-0018.png

    The Klub 17-0019.png

  7. 2 hours ago, Syke said:

    You have to add these manually in H5. The creator didn't exactly go in and just add that ability to every 'light source' since there aren't even 'light sources' in the game - just objects.

    Ah! I see. 

    So kinda like how people make custom textures for rooms, they would add light sources to those room/objects in those rooms.


    I was thinking as if there was a mod or setting already in Hook5 that did that.

  8. 8 hours ago, Syke said:

    I've been using H5 for so long I barely remember the old lighting engine but IIRC, it uses static lightmaps. You can turn these on/off and adjust their scale.

    The 'better' way in H5 is a combination of a few things:

    1. 'Ambient' light. not 100% sure how this is calculated but seems like it is scaled inversely to brightness.
    2. An optional 'cube map', which can give a 'broad' lighting similar to light map on the entire scene (I think this is the environment lighting). This can be nice to also add detail to reflections and is what's often used in 'professional' 3DFX lighting.
    3. The 'sun' as a point source, which you seem familiar with
    4. Added spot or omni 'artificial' light sources 

    To add lights, I'd probably mostly focus on 3 and play around with their settings. If you find the room is in general too dark, you can just up the exposure setting too.


    More advanced is playing around with the glow settings - this doesn't really add light to the scene but you can 'turn on' lights and add light sources after. It's mostly for immersion.

    Others might correct some of my statements of course 🙂

    1. How do you turn on static lightmaps?

    2. How can I use ambient light?

    3. I've played around with the sun, but it's easy to make the light look inorganic to the scene.

    4. How can I add artificial light sources?

  9. So I'm a Hook5 noob.

    I've been reading different guides and messing around with it in-game, but I was wondering if there was a way to utilize light sources that are already in rooms?


    For example, I know that there is the "Sun" in all rooms and I can adjust it to get light from different angles, however, this seems to work best for outdoor rooms like the beach.

    (First image)


    But for indoor rooms like the bas loft and base bedroom, the sun is the only source and even after adjusting it, the rooms still seems way to dark.

    (The rest of the images)


    Is there a way to get lights like lamps to give off their own lights?


    As I said, I'm still new to using Hook5, so pretty much all of my rooms are ones that didn't require Hook5.


    Any help or advice is appreciated.

    The Klub 17-0006.png

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    The Klub 17-0033.png

    The Klub 17-0034.png

    The Klub 17-0035.png

    The Klub 17-0036.png

    The Klub 17-0037.png

  10. 1 hour ago, IIIlll said:

    make sure u have the latest nvidia and intel gpu drivers and select high performance nvidia processor for the TK game specifically 





    This link just explains what switchable graphics is, dont do that BS they promote there, just make sure u have the latest drivers, and set the laptop to always use the nvidia gpu, or i think u can set it to use nvidia gpu for the game only. What can happen is Nvidia doesnt know TK is a game so it just runs it on the integrated intel GPU and ur 960 stays idle.

    I changed my settings as you said and that seems to have fixed the issue.



  11. 1 hour ago, Sexvision said:

    In your main.fx file in the Binaries folder you will find the line:

    iShadowMapSize  = 2048 

    This is the line that controls the shadow texture size. Shadows are demanding. I would set this to 1024 in your case.

    That kinda helped, but the frames are still pretty sluggish. 

  12. 8 hours ago, HDiddy said:

    What are you running it on? Hook5 is not designed to make framerates better.  Hook5 is like takingthea game and putting the graphics settings all the way up max.  If you do not have the hardware to handle it (which is nothing too crazy) it will lag.

    On my laptop, which is a Lenovo (Intel Core i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz)

    I bought it a while back (2016 or 2017) so it might be a bit dated. 


    Are their any, I guess basic steps I can take to improve the lag?

  13. I recently added Hook5 extended to my game, but I noticed the lag/framerate were worse, but still manageable, but then after adding a room with animated fire, the lag/framerate became atrocious. Absolutely unplayable.

    Any help to fix the issue would be appreciated.

  14. 1 minute ago, IIIlll said:

    The Peterbuilt Truck also has a nice sleeping area behind the seats, if u are looking for that claustrophobic sexual experience. I have been thinking of making a few shots there, but have to try and H5 it first. Anyways its pretty cozy there, u should check it out. 

    I've seen the toy you're talking about. Only problem I have is that I'm aiming for a camping theme, so the truck doesn't quite fit, but I appreciate the help.

    17 minutes ago, aardy said:

    I'm guessing you mean this one (it's the only one I know of) 

    I know it used to work in v7.5, but I just tried it for the first time in VX and it crashes my game (in regular play. The screenshot was taken in PoseEdit).

    So I'm posting it here for you to have a play with - I'll be interested to know how you get on.

    Compared with today's addons, it is a bit - dare I say it - rubbish  basic. And it seems to have no shadowing.


    Camping Van.zip 7.48 MB · 1 download


    I'm pretty sure this is the exact addon I remember. I figured it wasn't going to be as impressive as the stuff we have now, considering how old it is comparatively. But I'm fine with that since there aren't too many alternatives. 

  15. I've been looking for an RV camper mod. I know there's one on here, but it's a Hook5 object, but the one I'm looking for is a traditional addon.

    I know one existed back in the day, and I thought I still had it on my computer, but alas, I couldn't find it.

    I'm hoping someone still has the file and is willing to share.

    It blows my mind how many vehicle mods are on here already, but there's not a single RV mod.

  16. 13 hours ago, Oz70NYC said:

    In the virtual memory tab, at the bottom it will tell you what your system's recommended page file should be. Ideally you want to double it, but if you have the extra HDD space you can go even higher. As you can see, my page file is 40000MB, because I have more HDD space the I'll ever actually use.


    That still didn't work for me. I'm just gonna uninstall then reinstall the game. Hopefully that works.


    Thanks anyways.

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