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Posts posted by bigjimmy113

  1. I'd say go for Hook! You can install Hook and reap the benefits of the improved graphics without knowing anything about how it works. Trust me, that's what I do 😅

    Like everything around here, the first time you install something you might want to read a guide. I used this one. Only thing I realized that guide didn't mention was that you need make sure your game is rendering with DirectX and not OpenGL. You can change that setting in the window that pops up when you run your .exe file. 

    Good luck and enjoy! 

  2. Hello, I'm seeking an addon that could produce realistic cheek dimples. I've seen many for butt dimples, so that's covered 😄

    I've got X-Body for the default body, which does give me a dimple slider, but it makes a change that IMO looks nothing like dimples. Does anyone have any other recommendations? Or should I put this in the Requests section?

    For comparison, googling dimples gets you get this textbook example:

    TikTok Says You Can "Give" Yourself Dimples, But Is It That Easy? | Allure

    But attached is the before/after with the dimple slider from X-Body.

    before and after.jpg

  3. Ah, that does make sense. I got confused by the bit here that says "Install the highlighted mods by unpacking the archive into your "Addons" folder". I guess he only meant the Body one goes in Addons... duh. Rookie over here, if it wasn't already obvious.

    Gonna spell out my steps for other rookies: I made a clean install, and applied Update P, which I didn't have before. That actually created the Addons folder for me, and yes, as a post above said, it's that easy.

    Side note, to anyone else out there stuck like me who is installing all this for the first time: use the Options Manager to enable the 4GB executable when you try out update P for the first time! Otherwise you'll face out of memory errors.

    Then I put the VX-Mod stuff where it belongs, and only the one addon in the Addons folder, and yes, it worked. Another problem I was having was specific to X-Body - the archive I opened had 3 subfolders, and those needed to each be put in Addons.

    Anyway, all straightened out. Thank you @aardy!

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  4. Bumping this ancient question because I'm facing the same thing. Portable installation, no Addons folder. I created one and dropped some mods in (according to the structure TK17/Addons/ModName/Scripts...) and nothing seems to be loaded in my game. How do I get addons to work?

    I also ran the Options Manager and I can see the two addons I dumped in the folder, checked. But they don't show up in game...


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