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Posts posted by prylipala

  1. Hello everybody.
    New update.
    What's new? Added some new morphs to the tri file.
    Bonus. Changed files FaceConstructor.bmp, FaceConstructor.egt, FaceConstructor.egm. Added a new mesh - eyes.

    How to use? Copy the FaceConstructor.tri file to the folder csamSV2_ModelSet_4 and rename it with a replacement to the file SV2_ModelSet_4.tri.
    Or - use the entire csamFaceConstructor folder.

    WARNING! If you use the csamFaceConstructor modelset in its entirety, turn off the display of the eye mesh before exporting the face to an obj file - see picture.




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  2. It is impossible to do this with standard symmetrical sliders in the game. You can replace the sliders in the si.ctl file, but then symmetrical sliders will not change a single feature of the face (for example, eyes), but the whole face and will not affect other sliders. You can also replace the asymmetric morphs in the egm file with ones you create yourself instead of the head mods in the alter asymmetry mod and then you will be able to change specific facial features without changing others.

  3. 25 minutes ago, petrav said:

    Hope to not sound naive, but could this builder be used for exporting directly headmods working in the game?

    What does directly mean? If you mean something like a facegen importer, then no. But if you created a new head mod with this modelset, then using it in the game is quite simple.

  4. 2 hours ago, drmls said:


    Okay, I understand your question. Most of the morphs are handmade in Zbrush - for sculpting I like this program better than Blender. The exception is lips from different mods. I made lip morphs using Blender and WinMerge and Notepad++ text editors. In Blender, the desired vertices in the head-mode are selected and then shifted along only one axis. Then two files are compared in WinMerge - the original mod and the head with vertices shifted along the axis. Then the coordinates of the shifted vertices are copied from the original mod into the default head of the game in Notepad++. After that, you can see in Zbrush what happened and, if necessary, you can correct something.

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  5. So, this is a small update - some new morphs have been added to the file .tri. The Extras folder optional contains a new texture and a modified file .egt. Attention - the modified file .egt is provided for reference only. Do not use this file in the game, otherwise you may have difficulty rendering non-European face textures.
    P.S. Question - do you need instructions on how to use this modelset?



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  6. On 5/6/2022 at 10:09 AM, drmls said:

    Would you please share the morphs 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, and 242 as well?  They do not exist in the file you posted.

    Hi. These morphs exist in the .tri file, but they are very weak. Compare these screenshots:





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