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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel


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Posts posted by NonLinearAlgebra

  1. This! I was trying to meddle with lips in an interactive type edit, but nothing worked. Was about to ask for the exact same thing!

    I had to attach the neck for the penetration to appear, but then several options disappear as they are overriden. If there is a way to bypass this without turning to regular animations I need to know 🙂

  2. Wonder if anyone knows about a male penis that has foreskin? I suppose I'd mostly look for animated or "moveable" foreskin, but I assume that might not work or be possible. Still if anyone has a static model that they know about, I'd appreciate the tip 🙂

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  3. Same as above, usually I don't touch the game for months, but then suddenly I have a heafty session of a couple of weeks\months until I lose interest, maybe to return. This has been the way with all other games of this "nature" and as such I assume it applies here as well. My registration on this forum is my first returning to the game after a good while (I joiend when modsgarden went down)

  4. Howdy, I joined the TK17 community JUST before the other site went down, just my luck eh 😛 Now I've decided to give it another try on this site. Very fresh and I've barely begun to to play.

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