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Posts posted by Ro_TK

  1. On 9/5/2024 at 7:25 AM, hfg2 said:

    If you only need to make clothes then CollaTkane is the best way to go. It works with any blender version like 2.79b, 2.8, 2.9. Can't say much about 3.x+ or 4.x+ since I've never used this combination, but if the dae files produced are the same as in older versions then should be just fine.

    For plugins... best plugin is the one you personally maintain and don't depend on other people. PERIOD. From what I've seen every addon/plugin for Blender has issues when updating the Blender version, so if you want to stay safe then you need to write and maintain your own plugin, or find someone to do that for you.

    Thanks! I only need to do some slight sculpting to make certain clothes fit bodies. Import, sculpt, export.

    I'm not a scripter, nor a programmer unfortunately. So I fully depend on peoples kind contributions (🙏) to this site and tools which go with well written instructions.

    13 hours ago, HDiddy said:

    No offense but 99% of people are not going to maintain their own plugin or even know how to do that.

    The latest and most compatible version of Blender is 2.79.  Anything 2.8+ will work but you may need to modify things depending on what you are making. That said, while it is not perfect the IO tool modified by DP16 is probably the best bet.  I use it with no issues.

    I will give these versions a try.

  2. Several times I tried to mod clothes to make these fit my models, but never succeeded so far. I get error codes in blender or the clothes appear in the wrong orientation in the game. It's frustrating.

    I would like to try it once more and therfore I would like to know what is the most consistent and stable combination of tools, i.e. blender and blender TK plugin versions that work for you?


  3. For some models I'm using a vertically possitioned flat object in the room that has a ruler and some lines drawn on it that define important body and face sizes, like height and width of head, height of nipples, crotch, width of waist, torso, hips, etc. Basically it is a texture I made from some correct sized boxes and lines I made in PowerPoint. I used the png used on one of the flat objects that is available, an art (painting) object. This object can be scaled once to the absolute in-game size you like.

    You can shift the model back and forth to check the sizes against the ones on the object and adjust. This really helps to make realistic dimensions as you can easily go wrong here.

    The absolute in-game length of the model I tried to relate to door and ceiling heights. It usually leads to a male model that is almost maximum size. Each bed object is resized to be a normal sized bed and even an object desk is at realistic level. This makes the scenes more natural imo.

    For breasts indeed Xbody mod has the most flexibility to achieve cup A size.

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  4. On 11/29/2023 at 11:10 PM, vladeyes said:

    Holy Fuck!! Just did my first replacement mod! Thank you so much Tipsy!!!!


    I'm trying to do some modding too, but I get mixed results when importing and exporting.

    Some exported stuff doesnt show up in game or is rotated and off set. 

    Curious to know which versions of blender and the io_TMK17 tool do you use and work for you?




  5. For me it's also seconds. Indeed, I see, the amount of keys in a pose seem to cause this. But why hang for a few seconds every minute or so. As if those keys are saved?

    I also notice the copy lag, but it's workable. No full game crashes because of that. 

    By Xmorphs you mean the bodymorphs (Xbody, can't live without them) or all the clothes morphs or something else?

  6. Thanks. I tried import a simple dress and some others. This is what the console window says:

    error while parsing. most likely no 3D objects inside this file.
    Group name  Shared/Cloth/cloth_dress07.bs
      found 0 TSkinPolygonGeometry mesh(es)
      no 3D objects found in this file.


    Probably plugin is looking for skin polygon? I managed to import a body, but not clothes. The plugin is v io_tmk17_ext,. Maybe I need a different plugin but cant find any other. Using blender 2.79b

  7. Hi, I've been trying to import items in blender using the import/export plugin. Setup everything according instructions pdf regarding the right version of blender (2.79b), directories, location of blex etc.

    A long list of items is loaded in the database. I can select them in import tab, but when I click the green check mark, nothing shows up in blender.

    What could be the cause?

  8. Never thought of that. It was a looong time ago I was using customizer. Might be better to start a new model and get the basic dimensions right in the customer first before working with sliders.

    An issue that I have in customizer when I click the head and drag to modify it, is that the head jumps to a slightly different and uglier face. Probably because the slider caricature - realitic  was clipped at the side of 'caricature'.

    Another issue is that I never undestood how to get the original shape of a head as shown in blender. Returning to defaults always results in this alien face which sets the slider to 'realistic'. But for my game 'realistic' looks ugly and alien-like so it seems to be the other way around, I need to set the slider to caricature to get a decent realistic face and it even clips there.

  9. What is everybody doing to get the head size right?

    All the times when I mod a good body and a nice realistic head, the heads tends to be too large in comparison to the body.

    To get the right ratio, I would need to increase all body dimensions, such as legs, shoulders, pelvis, chest, etc, 

    But when I modify the face in the customizer, the head size could increase again just because of using one face mod slider and then everything starts to get out of ratio again. 

    Also, all heads are way too high on top. To get a realistic head I modify them in blender. In the real world a hair line sits almost on top of the head, but for most TK heads there is this weird egg shape head.

    Prypala's mod makes it possible to use sliders for head mods which are lower on top, but the mod unfortunately doesnt include Pervoks head mods which imo are the best.   

    What are you doing to make sure that head-body ratios look natural?


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