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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel


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Everything posted by petrav

  1. I de-actrivated a room which is named something like "Barbie doll house" or "doll house" or something like that. It is romm shaped like a Barbie doll house toy. Does someone remember the number of the room so that I can re-activate it? I am quite sure it is one of Berger's room... SOLVED: IT'S BERGER ROOM 12.
  2. I did not work... Yet I found a solution: If the Mountain won't go to Mohammed, then Mohammed must come to the Mountain, so I copy-and-pasted the room addon in the desktop, made all stuff with the tools and then copy-and-pasted the room addon back in the Addons folder. It works! Thanks for the help!
  3. Sorry but I don't understand this procedure. The issue is not in the room but in the room-adding tool.
  4. I created a room with 4 positions. Then, I tried to add new positions but the tool cannot open the game folder: it seems freezed to just the desktop. Any help?
  5. Because it's not Holiday Season without the Holiday Special of your favorite franchise.
  6. petrav


  7. petrav


  8. petrav

    Flesh Gordon 3

    The greatest sequel of the greatest porn movie in the Universe. Horny alien girls, huge rockets and the Goddess of all MILFs.
  9. Next step will be Friends' apartments...
  10. petrav

    Flesh Gordon - villains

    Lizard Woman, Ming Emperor of Moondingo, Princess Aoora of Moondingo, Lord Fucker
  11. petrav

    Sailor Milf

  12. petrav

    Your Presents - Horny Holidays 2021

    What is the hairmod of the second model from left?
  13. meshes/zzjay/Clothes/Dresses/Elegant/Elegant_1.nif
  14. I am not sure if these are LE MODS files: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1asj3tby6gt6764/Skyrim Attire.7z?dl=0
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