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Posts posted by groipux

  1. looks like i am going in the right direction because my  computer had a new form of crash when i was skipping through the hairs (lined arrows everywhere while trying to restart in the blue windows screen)

    but jokes aside, it seems to me that my folders are little messed up in the version of my game where i testing mods, graphics etc.

    i have now two questions

    1.) if i install the Codename-VX version of the game can i use the physical hairworks (like in the link above that you provided as an example) if hook extended is also installed?

    2.) Is the replacer a mod that is named in the bodymod section and do i have to choose it like for example the THICC mod?

    and thank you for your quick reply above and the encouragement

  2. 2 hours ago, vi363R said:

    what hairworks RU trying to use? in below example i'll assume it's one of the series R9Hair007, (only difference possible is the number, like R9Hair179)

    for R9Hair007 you'll need:

    1. - the dll's which you claim to have installed correctly
    2. - base hair R9Hair007 which is installed by default in the 400pack, unless you disabled it in options manager or TK17_Hair400.txt
    3. - the replacer addon, also here the number needs to correspond, i'm using the one below.
    4. - the hairworks in a folder in activemod (every hair in it's own folder, containing an APX, TXT and PNG file)
      1. the PNG and TXT should represent the hair number, eg R9Hair007.PNG and R9Hair007_pass.TXT
      2. the APX file name should correspond to the reference in R9Hair007_pass.TXT
        1. if you also change the name of the APX (without adjusting the reference in pass, it will not work)

    if all ok then the hairworks can be selected like other hairs in the customizer menu under body tab


    #000.UniversalVXHairworksReplacer.zip 717.53 kB · 0 downloads

    first off thanks for beeing helpful and taking your time to write this. though i don´t understood anything that u wrote, i can clearly see that u tried to be helpful. I really appreciate this.

    i will try and eradicate the wrong attempts that i am using to get the moving hair to work (by try and error).

    unfortunately i can find only chunks of information that i need on this site that i can truly understand (with my basic knowledge of the folder-system of this game)

    when i hit another roadblock in my fruitless pursuit of getting the realistic hair, i will ask again on this site how to do it.

    Until then i try my best not to be thrown away by this problem and learn the folder-system of this game a little deeper


  3. 2 minutes ago, ddman2 said:

    The actual hair. Replacer will make that invisible and activemod files will load hairworks or physics hair.

    After you get the hair working, when you change color, h5 will be disabled, and you can see the actual hair.

    can u be so kind and explain it to me a little more so i can understand it? (me having only the knowledge of that some files can be replaced by others and copied to different folders)

    my only goal (in this matter) is to be somehow a valuable member of this community (which is evolving on daily bases) so i can provide good content to push the game in a direction that benefits the needs of the members of this community. 

    anyway i thank you for taking the time of writing the answers before.

  4. 7 hours ago, ddman2 said:

    physics hair and hairworks hair need 3 things: base add-on, replacer add-on, activemod files. You can't load the hair from h5 GUI(F4). You select the hair from game's customizer window - body tab

    Why did you rename the files?

    thanks for the reply

    i renamed the files because tutorial by Driver said so. what is a base add-on?

  5. Hi 

    I need help to figure out the problem why stuff is not working for me with hairworks.

    1.) i fallowed exactly the tutorial how to instal hairworks from this forum provided by Driver

    that means i did this

    :Install Hairworks binaries in Binaries folder if you don't have. (NvHairWorksDx11.win32.dll and few other files)

    i did this

    :Download Universal Replacer Addon below and install it in Addons folder.

    i did this

    :Find your favorite hairworks hair and install extracted folder in ActiveMod. There will be three (or four) files in the folder.
    - R9Hair179.apx
    - R9Hair179.png
    - R9Hair179_pass.txt
    (- R9Hair179_uv.png you can throw it away)
    (- a few other files might be included, leave them as it is)

    Then rename the png image and txt to:


    the problem is i can´t find the Universal Replacer Addon in the body mod, (body mod in customizemenu of the game) i have 9 mods but not the Universal Replacer Addon

    i tried to load the hairs with F4/Graphics/load/Active Mod. and i see the hairworks folders but they are empty when i go in the folders. i

    I clicked apply both inside and outside the hairworks folder several times. (one time something crashed my game)

    So yeah please i need help...and please don´t be cryptic about it. I JUST KNOW THE BASICS!!!

    i finaly found a lost file of tatoos that i am willing to share if i somehow magically get my game to standard this year.

    Screenshot (341).png

  6. 47 minutes ago, john374 said:

     make sure the skin is set to 1x. then, quit the room and reload it. body mods, face mods, and 1x/4x choice all require you to reload the roam

    This is what the problem was, i thought i reloaded the room with 1xbody but now i did it and i can choose between several files regarding the body. i don´t want to be spoonfed wit information ,but the thing is i tried to figure it out on my own countless times when i could but it didn´t worked. i am still missing information how to do stuff. (i still don´t know how to get the realistic hairworks and where to put the files and i still don´t have the sliders on hook 5 skins. ) but i don´t even know if it is gonna work tbh if i finaly will figure out how to get my game on standard because i don´t have Nvidea and as i read somewhere youn have to have Nvidea for the physical hair. Thanks for the help though

    • Thumbs Up 1
  7. Screenshot (332).pngSo this is what i did,

    1.) i downloaded the customizable skin from the first link. and i placed everything in Active Mod (the 2 folders after unzip [ _hook5data and Customizable Skin Test ]

    2.) i found the customizable skin test skin im my skins in the customize menu of the model and klicked it

    3.) i reloaded the room, pressed F4 but i have still nothing under skins.

    (i tried with 4xbody/face and 1xbody)

    did i forgot something? please help


    • Thumbs Up 1
  8. On 7/17/2022 at 12:37 PM, Euphie said:

    Your model does not have any hairworks and layered skin that uses the H5 layered skin system. When they are selected in Customizer, the options will appear there, otherwise these windows will be empty.

    so this is that....Thank you, that helps

    On 7/17/2022 at 9:11 PM, john374 said:

    thanks for the links this is really helpful

    • Thumbs Up 1
  9. First of all Claudia Kealoha doesn´t have enough material to be a world known porn star. She has 2 threesome scenes FMM and one FFM. she was in one of the (back then) successful scenes of my friends hot mum (where she is simply stunning) and some Score scenes. normaly i´m not the big lips guy but here its her absolute feature.

    this is how far i came (pic) and i don´t think i can do better then this atm, so if anyone is up for a challenge, he can try to make this imperfect complicated model and post some pictures here.



  10. Ich habe hier ein paar fragen vielleicht kann mir jemand diese beantworten der sich etwas auskennt.


    wenn ich das Base game runtergeladen habe gibt es dazu 2 zip datien von updates r und q. doch finde ich kein p weil übeall steht zum upgrade bruche ich p.

    also die frage wo finde ich p?


    ich habe die codenameX version (so oder so ähnlich heist sie) diese läuft rund soweit es geht. Ich habe gemerkt das es nicht die aktuelste zwar ist,  (weil die hairphysics nicht realistisch sind wie das hier im content auf dieser seite in ein paar tutorials präsentiert wird) aber über realistischere texturen was haut und kleidung an geht kann man echt nicht meckern in dieser version. Ich glaube es handelt sich um einen repack von dem spiel, da sehr viel content schon mit drin ist und addons. dennoch würde ich gerne sehen wie die hairphysics überhaupt aussehen und wie weit sie die modelle noch realistischer machen können...soweit ich das verstanden habe brauche ich die hook extended version. Irgendwie hab ich es geschafft sie zu finden vor paar monaten (ich weis nicht mehr wo) doch auch wenn ich die Ordner genau so entpackt und verteilt habe wie es in der Anleitung steht...(BTW manche Anleitungen sind so schlecht geschrieben das man ne Anleitung für diese braucht.) kamm ich nicht zu gewünschtem Ergebnis.

    also die Frage kann ich überhaupt durch Try und error hook5 extended mit codenameXr repack verschmelzen? sind die überhaupt kompatibel? oder kämpfe ich hier gegen Windmühlen.


    Ich habe ActiveMod files von anderen Versionen jetzt zusammengebracht auf 68,791 Dateien, 5,489 Ordner. (dazu estelle ich eigenen content durch photoshop und replacement von png´s) ich würde gerne meine normalmaps die ich mit photoshop erstellt habe brauchbar machen doch einfach durch re-naming funktuniert es nicht. ich glaube schon fast das ich ein anderes Programm brauche um die Normalmaps zu bearbeiten DAZ oder Blender oder was anderes...

    also die frage wie erstelle ich eine kompatible normalmap für meine png dateien? kann ich das von hand mit photoshop machen oder brauche ich ein Programm dazu?



    in diesem Forum gibt es ein addon mit dem namen XFemaleBody. Ein Addon das (sowie ich verstanden habe) die nächste evolutionsstuffe dieses spiels ist da es einen ermöglicht durch ausgebreitetes arsenal an morphingtools die modelle nach belieben zu verändern. Ich habe mich auch hier an die Instalations-anleitung gehalten und ich habe es auch soweit gebracht das die GUI stimmt und alles in customize auch sichtbar ist. Doch bin ich mir ziemlich sicher das sich in meinem Addon Ordner etwas befindet, dass das XFemaleBody addon hinter so eine art paywall versteckt (steht content locked, visit the sexshop to open content) (so oder so ähnlich steht da so in der rechten bildecke wenn ich in die tattoo section gehe also dorthin wo das content laut author der Instalationsanleitung aufgelistet sein soll)

    also die frage befindet sich irgendwas in meinem addon ordner, (screenshot meines bildschirms) das mir den zugriff auf XFemaleBody verwährt oder nicht? oder liegt das problem ganz wo anders zmbsp aktualität des spiels?



    Ich kenne mich etwas im 3DModelling aus und habe kein problem damit Assets zu erstellen und diese mit Materiallien zu versehen, (texturieren ist etwas schwerer für mich in blender aber in 3dsmax kriege ich es eher hin), räume zu  modellieren und sie so zu rendern das diese am ende photorealistisch aussehen. Ich würde richtig gerne funktunierende Architekturen mit mehreren räumen versehen welche dann kompatibel mir dem spiel nutzbar währen. Ich habe ein unershöpfbaren pool an assets welche ich in diesen räumen veteilen könnte nachdem ich sie von hghpoly ins lowpoly  überarbeitet hätte. In Unity  begehbare Räume liegen erstellt auf meiner hardrive.

    also die frage gibt es eine mit Möglichkeit Unity Räume für das Spiel zu erstellen oder ist das Wunschdenken?

    Ich danke jedem dersich die zeit nimmt wenigstens auch nur eine frage nullzu beantworten.


  11. So this is what worked for me

    in the customize menu in the body section there is this text: Body selection (need to reload room) under that is Body Mod ( in my game is 04,08,01,05,09,02,06,10,03,07) and under that is body addon (which will be the name of the mod that is selected when the room is reloaded)....i think😸.

    so basicly as i understand it you have to reload room (leave customize menu after you selected a different mod) so a different mod will be active wich will be not have the eyelash issue

    i did not understood it at first so i just searched for eyelashes in my game folder and then just erased the bottom eyelash in photoshop, that worked too (is just i had no bottom eyelashes on the models then🤸‍♂️.

    i hope it helps, good luck who ever reads this.

  12. Thanks that is Helpful. I guess i need a script for Blender to work so i gonna search for this script. working with 3DSMax so if i convert a 3d mesh in .fbx file i should open it in Blender for texturing. Downloading the Room Creator now, sounds like this is what i need to work on Rooms. Thanks for the Help.

  13. Hi. The Thing is while i know how modeling, texturing and rendering works, i don`t know much about how this game Works. So i would like to know if there is any Room constructor Engine, wich i could load my .fbx or .obj (3D-Mesh) files and place them. I know Unity little more then Basic foundation and basics of VisualStudio (I can create a test game with constrains, hud, sceneloading, HDRI`s etc) so if its Unity (or Unreal) it`s ok but a room Constructor would be perfect defentlly. Anyway  No findings on the Internet on that matter so i desided to ask the Forum here and the Moders who know what is the Bridge from a 3D-Software to textured Room in this game. Thanks

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