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The Barber

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Everything posted by The Barber

  1. I misspelled "bonus" what is wrong with me
  2. Hi folks, Barber here once more. Not sure how active everyone is on here, but if there is a preference as to which character we'll take on next, I'll take it into consideration. If you're now asking "Dude, you haven't even released Alanah's part. What the fuck am I voting for?" Fair enough. Here's the "Gameplay". You get the point. Keep in mind: - I'll get to it when I get to it - Me before working on Alanah's battle: "A simple project, maybe 2 minutes long in the end" - Me being about 90 % finished with Alanah's battle: HERE'S THE TWO CONTESTANTS Cheers Barber
  3. Hi folks, Barber here. Just a quick and short update here while I'm working on the next part. Last time on whatever this series is: - We met Lauren and got hired - We picked Alanah as the first model to go up against This time - just a quick cut scene before we head into battle. https://mega.nz/file/xQUXRYKa#1tee0Q3NKuD2luOqNqMjsj5DUGJd8JmNF5g3cEpfn_I As always thank you to everyone who made anything I used in this video. Cheers Barber
  4. Hi folks, Barber here. Using this space for a continously updated thread on the Extreme Bliss Simulator project. I'll try to upload individual snippets that I deem worthy and the current status of the project as a whole. Progress shall be made (eventually). Story Mode Story Mode Part I (Introduction, Meeting Lovely Lauren) - https://mega.nz/file/QQ0gVTbZ#Hwu2odBVRVwn3H3oT1A47_QlvHtIWPd2Mzx3Zs9BIX4 Story Mode Part II (Character Selection Screen, Picking Alanah) - https://mega.nz/file/kZsEELLA#vcRsr-23SxVqvnicxwcZP4BGkGdCjvg6fM60abeXdlQ Story Mode Part III (Meeting Luscious Lina) - https://mega.nz/file/xQUXRYKa#1tee0Q3NKuD2luOqNqMjsj5DUGJd8JmNF5g3cEpfn_I Snippets TV Commercial - https://mega.nz/file/RQEVmYiB#7TGaXRgylb3ADMrC_71mniJbocQbUjGvylWJlsiYwVg Main Menu - https://mega.nz/file/sAlk3ZxS#RVSAnaT6lMPjBKrkj5akVS0I2zeWLyDWMqlHVr5fSoQ Character Select Screen running through all characters - https://mega.nz/file/ANs1BAjA#BtgoAKn6xqKL1tCMJ0leeYTML4-hJFvSNH2VHLW7vqs Full Project -> Link to follow here <-
  5. Hi folks, Barber here. Holy crap, I did some stuff again, can you believe it. It might be some weird alternate universe, you never know. Anyhow, here's this weird commercial I saw on TV the other day. https://mega.nz/file/RQEVmYiB#7TGaXRgylb3ADMrC_71mniJbocQbUjGvylWJlsiYwVg Kudos to anyone, as always, that created anything I used in this.
  6. Hi folks, Barber here, alright so, I've been playing around with idea of adding full blown entrances to the Extreme Bliss Simulator project for whenever you pick a model. All with entrance videos for all the girls so you kinda find out a little bit more about them. Kinda inspired by old Wrestling games where people would saunter out to their music and video in the most basic way possible. Cause hey, this project is taking long enough already, so why not add some more shit. I've just finished the second one - and it's enough of a car crash to share upfront, before we see it come up in my videos. Now, did I go overboard on the effects? Yes. Yes, I did. It wasn't supposed to turn out this crazy, but here we are. MASSIVE FLASHING LIGHTS WARNING Hope you enjoy cause this took way too fucking long to make. https://mega.nz/file/MYN3zCqB#tyZdxFR70fpWpqyDe4Ap9n1c5LmAvufBmy2Ex5I97Ts Cheers Barber
  7. The Barber

    The Barber DVD Covers

    I started creating some DVD Covers for some of the models I use. Have a few more saved up in draft status - will share here if they turn out good. Feel free to suggest themes. Cheers, Barber.
  8. Slight sexual undertones if you look carefully, just like in 90s commercials
  9. Hi folks, Barber here. Would you believe it, I actually did some stuff! I'm still not sure it really happened or if it was just a fever dream. Anyhow, here's what I added to the game that definitely does not exist, yet I still wish I had gotten it in my Christmas stocking: Main Menu with sweet Options Menu (why would you not want an options menu?) https://mega.nz/file/sAlk3ZxS#RVSAnaT6lMPjBKrkj5akVS0I2zeWLyDWMqlHVr5fSoQ Story Mode - with an actual story! Does a Porn game need a Story Mode? Absolutely. https://mega.nz/file/QQ0gVTbZ#Hwu2odBVRVwn3H3oT1A47_QlvHtIWPd2Mzx3Zs9BIX4 Story Mode Part II - picking Alanah as the first model https://mega.nz/file/kZsEELLA#vcRsr-23SxVqvnicxwcZP4BGkGdCjvg6fM60abeXdlQ All of this will eventually also go onto the Ongoing Updates Thread where I will post all parts to this madness. Cheers Barber
  10. The Barber

    The Night in The Harem

    Thanks, appreciate it.
  11. The Barber

    The Night in The Harem

    Wow, that's really good! Is the skin for the girl in the back row, 2 on the right available on KE?
  12. I kinda see the resemblence. Guess that's just the face you make when someone hikes up your skirt. She also got the spot in the room I used with the most white light, so she turned out extra pale They just kind of keep showing up. Haven't been able to turn out a good Asian or Afrian American model yet though. That batch is still in the oven I guess.
  13. Hi Folks, Barber here. With travel restrictions being lifted, I decided to chase the girls out of the basement (or mansion, whichever you prefer) to get some well needed virtual sunlight. Those tans don't create themselves afterall. Since they don't all fit into one VW bus (believe me, I tried) or can decide who can share a room without killing each other, they headed off into different directions. Time to share some photos! Can't leave these chicks alone for one smegging second without someone losing their clothes There are some more Wallpapers of the Girls in the "Random Stuff" Album linked below. Cheers Barber
  14. What can I get for 9,99$ and a guaranteed 5 star review?
  15. Hi folks, Barber here with a quick list of topics where I see the chance for audience participation. Not saying that I will take all (or any lol) suggestions and use them but someone might have a good idea that fits the tone. If you want to contribute, direct message me or post a comment under this post. Creative DVD Bonus Materials Bonus material included in the DVDs I've posted so far includes such bangers as Lia's latest vaginal exam results Chloe's phone number 1 cunt hair A meet & fuck contest ticket where the chance of winning is 100 % Wouldn't you want all your DVDs to come with those things? Future knee slappers might include Incriminating evidence Alahna's anal beads Free tickets to Pearl Jam And your suggestions go here: ... ... ... Extreme Bliss Simulator Status Effects Quick summary as to what this should look like - It's a fighting game spoof/parody where the player goes up against one girl at a time. All girls have different stats like you might see in a fighting game. To make this look more like a real game I'm considering adding random status effect screens maybe every 3-4 girls displayed before the round begins. Something like "Oh no! Tanja's period is due so she's even hornier than usual. She gets +1 in Appetite" or "Be warned! Rose just split up with her boyfriend and wants to get back at him. So she'll very likely hatefuck the shit out of you. She gets +1 in Endurance". I might record different footage based on this too but we'll see. As long as it's not "abducted by aliens, therefore...." I welcome suggestions. I feel like one just saying "Just try not to get AIDS" needs to be in there DVD Themes So, I can give every girl their own individual DVD cover but outside of that my ideas are limited. Usually these things revolve around a theme or topic (other people tell me *cough*). MILFs, big tits, whatever. I've put the focus on the sluts (Tanja, Susi) and I've put the focus on the more innocent looking models (Lia, Chloe, Jaclyn) and I've got a few more random ones in the works. But nothing that's really themed. Feel free to suggest. Potentially in the future - Plot Points in Video Projects Maybe this is boring to you and you'd rather just get to the point but I like a bit of story telling in my stuff. Maybe a few nice visuals here and there. So there actually might be some plot. And it might always be a little cheesy but I want it to not completely suck (what a bar to clear). So I have to figure out a way how to open this up for discussion and whether to do it publicly or not. Could be something like - So far this happened: ABC Here's a broad concept for what I think should happen next: DEF - What kind of roles/recurring characters are needed, what rooms + toys could be used and how the f*ck does the story end. Just random idea sharing. That's it for tonight. Take Care, Cheers Barber
  16. Love the attention to detail and immersion.
  17. Hi friends, Barber here with a quick list as to what I'm currently working on in various states of me actually working on it. If you don't what even any minor spoilers for what might eventually be released around 2073 stop reading now. Extreme Bliss Simulator What is it? - Basically a spoof project that in the end will look like a video game, putting the player against one girl at a time like in a fighting game. All with cover art, an over the top commercial, menu screens and "actual" gameplay. In essence being a character in a video porn game might be nice, but actually outfucking Instagram models turns out is kinda hard. Think of it as fucking Instagram models the video game What I still need to add - You know when your laptop breaks and deletes all your work?.....Yeah......Let's just say a lot: 1 or 2 trailers, an opening Intro, the game mode menus, the character select menus, a few more loading screens, character stat and bio screens, thE ACTUAL F'ING GAMEPLAY!!! What I have shared so far (in my albums) - A few loading screens, a still of the game over screen if you will, the cover of the game How much I'm actually working on it - A lot lately. I need to have a think as to what I can release when. I don't like to throw content out when it's only about 10 % of the entire project. Puts too much pressure on to finish the other 90 % quickly. Can you help contribute to this project? - Yes you can! I need to open up a seperate blog post as to where audience participation would be possible and/or helpful. My brain can only output so much. Slut Girl vs. Captain Stiff What is it? - Again a spoof video project that uses the old Gameboy look and feel. Screens will look and sound like a 1996 Gameboy game. Main focus more on like a superhero type feel. What I still need to add - Story Progression. Got a few more things in mind. Still need to capture the footage and write amazing NPC dialog. What I have shared so far (in my albums) - The covers of the game cartridge and the box. How much I'm actually working on it - Will pick that back up once I've progressed with the first project Project Bang-Robots (working title) What is it? - A video project that see's the ever so underfucked Tanja dive into the world of giant 8ft tall sex androids. Cause sometimes you just have to try new things. Like letting them lose on all the girls just to see what would happen! Uses one of the giant Android models created on that former site that shall not be named a lot. So thanks for that sweet model (eventhough I was too dumb to make the skin look good so it's essentially grey and lifeless - which might actually be a plus here). What I still need to add - Just more story. Yeah! Story! On this site! You'll see.... What I have shared to far - Nothing I think. Will attach a screenshot just for funs. How much I'm actually working on it - It's kinda on hold right now. The let's bang instagram models game is my main focus right now tbh. Random DVD Covers I'll probably keep making DVD covers in between somewhere Input appreciated on theme/topic ideas and creative bonus features - more on that in a separate post Miscellaneous Stuff What my parents/friends/co-workers think I'm doing vs. what I'm actually doing type video (almost finished yay) Caylie getting possessed by a Demon and turning into a giant MILF slut (got a like 6min of video ready but it's a slow build lol) Things not even remotely finished go here And that's about it. As always if you see any of your poses/rooms/skins/objects/whatever in any of my content, then kudos to you and thank you. I hope I used it to your liking. Cheers, Barber
  18. The Barber


    Putting that on my Birthday wishlist.
  19. From the album: The Barber DVD Covers

    © The Barber

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