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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel


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Everything posted by petrav

  1. petrav

    The BUS!

    Our driver has a shaved face, no mustache and wear a staff member DRILLED uniform.
  2. Great idea!
  3. Here at DRILLED we love all colors.
  4. I just edited the metric texture and shared with a few who asked a copy of the file. Sorry, I don't recall who created that room. Is that 2 m tall ruler a Hook5 Object available somewhere?
  5. Well, I tested various versions before using the one shared here. I tried to make it the most realistic using the models as reference tool (I assume most of my female models are around 165-175 cm tall).
  6. Not sure if this is relevant, but that ruler in the scale room (a texture edited by me) was an estimated guess created in photoshop. I do not exptect it to be perfectly-scaled to whatever real reference object.
  7. petrav


    Confirm. All my creations are retextures: I am not a modder. Just photoshop editing.
  8. This is just an experiment. I've never created videos, so I am not sure this is the correct way to do so... I know this is not the good way to make video because of the white bar on the top. Maybe, first had to set to full screen? In any case, welcome Julia's first video!
  9. I'd love reach such level of realism in pose editing...
  10. petrav

    Do math da face

    My models follow a slightly different geometry.
  11. Well, if you send me the face, body and tattoo save settings of her I may create a Drilled-version of Valeria for a set (and if you like her, I can share that model with you)...
  12. Why not your favorite magazine logo (text white arial bold, background black)? DRILLED.com
  13. petrav

    the mating game

    Are the trees in the scene some Hook5 objects?
  14. You can enlarge one default earring in costumizer.
  15. Nice to add to future updates of XBody.
  16. The first is one of the PG-13 bodymods. You can recreate it using XBody sliders or directly downloading that bodymod: Dress for that body is this:
  17. petrav

    Censor Mesh

    Maybe I have not understood anything, but could this same stuff be applied to breasts to avoid clipping?
  18. Sorry for the reaction, but I assumed you had the DAZ file I requested (and which was the original request of this topic). So, if you don't want to share that DAZ file, I am ok, it's fine. Nobody is forced to do anything. But that was the original request, so I don't understand your tone. If you are not interested to share the DAZ file, it's fine... but then why have you commented here? I've never meant to insult anyone. Peace and love bro. I do not use FaceGen (or similar stuff) because face proportions are not respected and some face details are too rough (for example, the eyebrows). I have done something like this
  19. Interesting... and weird. Could you share the original files so that hfg2 may try something with it?
  20. Well... if that is the fate then I would not ask for the model
  21. If someone confirms to be able to import as much as possible of that model, I might evaluate to download it.
  22. Could someone import this amazing model and make up to our game? https://www.renderhub.com/totocandy/bb-for-genesis-8-female
  23. petrav

    Lubrification service

    Alice and Galah prepare Mr. Drilled and Irina for an anal play.
  24. petrav

    Well measured

    Is it possible to add a number value display working for each slider? This would help much in replicating certain setting from one model to another.
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