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Posts posted by prylipala

  1. 1 hour ago, SovietTiger said:

    You make it sound like it's nothing 😄

    I'll check the tutorial, thank you!

    It's really not hard at all. Just read the tutorial carefully, prepare the necessary files and act according to these instructions. In addition, there is a simpler method, which is different from the one suggested by Singular Inversion, but which partially utilizes the Facegen utilities.


    P.S. Google translator translates terribly from Ukrainian to Russian. I read the automatic translation of what I wrote myself, and it was not easy to understand the translation.😆

  2. 16 hours ago, Q-7 said:

    Hi. Can you do some old asym sliders in your mod, or instruction how to others can do it? I like this mod, but really miss about some real asym sliders.

    If it possible exchange some options to asim it will be best for me. 4-6 sliders is enough.


    Насправді, можна зробити 2 варіанта.

    1. Можна залишити усі дефолтні асиметричні слайдери і додати 4 морфа голови з інших авторських модів.

    2. Можна створити морфи з потрібних вам дефолтних асиметричних слайдерів і ними замінити в моді ті авторські варіанти голови, які ви не використовуєте.

    В обох випадках потрібно редагувати файл egm. Туторіал по редагуванню файлу egm я недавно виклав.

    Ще один можливий варіант - використовувати фейсген моделлер і мій моделсет для цієї програми. В цьому моделсеті є кілька сотень морфів практично з усіма доступними авторськими модами голови плюс інші. Просто створюєте потрібний вам варіант обличчя, зберігаєте в obj, конвертуєте в tri і створюєте ваш власний мод голови.

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  3. 19 hours ago, drmls said:

    Is there any progress in this perfect study?

    Hi! Thanks for your interest. Right now, due to time constraints, both projects I've been working on are temporarily on hold. The new modelset is almost done, but I've lost a bit of interest in it because of the project you're asking about. And the new project itself is on hold because I can't get the result I want. I've almost completely solved the texture problems (I still have a little trouble with the eyes), but I can't improve the shape of the face when using photofit the way I want.😪

  4. On 12/31/2023 at 5:26 PM, josito said:
    Thank you for your reply. ank you for your reply. 
    I think it would be interesting if it were compatible, 
    since they are very good sliders
    Sorry, I don't remember, but the old mod for modsgarden seemed to work with male models
  5. On 27.02.2022 at 19:30, sheb0p said:
    On 2/27/2022 at 3:37 PM, sheb0p said:

    For some reason the Facegen import program is not working for me.  The import looks nothing like the 3d model created in Facegen.  The only thing they have in common is the coloring.  The nose is similar too but it is a bit squished in the horizontal direction.   After reading comments like this one, I am very surprised:

    I am hoping that someone can help me get a better result.  Let me show you what I mean.

    Here is how the model looks in Facegen.  It isn't entirely accurate but its close enough for me to work with  The shape of the face itself is fairly close.
    FaceGen Appearance

    Now here is how it looks imported.  It would be comical if it wasn't so annoying.
    In-Game Appearance

    What am I missing/doing wrong?


    The main problem for beginners is that they use Facegen Modeller incorrectly. Here are some steps you need to follow. Step 1: Reinstall Facegen Modeller to the older hacked version 3.5.3 - this will allow you to save not only fg files, but also export faces to obj files and texture to jpg or png files. Step 2. Run Facegen importer from the game folder and re-execute point 1.2 from the first facegen importer window - (Optional) Install or update the Klub 17 FaceGen model set for FaceGen Modeller. Step 3. Find the ModelSets folder on your computer and make sure you have the csamSV2_ModelSet_4 folder there. Step 4: Run FaceGen Modeller. Select the model tab - change model set - new model set - SV2_ModelSet_4 and click OK (this is recommended in point 2.2 of the second FaceGen importer window). The default FaceGen Modeller head will change to the default female head from the game Klub 17. Step 5. Now go to the photofit tab and upload the photos. The result you will get will show how the face will look with such settings in the game. This result can be adjusted either with sliders or with the mouse in the FaceGen Modeller itself as you like. Save the result to a fg file and then import it into the game. A model of Change me will appear in the game. Choose it. Profit. This is the simplest instruction on how to use FaceGen Modeller.

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  6. On 8/12/2023 at 6:54 AM, demonv1 said:

    Yes unfortunately it has to be the only prylipala slider mod for it to show the new sliders. I think there is a way to update the other ones but I have no idea how to do it.

    This update is not fully compatible with the old mod. However, both mods can work in the game at the same time for different female characters. The only problem will be that the sliders will be displayed only from one bs script. I haven't solved this problem yet, but one of the solution options is to rewrite the bs script file for both mods, where the sliders will be signed with a slash.😉

    • Thumbs Up 2
  7. On 2/25/2023 at 8:10 AM, HDiddy said:

    The Prylipala mod modifies the face by moving the face bones around versus just making morphs.  You could probably add basic morphs to that mod that will not impact bone structure, but there are limitations to the shapes you can get when using bone structure to edit the face.

    Prylipala face slider mod doesn't use bones from the body.bs file as an Xbody mod because I don't understand scripts at all. Just asymmetric morphs are cut from the egm file, and sewn morphs are created from face mods. Your mod is much more complex.

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  8. On 4/3/2023 at 5:31 AM, defy said:

    Hi prylipala

    Can you please tell me how you add the morph in the egm files?

    the game only uses 50 symmetric morphs and 30 asymmetric morphs from the egm file. Therefore, it is useless to add a new 51 symmetric or 31 asymmetric morph to the egm file - you need to change the existing one to a new one. 
    A new morph is created with the help of utilities from the triutil set and is added/replaced either with the same utilities or with a hex-editor.
    • Thumbs Up 1
  9. 1 hour ago, state808 said:

    OK- this is amazing!

    This is my progress using this in a short time....I am amazed at the results!

    Very good. I would like to make a modelset that would work better with photos than the default one. But the modelset was primarily developed for simple work with the mesh. If there are any successes, I will certainly post an update.

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  10. On 2/22/2023 at 2:10 PM, pes1972 said:

    Could someone make a quick step-by-step tutorial where to install/put Prylipalas latest files and how you export you photo and with which export option to chose to make your photo usable for VX? I have the latest facegen modeller demo installed but need some guidance please 🙂

    Maybe tonight I'll post a step-by-step illustrated guide in English. But this model set is primarily intended for creating new face meshes, the texture of this model set is not much better than the default one.

    • Thanks 1
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