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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel


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Posts posted by Cdcover

  1. 1 minute ago, HDiddy said:

    "Simple" is a matter of opinion. It really depends what you want to do. You theme the game by replacing default images from the game. All of this is out into an Addon that you can just drop into your directory.

    Here is a simple addon you could use to get the basics:


    Well, I´ve used it before, but replacing its background didn´t work as intended. I used paint.net to edit and replace the images from the addon.  I don´t know exactly where it went wrong.

  2.  " we will not allow any sort of nudity or sexual content involving characters that could be seen as depicting somebody as underage. This includes any character that could be seen as loli, shota, child, or underage teen, regardless of its position as a virtual character or the intent to be passed off as a mystical race who only looks young; the only thing that matters in this respect is what the character appears to be at a glance."




    Thank you!



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