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Posts posted by Shivu

  1. 1 hour ago, demonv1 said:

    Does your model have a hairworks hair or a Hook5 Skin Layer selected if not those menu tabs will be empty.

    How do I add a Hook5 skin layer? I'm using the option in the body editor where I can select a body type and skin. They are all 4 x H5. But I can change the skin settings in the F4 menu, so I guess Hook5 is properly installed then?

    Another question while I'm at it: how do I change the active character in the pose editor or add more?

  2. I bought the extended version, which was surprisingly cheap, and organized all the files into the folders which is noted in the description.

    But I'm not sure if it's even working. I'm new to TK17, so is there a significant difference you notice after installing Hook5?

    Aside from that, I made some textures and downloaded a few others. I have the Codename VX version, so there are plenty, but when I open the skins and hairs tab, nothing appears.



  3. On 12/28/2022 at 12:43 AM, Kanmar said:

    Dear colleagues. Could any of you recommend me a free, fairly easy to use program for adding music to a movie ?

    I did it with the windows tool but the loss in video quality is huge. Unacceptable. So maybe someone can give me some advice.

    I'm working with Davinci Resolve. It is the most powerful free video editing software available.

    • Thanks 1
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  4. 21 minutes ago, IIIlll said:

    There is a way to scale your menus, but it will scale your whole operating system UI. If you press the windows key and type "Ease" it should show you a settings menu called "Ease of access and brightness setting". Under the section called "Make everything bigger" try 200%. Maybe u have to restart your game.

    I hadn't even considered it, thanks! When I get home, I'll give it a shot.

  5. Hey folks,

    I just started working with TK17 a few days ago, and I'm enjoying it a lot because of the community. I had my doubts about this XP system at first, but after seeing how this community is built and how nice most people are, I quickly changed my mind. Furthermore, I was having trouble finding a specific download because I'm new here, but pes1972 came in and helped me a lot.

    I know it's too early, but I'll be away for the next two weeks and wanted to wish you all a happy new year. I hope you reach your goals, set new ones, and stay healthy and fresh.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, CaymanGT4 said:

    I don't quite agree with that.
    I lead a life similar to yours.
    All it takes is SYMBOLIC activity to download basic things.
    I also created an account recently and by reading the forum even during the inability to download due to forum data transfer I was able to achieve such resulatats:
    https://i.imgur.com/xO5qyHD.png (sorry for this example but it is illustrative xD)

    To achieve even better results it is necessary to engage in reading the forum and even ask more complex questions so your reputation builds itself in the background.

    You don't need to download all the available content since you won't know how to handle and install it anyway. 😉

    Thanks for the feedback. I only needed two files to get started with my trial and error. It really doesn't matter what my opinion here is, because it won't change anything. I need to adapt and reform myself here until I can finally download those two files.

    By the way, the picture you posted is fantastic. Great job.

  7. On 7/28/2022 at 2:07 AM, HDiddy said:

    It is really not that hard...it is an "Anti Leech" mechanism, post 5 things and your downloads are unlocked.  You seem to have already done that so not sure what the issue is.

    To be honest, if I had the option, I'd pay the mod creators, but this system, in my opinion, is flawed. I'm a guy who works a lot, both during the day and at night, and I have other responsibilities, so I can't just "act" like someone who is extremely active on this website. That's what you want because downloading requires people to participate.

    I'm new to TK17 and wanted to learn, download, and test things out for a project, but that's nearly impossible with this system. Leechers will continue to leech, creators will continue to create, and supporters will continue to support. Since 1998, this has been the natural flow of the internet. If you put a block in place to force people to do things your way first, it will not only slow down or completely deter potential creators or modders, but it will also make modders feel less appreciated or acknowledged for their work.

  8. I'm a hobby cartoonist who enjoys making things in general. Since I know I'll run into my boss, I like to listen to death metal and do crazy headbanging while driving to work.

  9. 3 hours ago, Smoke said:

    Personally, you make it sound like you got scammed. TK17 is the modded version of the commercial product (SV2). And both communities never saw eye to eye (you can say that there is history between community and lots of unwanted drama). If you were using SV2, than its that so call "online" version. TK17 is offline and you can do whatever your little heart desires and is FREE.

    That's nice to know 😁 to be honest, I'm not sure if it was even TK17. The only thing I remember is that it was an online multiplayer game that looked like this one. Perhaps I'm mistaken, and it was something entirely different.

    Edit: Okay, It was 3D SexVilla ! The website still exists, surprisingly.

  10. 51 minutes ago, aardy said:

    To my knowledge TK17 has never been for sale. It's a pirated software derived from an online pay-to-use game - and what you get in the game download section here is the current/latest version supported on this site.

    TK17 is the version here, the official game goes by a different name.

    Not sure what you bought in the past, but if it was an earlier incarnation of this version of the game, it sounds like you were ripped off.


    I was referring to the online version. Although it was many years ago, I recall paying for it. I don't think it was a scam, though. Thanks for the info.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  11. On 1/23/2021 at 7:59 AM, MrOllyK said:

    You should find these handy:

    Changing textures isn't particularly difficult, but you need a paint program that can handle 32 bit and layers.  A good smattering of talent wouldn't go astray either.  User-made textures generally live in Mod\ActiveMod folder, names of which are:



    Male_White_Genital.png  <-- Shemale body uses male genital texture

    You select them in Customizer Body tab Skin Base:


    If you make a change to any of your textures, you can quickly apply it by using Alt+R to reload it instead of quitting the game.


    Thanks this is very helpful.

  12. I bought TK when it was first released, but I no longer have access to my account, so I decided to purchase it again. So many things seem to have changed, and the community has made this tool even better than it was before. I'm a little confused about everything and would appreciate some guidance, such as where to purchase the most recent version.

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