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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel



Blog Entries posted by Smoke

  1. Smoke

    Just talking
    So as you guys are aware (from the announcement), Oz70NYC has passed away. I just want to give my personal input/feeling about this. Even though we are an online community and for a game that is taboo, Oz was a big part on getting this site up and rolling and he helped me improve as a admin and for a better person. So in short, he was a really good friend that I will miss.
    His presence will be missed. He was extremely supportive to the community and to the content creators that helped keep the ball rolling and he inspired users to continue with their work or to stick around. On top of that, I will miss seeing his content and I am sure others will too. 
    RIP Oz70NYC
  2. Smoke

    Ok so I want to keep this brief and simple. My next major project will be based about 'wedding' and what not. I will be looking to create several addons.
    Wedding rings for his and her - I pretty much previewed it here (https://www.klubexile.com/gallery/image/79125-smh/) These are clothing addons that will be wearable Ring box and a 'ring' as a toy - The female ring was made into a toy Wedding dress outfit - There are a couple addons that already exist but they don't fill my need/usage. Luckily, I found some that do interest me Tux suit out - Dude has to dress up
  3. Smoke

    Greeting. So for the good chunk of today, I've been working on 'optimizing' a room that was made by berger. That is Villa Kuku/Kubu. This was one of those room that I really liked but it was pretty heavy and created some weird stutters. And it was one of those room in which berger introduced morphs. Though great as it took us to a new direction, it still lacked that 'awe' and it felt like it really wasn't going for what he wanted. So much has been discovered and used since then in which can be used for this room.
    Like I mention, I was busy cleaning up the file, removing the morphs and optimizing some meshes/objects. And it loaded without any 'stuttering. Also I welcome anyone with ideas, suggestions, etc. Please comment on morphs ideas, pose locations, objects, or liking my suggestions and if I should remove/move, etc.
    Now, bergers version greatly differs to the actual files. In I like his vision for creativity. I decided to follow/mimic his style/vision. For the sake of optimization, I decided to remove the 4 chairs and replaced them with 2 chairs that has more viable (in which you can use existing poses/animation.  Also, I decided to replace the massage table and in berger fashion, replaced it with a naughtier version. Not seen was a slide which bugged inside the house. Added a rail for the pool. And in the corner, a 'pole' that is subbing for a support beam.
    Also I moved the table around a bit and removed the sandwiches (would be better if used H5M or toys) - reason for removal, they where too high poly.

    Now aside from the minor replacements/additions. I have found some 'issues' and I started brainstorming ideas to use.

    As you see, some texture issues. I might try to replace them or leave as is. With the sofa, I might bring over my 'ultimate sofa' in which would use the PE morphs to deform the cushions. As for the plant, I moved it to a corner - I might leave it or replace it with the same object. Though it might be the mesh, I may need to find a new one.
    Now, there is some weird 'furniture' that is just siting in the middle/corner. I'm questioning if to replace or not.
    Bench in the middle of the bathroom (to remove or not) The bench/sofa in the corner of the room (to remove or move it some other place OR alter it a bit and put a pose location on it) The chair in the grass (to remove or move near the pole - moving it to the pole, I was thinking of giving it a morph in which you can rotate it, watch the game or something else) The fruits and veggies are pretty high poly. I can try to lower them, though it wouldn't be as much as I want it to be. But a 15% less vertices is better than nothing. I can remove it. There is a pantry next to the oven/stove that has shelves. Can't morph the door. Was thinking of removing it making the shelves usable (people can use H5M stuff for items, etc)

    Morphs! Berger made some morphs BUT they really didn't produced what he wanted to. Using transitional morphs will be better at aim for the target.
    Also might add some morphs for certain objects (step sis might get stuck again)

    Again, feel free to suggest ideas.
  4. Smoke

    Just talking
    Decided to create a blog, not only to take a different approach but to also see what are peoples opinions or their take of a certain 'issue' that keeps on pestering.
    The good ol' topic of; patreon.
    So to generalize, back in MG; patreon was 'allowed' only for a select few. And if patreon was allowed for a few, it created conflict of interest among content creators that weren't allow to have one. If you did, you would be banned and/or MG leadership would paint you as the bad person. I seen it play out for some of the best 'modders' in MG. In short, it was a scummy move by MG leadership.
    This created a downward trend because it made a lot of content creators quit/stop sharing their work and/or move into a more 'secretive' invite only site(s) - or not. (interesting story to that, I know that several users from those places will read this and point fingers so I'll clear something up, I was told about it by a modder that retired and non-modder in which asked why I haven't I joined - so I'm not dumb and niave and did my own solo investigation and was not told by a certain individual that they think told me)
    Anywho: Patreon - so here are KE we wanted to give ALL users the option to use patreon minus the scummy practice(s). And when I mean scummy practice is by basically 'stealing' content that they got for free and labeling as their own hard work. People may not realize this, but that has driven away many good content creators. They see their poses/animation, models, mods, addons, etc. being used to make money and they got nothing in return - sometimes they get un-needed criticism. 
    Now before anyone starts call me a hypocrite. I would like to point that those really don't read the instruction manual and will blame the design for their incompetence. I have kept my patreon promotion IN the designated area (which I have been critiqued for not doing enough promotion). I have followed and abided the rules, concepts, etc not just made by me but by other KE admins. I have given where credit is due, I'm not shoving my patreon in video, pictures, uploads - not commenting with direct links, not sending message telling people to go my patreon. Another criteria that was created was for users to share content in both areas. Yes, I have shared 'exclusive' stuff in my patreon - but that is more of a personal stash, passion project and/or MY vision of certain stuff - aside from that, I've been sharing A TON of content here and any early access that I posted there, has been released HERE (and with solid updates). And before people start saying 'I'm the only one' - brother! there are other users that are abiding by it. And we have users that have donated to the success of KE.
    Any who; we have weeded out people, but they often go out kicking and screaming in the hopes of creating a scene. It is that little diva display that people will catch and question our action and it just side tracks us. Like just recently, a user kept on trying to push his patreon down people face. Buddy, read the ToS and he rage quit.
    And what is the main goal. I mean banning patreon seems like is the only way. But lets be real here, if its banned - PEOPLE will use it regardless, it will create a underground community from within KE. And we start banning those people, well it will create even more 'drama' (And believe me, I want to jerk off and not have to address someone having a karen moment). Giving all users the option is the best way to go about - its the best option in terms of keeping retention of content creators - but again they'll have to meet a certain expectations which is fairly simple to abide to. And I can say it working as we are getting people to share poses, models, mods, etc.
  5. Smoke
    So where to start?
    Well lets get the bad news out the way - so the reason I haven't released is because a little issue has been hunting me and I've been trying to find a solid fix to it but so far it has yet to yield a fix. The issue in question has to do with the water. Shit like this tend to burn you out because you are always running into dead ends. So I somewhat put it aside and went on to work on other projects.
    And the good news! Well it I think I may have found a solution when I was working on another project and elevating my coding and hacking of the game status 😛
    In this case, messing with lua and PE morphs for rooms. In short, there are multiple methods on creating PE morphs for clothes. The same can be said for rooms. Though slightly unorthodox than using shape keys in blender (which is better and easier) - never the less, it was my curiosity that lead me down that path.
    So in hindsight, though I know I haven't shared that many rooms, I have created a few. One thing to note is that we always had the ability to use HDRI files without using the Hook5 cube maps. Its just people never really never went down that path - well only a few people and one of them being berger. Now I prefer converting a HDRI into PNG and using it as a sky dome, you'll get to keep the High rez quality and you'll be able to make some sweet pictures or videos - Cups maps are more towards creating a light source but you'll sacrifice image quality for it. As mention, converting the HDRI to PNG is better because you can just use spot light/omi lights and Hook5 files to further improve the HDRI.
    I know, you guys are like huh? WTF I'm I talking about. Well, to finish, the "sky dome" is most stationary. You can add code to "spin it" but that gets annoying and is unrealistic in many cases. But with PE morphs, you can now FIX that. You found a sweet HDRI that you want to use but is facing the wrong way? Well dont worry! You can now adjust it to your liking! I know, Hook5 allows you to do this for cube maps but not everyone uses Hook5 (I care for potato farmers 😉 ) Plus like I said, I prefer HDRI over cube maps.
    I will be adding this ability for all rooms that I make and that uses a sky dome. On top of that, I will be updating my first room(s).
  6. Smoke
    Alright, been semi busy and I couldnt really get my feet off the ground for the past couple of weeks. Been just using my free time to "play". But in my quest on trying to get my models to look better. I've dove deeper into the H5E skin layer system.
    So I've been slightly cleaning up my H5 SL folders. And well, haven't a decent amount of content for H5E layers that needs a little sorting to be done with. In short I have the follow that I want to post here in KE:
    2 exotic skins textures (Indian and black) Nipples! Ok I spent a crap ton of time here - trying to make those juicy tiddy's! Stretch marks! Ok, a while back, I burned those files onto a texture file (EX: The male models I shared). So now you can give your model stretch marks! Beauty marks. The vanilla ones are fine but I decided to try out a Daz version. So I finished organizing that up Wrinkles! Ok, this one is weird but I made a displacement for "old" people. So grandpa will be putting more mileage! Some tattoos Well, here is a little preview of those files:

  7. Smoke

    So I've been lurking and working behind the scene.
    As many are aware, male clothes are hard to come by. Mainly because this game is meant to have the males naked and swinging its dick around and inserting in what hole there is.
    Jokes aside, males clothes are kinda annoying to make. There is just something off with how weights are handled within the game. In short, male weights are either unfinished or just half assed. And even if you try to fix it, the game reads it weird.
    For example: the body weights can be "fixed" for some reason the game reads it as "boobs" so for some reason, it "sucks in" the clothing mesh to inwards. Creating clipping. I've been "fixing" this by simply making more room around the chest area (fake boobs). But I hate how its present in blender.
    So in November I started looking again through the vanilla files for a better reference. How the original makers made it. I've notice something strange. And that is that they would remove/not use any breast weights for males and they would substitute the rib weights. Personally I see it no different than the method I used and not a real fix. But I decided to use it for the sake of making it look better in blender. There is no real fix here but I have come to like this method more (cloth clipping tends to happen with males) but its a better fix IMO.
    So i've been going back and fixing a ton of the male clothes I made. Still test them out but you should see more in the future 🙂
  8. Smoke

    Check out the story for picture previews!
    So for the past weeks, I've been looking for some skins! Sure the current ones aren't bad but IMO it doesn't hurt to have more and more variety. Plus we are greatly in need of some ebony skins. Well - I've converted some skins from daz. Did touch on PS.
    So I recently converted 3 different skins - 2 white and 1 black. More details when they are released.
    As is, I'll probably not convert the Norms as we have some great norms, specs, etc.
  9. Smoke

    We are going to the beach 'bitchachos'!
    Ok so I only shared 1 rooms and never created another one. I mean, I can't let @HDiddy 1 up me! I taught him - can't let the student surpass!!!!! JK JK 😉 (Can't turn into a karen with the power level to the 17 lol)
    So this is another one of those - I (personally me) need this spot/location. We got pools but really no natural spot. And the vanilla beach really doesn't cut it for me, it to basic, bad pose positions and just really outdated.
    So in short, I used the same assets that HDiddy used for his room. But I created a different environment. So far, I've spent my entire weeks free time on this project and so far, I'm looking forward on the final product.
    Here is a speak peak 😉
  10. Smoke

    Love Juice!
    I see this project of mine as the beginning of something different and interesting. Currently I started off with a cum shot - from there I'll be releasing a facial mask and (maybe a mouth addon).
    Currently, I have fiddled around with another facial addon. This "other" one is less intense than the one that I currently have lined up. Never the less, it should have a good visual impact for your perverted nature.
    Which will bring me back for the possibility of Coomer V2, V3, V4, etc.
    I've recently gotten my hands on this asset ( https://www.renderotica.com/store/sku/64167_Cream-Cascade-For-G8M-Dicktator ) It may not look like much but there are around 30+ different meshes and most of those meshes have morphs! Now I can not add all these assets and create 1 super duper addon because we are gonna be talking about 100+morphs in total. It may be no biggie for a person like me but believe me, cramming all those morphs into 1 locations. Mistakes will be easy to make and those mistakes are un forgiving. Plus we currently do not have a reliable systems that can hold a large amount of morphs. 
    But there is good. I would rather use these assets to create multiple addons. Tested a couple assets and poly count is good. Each version can have 4-6 different Money shot and each money shot can have around 4-6 morphs. So we are talking about each version having between 20-30 PE morphs!
    There is a reason why I'm interested on at least creating version 2. Imagine creating a animation in which your virtual waifu is face fucked and you create a pose/animation and want to show case that sticky luv juice creating that passion bridge (penis pre cum and hooties lips). And more "dripping" money shot. Either way, I'm thinking too far ahead and currently just throwing the concept out.

  11. Smoke

    Love Juice!
    Ok, so I started this little project a little bit over a year ago. In short, I shelved it because of the multi-layer issues/transparency stuff and having those polygon eyesores.
    Well, now that I have a better grasp of multi-layers. I can use transparent textures better. What that means, those polygons/mini triangles should either be gone or completely limited.
    So I decided to come back to this project because, I need a better cum functionality. The in game cum blast is meh to me. Its limited and the current fix has it highs and lows, nothing in between. And the toys to mimic such animation is just a toy displaying a gif.
    What I sought was to create a fully rendered 3D objects that one and anyone can use and that isn't limited to angles or distance.
    Note, that berger created a couple of addons.
    Mine are different as I sought to have 3 different addons.
    The main cumshot: Is a addon meant for males. The plan that I have is by using PE morphs to mimic different shape and moves for that money shot. Blast your hotties face, or drip that juice on her face. Create animations towards your liking! (This addon is 90% complete. I want to add a different cumshot and dripping morphs and morphs for them the mimic movement.)
    The facial mask: is a add meant for females (and shemales). This is meant to show case the aftermath of the money shot. Again, using PE morphs. You'll be able to control the amount of love juice that is plastered on your hotties face. (This addon is 99% Complete. I want to add some fix it morphs to display the cum better around the lips and nose)
    Mouthful: Again, for females (and Shemales). Again - using PE morphs, fill your babes pie hoe with love juice. Make her swallow it or "gargling" it. (This addon is XXXX complete. I'm having some technical difficulties on getting it to appear. I haven't had enough time to apply a fix but when I do, it should be complete 100%)
  12. Smoke

    Basic Heels
    Decided to put this here and this is a temp blog post. Want to hear people out, etc and have a "grown" ass discussion/debate. If you are gonna be a beta about it - don't post and go jerk off in a corner.
    Now - as we know, patreon has been a issue in MG. It has created a exodus of creators because of the lack any control and or policing of it and the biggest problem was "favoritism" - video patreon were given a green light and if modders dared think about it, they would be chewed off. I sound like a broken record because I said this many times so lets move ahead.
    Here at KE, We have created "some" kind of system in which both sides can be satisfied. That said - our KE portal still has a couple of users "pushing" their patreon alas MG fashion. So I want to say we spooked those users to remain there and hope for MG2.
    But that doesn't mean, others or those will come here in the near future. That said - I've have always mention on creating a model for those people to follow. That said - we have a couple of models set up and some users are using those models.
    Now - what I'm referring too Number 2 (https://www.klubexile.com/forum/28-member-paid-content-links/)
    Now I've been mostly keeping busy on making content for the sites, etc. That said - prior to KE, I already had a patreon. Decided to keep it and role with it for a couple of reason (1 reason is to keep people like K17 at bay and triggering them).
    So what I'm getting at - I uploaded some favorite/personal content in my patreon that I have no intentions on sharing.
    But - and this is a big 'but' - but I'm whiling to create a "basic" version. I've notice that people have been asking for a pair of heels, I've dodged answering that mainly to not look like a dick or look like I'm hardcore trying to promote my patreon.
    The heels in question are these:

    These are currently found in my patreon. The basic version would not include any/not all of the morphs that creates the ability to create different styles, etc. What I'd like to know is that - is this a good 'idea'? Do you guys want to see these heels, are people still interested on these heels, etc.
  13. Smoke

    So I've been remaking a bunch of legacy content. From mine and from content made by Morekai. So 1 item that I've been recently working on is the Cowl Neck Mini Dress. I already remade this 2 times already. This is the 3rd time and is the last time (I've been told to move one, though - I completely agree, its just hard to leave such content in a state that has room for improvement.
    But this dress is "newish". Morphs - They have either been redone and replaced and created new ones. Since XMorphs, I've been semi going wild. (Though, yes - I've seen and know of the issue that XMorphs creates but there is a minor fix in which greatly reduces the lag and instability in PE). I also improved the weights and testing out certain weights around the breast/rib areas.
    Dress is almost completely, as mention I'm testing weights and will reshuffle and fix the Morphs tracks.
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