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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel


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Posts posted by Hrk19

  1. Well, i mostly play Renpy games as games made in any other engine slow and burn my old laptop to a crawl.

    though, i did see, way way back like 2009 or maybe earlier, ads for 3d porn games and even went to a forum for one, but i remember that specific site was hiding the download button behind a paywall so never bothered back then until like a decade later.

    Oh, forgot, my internet speed was 200 or 100 kbps back then, so wasnt really something i could download considering they were quite big

  2. On 12/9/2021 at 2:03 PM, Sunsight said:

    I think its partly because TK17 is pretty obscure, and partly because the base game has pretty old graphics. Hook5 definitely improves them, though.

    Pretty much this.

    When  Adult visual novels were taking off in 2016 or so, most people used Daz back then.

    either that or hand drawn.

    so, the ones with tk17 came later or were very small comparatively.

    then honey select got more popular due to it being from the same company that make artificial girl and artificial academy.

    also the fact that whenever people mention Tk17 in adult game forums, they usually also add while mentioning that it is a very old engine from the early 2000s, guess that also puts people off, especially when Daz exists


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