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Posts posted by TheDarkLord99

  1. On 1/8/2023 at 11:01 PM, kingb3 said:
    Hi everyone!
    Could someone share the old skins of Mortal Kombat Series, there were several of them for both male and female characters.


    I know I have an old Mileena skin texture, but it's the only one I have.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. 19 hours ago, aardy said:

    Here are 3 beauties in varying states of decay I use in my game:


    The centre one - a body replacer addon - is already available here:


    There is also an H5 skin available for this on site.

    (have you looked through the other non-human bodies?)

    The other 2 are skins (the first is actually a demon skin, but still works well as a zombie).  Not sure if they're available here but many male horror skins will also work fine as female skins without much effort.

    Let me know if these would be of any use.

    And here's one that's just had dinner  :classic_laugh::




    I appreciate the stuff. I did check non-human bodies, but didn't quite find something that really hit that "zombie girl" vibe for me.

    That last one is definitely what I was hoping for and I even think I have it, but stopped using it due to how dated it looks in comparison to my hook5 models.


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  3. I noticed that despite there being some options for male zombies, there are no textures or addons for female zombies.

    Especially since there's plenty of Resident Evil themed content on here, seems kinda unreal that no one made some female zombie content.

    So if anyone has some they are willing to share, I'd appreciate it.

    I would prefer something that works with Hook5, but I won't complain about other options since beggars can't be choosers. 


    Thanks in advance.

  4. 17 hours ago, aardy said:

    Just had a look, and this should work fine following the advice above - just copy the base image folder from the addon  ( Images\Q=Tex032M\Luder\Room\R9ZRoom306 )  over to your Activemod.  

    Once copied over, you can rename this folder anything you like.

    I can't help with the level def side of things as I don't use Hook, but this should give you an Activemod version that you can then play around with.  

    Let me know if you need anything else ( that's not Hook related :classic_biggrin: )

    Do I need to rename the contents in the folder, or can I just add it to the AM game folder?

  5. 13 hours ago, aardy said:

    Pretty much :classic_smile: - you should get an Activemod version of any addon room by simply copying the base folder in the Images\Q=Tex032M\Luder\Room location to your Activemod folder. These will be named differently from addon to addon, but once copied over can be renamed to whatever you like.

    I have come across the occasional  instance of an addon room requiring the creation of a script to make it Activemod enabled - not difficult, just a little time consuming (these have been much older rooms).  If you should need any assistance, let me know.

    Thanks, I appreciate the help.

    I'm trying to make a AM folder for the art classroom (Room 306) so I can add a level definition to it. I've never modded a room or textures before, so any advice would be appreciated.

  6. On 9/9/2022 at 12:28 PM, aardy said:

    Very easy to do.  Just navigate to  Archives\2.158.001\Images\Q=Tex032M\Luder\Room  and copy the room folder you want to your Activemod.  You can then rename this folder to anything you choose.

    What you will have to do is rename the textures here. 

    This file will give you the Activemod names of all default room textures (towards the bottom of the list):  https://www.klubexile.com/files/file/5894-default-textures-id-list/?tab=details



    Hey, say I wanted to make an AM folder with level definition for an addon room that doesn't have an active mod folder, could I do this same process? 

  7. On 5/18/2021 at 10:41 PM, Smoke said:

    The answer was deleted, so here is what that person said:

    The 4GB patch is now included with the program. All you have to do is select it in Options Manager (a separate app in your tk17 folder).

    To add: Toys are heavy memory users. Create a system in which you will X certain amount and for you to better shuffle them into the game when needed.

    I know this is extremely late, but I checked my addon folder and deleted several toys that I weren't using and that pretty much fixed all my issues.

    I didn't realize I had so many saved on my game. I only tried it now because I had stopped messing around with VX back then and have just recently gotten back into it.

    Thanks for the advice!

  8. Here you go @TerryTeo & @NZTerry

    It's about 20 some poses, MFM, set in the basic gym on the massage table.

    As I said earlier, the poses are for a sequence of two guys massaging a woman before fingering her on the table.

    They are very old poses and I have no idea who originally created them, but they're still pretty good from the last time I checked them out.

    MFM Gym Threesome.zip

    • Thanks 1
  9. Does anyone have a good skin texture that would fit nicely for a female Orc? I've seen plenty of textures for male Orcs, but none for females. 
    I don't want to just use normal skin textures and shade them green, but rather have one that looks sorta non-human and has some good muscle definition.

    Preferably a texture for Hook 5 and doesn't use the skin system. Not that I would be opposed to accepting them, but I would prefer one I can just add to the game and be done with it. But I know beggars can't be choosers.

    Thanks in advance!

  10. 2 minutes ago, Morius said:

    @TheDarkLord99, my bad! I assumed that ArtsandCrafty solved your problem and I didn't followed trough my promise! These days I've been busy too, but if the more the better, I will post some too! @Exiled_Vizir, I'll pass to you mine from MG, and you add the ones you don't have to your compilation, ok?

    It's all good. Technically, ArtsandCrafty did solve my problem, but it can't hurt to have more vampire content.

    I appreciate it!

  11. 9 minutes ago, Exiled_Vizir said:

    Hi, I have some also Vampiro gothic Lesbian/shemale style (yes it's a lot...) from MG also. They was for v7.5, maybe same Morius is speaking. If you're still searching, tell me, I'll try to upload them this week.

    I'll gladly take them. Can never have too many vampire themed poses.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, ArtsAndCrafty said:

    The only poses I can find so far are that of a Shemale/vampire with two women.  But it's just your "basic" MFF kind of poses.  Are you looking some kind of "neck nuzzling"?  You can find some poses like that in a previous pose postings of mine.


    "neck nuzzling" was what I was mainly looking for, so these can work. Thanks!

    • Like 1
  13. 27 minutes ago, Morius said:

    Never shared no poses, but I have some that I did, and some that I found on MG long time ago. I'll produce more by the weekend and share it!


    Thank you in advance!

    16 minutes ago, ArtsAndCrafty said:

    I remember some from the old MG days.  I think I still have them.  Hard to find.  My poses files are not well organized. 🤨

    If you manage to find them and share them, I would greatly appreciate it.

    • Like 1
  14. I'm a huge fan of the Witchblade series, and I know it's mostly a pretty niche thing, but I was wondering if any addons related to the series existed.

    Since it's a niche thing, I figure not, but I'm kinda hoping someone actually good at making addons (unlike me; otherwise, I would make it myself) would take up the task of creating such an addon.

    I'm even a little tempted to commission someone for it, but if it comes to the point I'm paying someone, then I'm gonna be very picky about how the addon would look and function.


    I added some pictures, so y'all can get an idea of what I'm talking about.






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  15. I recently started using the paid Hook5 a few months back, got it installed properly and was using it for a while with no real issues. Then all of a sudden everytime I launch my game, I can select in-game options like, "New Game," "Media," etc. But say I load customizer, all I see is a black screen. But I can still use the customizer options and switch between models.

    I tried looking up a solution, but none of the other black screen fixes worked for me.
    I'd rather not have to re-install my game and Hook5 since it took me a long time to get it running in the first place.

    Also, I removed the most recent content I added just in case those were causing issues, but nothing changed.

    And not sure if this is important, but right before the issue started, I was playing the game like normal, then I noticed items wouldn't appear when selecting them in-game.

    bandicam 2021-11-25 22-02-03-950.jpg

  16. On 10/17/2021 at 2:36 AM, djviper81 said:

    hello everyone so I would have something sexy and hot with a suit, namely sexy office sheer dress modern and vintage style




    I apologize for getting to this so late.

    Are you talking about a texture or addon you made/have?

  17. 1 hour ago, Sexvision said:

    I think i can help with that 🙂 what would you like in it?

    I was already working on one called pussy delight

    Here are some shots

    The Klub 17-0004.png

    The Klub 17-0005.png

    The Klub 17-0006.png

    Is that what you had in mind?

    I was thinking of something a bit more standard. A shop selling toys and videos. And maybe a space in the back for some... fun ctivities.


  18. 18 minutes ago, Sexvision said:

    You could make a sexshop out of the clothing store. you can empty the store out.

    That could work as a good base. But I think then comes the thing Smoke was talking about finding the right assests.

  19. 25 minutes ago, Smoke said:

    No. I somewhat request this in MG. Now that I know how to make shit. It would be "hard". The biggest hurdle would be getting the assets. And sex shops are "limited" and would have to be custom made.

    I some what created a "sex shop" using h5m. But at the end, I didn't not like the outlook of it so I never completed it.

    Damn! I could have sworn I rememeber seeing one, but for all I know, it could have been something I saw on another site or something.

    Oh well!

    But thanks anyway for answering my question.

  20. Are their any rooms that are porn stores/sex shops?

    I searched the site, but found nothing. There are stores, but nothing that fits a sex shop them.

    I could have sworn there was an addon room back on MG, but I don't remember fully.

    I don't mind if it's just a texture, but it would be cool to have, especially one good for Hook5.

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