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Posts posted by Shivu

  1. 52 minutes ago, x17 said:

    Sadly, this was how it went ... and the sizer would probably never even be hardcoded, if the pedos were sanctioned on time ages ago on former MG.

    I would agree to extent, however, even if there would be general consensus about allowing to return the sizer into full possibilities ... there would still be those who would abuse this. And some would possibly use this to attempt to harm the site directly. 

    Yes, unfortunately, that's to be expected, and I can't argue with that.

    Edit: I found a way to do it.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. 34 minutes ago, x17 said:

    No, because of hardcoded limitations in size range. The reason for hardcoding it was in something that occured ages ago on former MG where certain "people" were abusing the sizer to create the underaged models.

    From my own POV, yes there are surely ways to re-enable or even circumvent the sizer limitations ... however, because of above ... "people" or better said pedo scum... I will never share anything I know about those ways publicly, and possibly would share only with well known, closer people. 

    However... you can make an improvised "workaround" that is not really increasing a model, but a room, which I explained here in this tutorial


    This can be used to extent, with limitations, ofc.

    I have a daughter myself, so I get your point. And I even encountered and reported one when I was 19. But I think it's wrong to put these things together and to hide knowledge for creative work. I'll look into it myself; thanks for the confirmation.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  3. I'm still getting an "Access Denied" message on some downloads. Unfortunately, those are always the ones I've wanted to try.

    Edit: Okay, it seems that it is still under development. I thought it was fixed with the last site update. My bad.

  4. 2 hours ago, erikku90 said:

    I use the skin layer system, because it has way more customization and diversity to characters, you have everything from leggings to tattoos to cyber ware etc.... yeah it takes a bit to figure out at least for me it did but once you do it is a game changer. I have to disagree with 4x looking better than h5 skins with a few exceptions I think all the h5 skins look better for the most part.

    I agree after trying things out. I installed HDiddy's universal skin system, but the game now takes much longer to load. I'm not sure if removing the standard H4s would make a difference. I guess I'll just have to put up with the long loading times.

  5. 10 minutes ago, x17 said:

    In general, custom weighting would take the most time. One thing good about it ... well, its not like quadripeds would require some specific clothing or that there is any clothing, so nothing would be really broken with new armature and weighting.

    For cow... I think maybe easiest for you would be simply to check exactly which cow poses you need to - considering you meant here on "plain" animal and not its anthropomorphic version, its not like there would be many variations. Then you can pose the same cow model in Blender and export it as toy.

    But if you need, lets say cow in movement animation (so that youre not making purely static imagery) ... that would require at minimum a morph.


    I only want a short animation in which the cow smokes weed. Fortunately, I don't have to make a cow from scratch because I have one from a bundle that I purchased not long ago. I'll give it my all this weekend and see how it goes.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  6. 18 minutes ago, x17 said:

    Its a fairly tricky and complex project. But wouldnt be possible without hfg2's converter.

    Its part of the game that has been obscure. Everything mainly used default bipedal armature and its weighting (and default weighting is old and not good - but to reweight all would mean to break all default clothing and assets ... so, big nope)

    The best solution for your case would be to import a simple cow toy. Now depends if you need cow to be in multiple particular poses ... if, yes, and there arent more than 15 poses, then something like toy morphs could be implemented. Well, or even exporting multiple cow toys in multiple poses.

    Depends exactly on what you need. But if you need fully poseable model in many ways and variations - then thats possible only through full model.


    I'm still new to TK17, but I've previously created models and textures in C4D or Blender. I can imagine how challenging it can be, but the project itself sounds really great, and I'm looking forward to it. Regarding Esmeralda, I appreciate your suggestion😁 I might just use Blender to add a cow and then use Photoshop to tweak the result.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  7. 5 hours ago, Smoke said:

    lol ok - so are you asking for a actual cow - like a animal. Or a cow cosplay outfit? 😅

    1 hour ago, x17 said:

    Are you asking for anthropomorphic "cow" or are you asking for real cow, as animal cow ?


    A typical 1,400-pound cow found in barns. Esmeralda will be her name, and she is MC's best friend. They'll occasionally smoke weed and talk about life decisions.

    • Haha 4
  8. I'm working on a story in which the protagonist's best friend is a cow. A simple cow with no fancy stuff. Before using Blender, I wanted to make sure that something like this existed in TK17.

    • Haha 3
  9. 5 hours ago, Kanmar said:

    You can only create animations in PoseEditor. Once you have a few animations, you can create something like a movie in the sequencer. You place your animations on a timeline, add outfits, voices, text, camera movement and placement, and so on. Or you can create your own sequences using animations created in PoseEditor if you prefer.

    Got ya, thx for the explanation 😄

  10. 1 hour ago, Ambubaia said:

    Oh boy, yeah there's that, too. Sorry for not replying anymore. I was out visiting family this weekend. Happy to hear, that it works now. Have fun 😀

    There's no need; totally understandable, and it worked mainly because you helped me with your explanation here 💪 Thanks, man.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  11. 21 hours ago, Ambubaia said:

    This kinda looks like an error with your normals. Let me show you how my files and folders look:

    1. Important to note is the 1x resolution of the image files. They are only "placeholders" but the resolution is important. I actually use plain white images to save data space.

    I also painted out kinde how the chain of references goes.

    1 folder_view.PNG


    2. The pass files we know from the "not" customizable aka regular skin system are still there but look different inside:

    2 pass-files.PNG

    This is the only info inside the female_white_XYZ_pass.txt files. They reference a "body part" inside of the huge file with all the data. So "SkinBody", "SkinHead" etc. is also what the parts are names there.


    3. But important is that the "_skin_definition.txt" references this big data text-file. I name it after my characters. Sometimes I have multiple "versions" saved inside my folder. These are the files you can quickly load from the hook5 menu you were in in your screenshot.

    3 skin_definition-file.PNG

    So in my example there could also be a "_skin_Evans_T_Harper_EbonyVersion.txt". In game i then can fast load either the one file or the other and switch around.


    4. In the big data-file - in my case "_skin_Evans_T_Harper.txt" - there you find the "SkinBody" etc again. Under that, resolition is saved and also the body layers you apply later on.

    4 name_XYZ_definition-file.PNG

    Check if the file paths are all correct. I had many issues with type errors myself. And also check if file endings match! In one case it took my half a day to figure out why a skin wouldn't work. Mostly it's the case when a normal file is a .png but in your file a .dds is referenced.

    I now always save my diffuse as PNGs and the hook files as DDSs. When I download a new skin, the first thing I do is looking after this and changing format with Photoshop or GIMP to my "file system".


    Hope you can find the error. If not send me some screens. I'd love to help!👍


    Thanks a bunch, man. You greatly improved my understanding of this whole thing.

    I think it works now, but how do I access the menu where I can edit and add layers? When I click on _fleur.txt, it only displays the skin. I have the Hook5 Extended version. I paid nearly two dollars for it.


    Edit: Thanks for all the help, but I've given up using it. It just doesn't work, and I don't know why.




  12. 1 hour ago, Ambubaia said:

    My main reason of using it is to quickly add those layers onto the skins. Makes it really quick to change the skin of characters in different scenes etc.

    Second reason is that I can have 100 Skin folders inside my ActiveMod without the game loading for ages because the actual skin files are in the collective "skin system" folder.


    Oh and you can actually use it with 4x skins. Don't know what you mean when you said/typed you only can use 1x but it definitely works. I'm using the latest version of the game from this site.

    But could it be that you already put the 4x files inside the ActiveMod folders and have "4x skins" selcted ingame?


    As a reference some facts on how it works:

    • In the ActiveMod folder you have your subfolders for the skins, right? So far so good.
      • Inside here there should only be 1x skin images (can be even blank files to save bytes but the image size needs to be exact 1x so the game recognizes the skin folder as a skin once inside the game)
        • And that is also the big bonus for loading times. You don't need that many douplicate skin folders for just small changes / differences. Those get applied via the layers.
      • Back to the skin folders: The pass files for those files reference to an overall skin definition in a seperate txt-file (the big change to the usual system is here)
      • Inside this txt-file you find the actual references to the high res image files and can even change around the scaling 1x, 2x, 4x for different skins - your choice!
        • But all the actual high res images (diffuse, normals, spec, sub, layers etc.) are in the huge collective folder where you only need every skin one time


    Very important to note: Inside the game you must have "default 1x Skin" selected in the "Body" tab! The reason is you also have 1x skins inside the AciveMod folders for the different versions of skins you create or want. It will still render in 2x, 4x, 8x or whatever you put inside the summary txt-file, tho! Hook5 takes care of that - not the actuall game engine, I think. That's a bit weird to understand at first and really messed me up at the beginning, too. Took some time for me to figure it out and make it work. The reason behind this is that you have 1x skins in active mod folders, so you need to also choose 1x default skin inside of the game.

    Short version: The game loads the skins throught the folders in ActiveMod but hook5 actually loads the images over the seperate skin definition txt-file.


    Maybe that's why 4x is not working for you? I hope I could help you to understand and you can make it work for you now. But I'm typing to much, sorry for that😅


    Back to topic!

    So if I want the same skin in two different versions, lets say one time with bruises layers applied and one time without them, I then only have two folders in ActiveMod with 1x image files and _pass-files referencing to the big high res skin collection somewhere else.

    Without the customizable skin system I would need two folders with both 4x image files and maybe even also seperate normal files, etc.

    You see the data load is much less on the game engine especially when you have like 20 different characters and want them all to have own skins. The difference in loading times is actually omega huge at some point - even with an SSD drive.


    But then again I am a character collector, so maybe not everyone will have such enormous loading time issues without the customizable skin system like me🤣

    Thanks for feedback and the nice explanation!

    I just tried it again to see how it goes, but I'm stuck at going into the options.

    Apparently, once you select the skin definition and apply, another window with the options will open. But in my case, it doesn't do anything at all.



  13. After much back and forth, I finally understood how it works, but I still don't understand the “why” of using it. I was only using 4X, and the main difference I noticed was the ability to add extras from the H5, such as additional layers. However, you can do almost all of that without a customizable skin. What ultimately convinced me not to use it was the fact that I had to use 1X, and it didn't look as good as my 4X versions.

    So here I am asking this question now. Sorry for my lack of knowledge.

  14. Sorry for bringing this up again, but no matter what I tried, I couldn't see any changes in the game.

    I added some customizable skins to the activemod directory, but when I open the body editor, they all look the same. F4's skins tab is also empty.

    I installed the Customizable Skin Example, which I downloaded from here. The txt files point to the correct path, and everything should be fine in theory, but it doesn't work in the game for some reason.


    It's sort of working now. She's a beauty. I love that smile.


    • Haha 1
  15. 21 minutes ago, ddman2 said:

    hook5 skin system works a little different from normal skin. The normal hook5 skin loads normal, spec map and sub map from the _pass file(stage2, stage3, stage4). Hook5 SS uses a data file where all the textures and data are stored and loaded.


    When this skin is loaded, the textures you see are ignored and it will load textures from the data file.

    _skin_definition.txt says what data file to load.

    Inside the data file, you have paths to your actual skin. You can add the textures here, in the data file, or in hook5 GUI (F4).

    Each body part must have a base layer. This base layer is named in the _pass and in the skin data file.

    For female_white_body the skin data layer is: [SkinBody]


    To add more models, create a new pose (first button, top-left) and select 4 persons.

    Thanks a lot for your detailed explanation!

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