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The Barber

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Posts posted by The Barber

  1. 34 minutes ago, Oz70NYC said:

    Repeat the steps, but instead of using as the IP, use I LITERALLY experienced the error again yesterday after running an update to both Chrome and my laptop. All I did was apply the steps over again and everything was back to number. 

    Thanks, I will.

    I've had it stop working a few weeks ago and since then it literally works whenever it wants it seems. I can't find any pattern to the madness. 🙄

  2. 26 minutes ago, HDiddy said:

    Start with your AV Software if your using a 3rd party anti virus.  Disable it, and see if the site works.  If it does your AV is blocking the site for some strange reason. If it is not your AV then try using a dfferent DNS server, something from Google or Open DNS to see if that resolves the issue.

    Disabling the AV was one of the first things I tried. Should work immediately or after restarting the browser, right? Didn't change a thing on any browser. So far changing the DNS server also hasn't fixed it - but I'll keep an eye on it. I shouldn't have to disable the whole Firewall I'm assuming.

  3. On 3/6/2022 at 8:45 PM, Gr4veM1nd said:

    Hello. About a couple weeks ago, I found all the images on the website are broken. When I mean all of them, I mean ALL OF THEM. Previews for files, galleries, even profile pics. I have no idea what could cause this problem. I tried resetting my cookies and that didn't do it. Turning off all my add-ons in Chrome didn't fix it. I tried opening it up in a different browser and that didn't fix it. Am I the only one having this problem?

    @Gr4veM1nd Did you ever manage to get this fixed?

    Been having the same issues for about a month now. It's all images and downloads now lead to "PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR" or "ERR CONNECTION CLOSED". Only on this site, on all browsers - have tried everything under the sun to get it solved short of turning the entire firewall off.

    @HDiddy I'll try your DNS server suggestion now as well.

  4. Hi folks,

    facing some irregularities in Sequencer right now that I don't know how to fix or explain. Maybe someone can help.

    When I drag a sample from the Voice tab in Sequencer into sequence it will usually perform the corresponding mouth movements when playing the sequence. On other poses it doesn't. Even when I use the same sample it doesn't make any mouth movements when the pose is played in sequencer. Same for the emotions from the "Emotes" tab I believe. I compared poses where it works vs. those where it doesn't work and can't pinpoint what triggers this to work or not work. Does anyone know?


  5. I think this is as close to MG as it can get, plus a few new features added to the mix. And looking at the users I recognize, it seems like a lot of people thankfully made the jump. So far it's all good, I think.

    Without the site I'd be making content for my own amusement, which is alright, but it's not the same as being able to share it. Without new addons, skins, rooms etc. my personal experience would stall out eventually. Ideas come from looking at all the things that talented folks share and going "Oh yeah, I could use that!".

    My hope is that KE is a good experience for new users/content creators who know absolutely nothing. The old vets can undermine new user's experiences and passion if they don't help share knowledge etc.. And with the massive amounts of information out there about TK it can be overwhelming for a new user to get into it. I always found that hard on MG. Where do you even start and who can help you with ABC. Without documentation, all information is only pooled in people's heads and not available for people who come in new to this.

    Anyhow, this site's alright 🙂




    Edit: Smoke, you basically summed up half of my comment with yours 🙂

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  6. Not really a question, just curious as to what different main.fx settings everyone is using.

    I use this one a lot for scenes only lit by moon light:

    type                         = sunlight
    enable                     = true
    rotation                 = 0, 0, 45
    color                        = 194, 197, 204
    intensity                = 0.5
    shadow_param            = 5, 60
    game_control            = true


    Cheers, Barber.

  7. Hi friends,

    Barber here. Long time lurker and downloader on MG since about 4 apartments ago. Found some more time to create content this year. Either PMVs with story telling elements or flat out Machinimaking (I guess?) and the occasional photoshopped montage. Currently with 3 projects that have at least 20min of content upload ready, so figured I should share eventually. Still noobing it up when it comes to rendering, lighting and just making stuff look better. All input there is appreciated.


    The Barber

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