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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel


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Posts posted by yeetustheclitus

  1. Quote
    18 minutes ago, MrOllyK said:

    but there's a "Face Hack" selector in Options Manager (Binaries\TK17_OptionsMan.exe) GFX/UI tab which might help if you haven't tried it yet.

    I'm gonna try and let you know if it works!

    9 minutes ago, IIIlll said:

    u need MrOllyK 4x skin addon for the 4x skins to load correctly

    Is there any link to this addon? I can't seem to find it


  2. A little annoying glitch present in my game, everytime i load the Hook 5 skin on a model and change something related to the body or face (ex. Eyes, Teeth, Hair, BodyPresets) the skin turns off (?) or like all the graphical upgrades are gone, like if it was a normal skin, it usually gets fixed just by putting the h5 skin on again or resetting  the room but its kind of annoying since my rig doesen´t load stuff "Fast" per se, any sollution or idea?

  3. Running an old Dell PC, 4gb ram DDR2, Intel Core 2 duo E6750 if i'm not wrong, using a 1gb AMD Radeon HD 8570 and a motherboard that has run out of battery, im surprised this thing still works honestly

    HOOK5: You know im rocking that H5

    got pretty much no poses, just vanilla, tho i got a crap ton of hairs and starter h5 files, basically my game is still virgin, would love some reccomendations!

    My game takes 5 - 8 minutes to load to main menu and around the same to load a room

    it aint much but it gets the job done

  4. New member here! Came from sims 4 WW fapping to something more...customizable

    Absolutely new to TK17 and all of his features, but im starting  to get the hang of it! and i'm absolutely in love

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