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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel


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Posts posted by Gro

  1. So that a bit strange look is a eye glossiness (i'm not sure, maybe it's too much for adequate result), but it's not a correct behavior, like eye don't get any light from spotlight sources, making some photo rooms with spotlight sources just unusable - eyes will look too dark
    TBH i've loaded full H5 from LL (TK17 Club) and not sure that it's the latest version, maybe it's a bug that has been fixed in new updates and that one is outdated


  2. 18 minutes ago, Smoke said:

    There is a loading bug for the eyes that was never fixed (at least that I’m aware of). 
    So the hook5 files will not load in and require you to reload the scene. To reload you will have to hit Alt+R. Personally that put to much strain because you are reloading everything. I prefer to just alter/switch eyes. Example: it’s eyes 15, switch to eyes 16 and switch back to 15 - fixed. 
    I know that it’s annoying but it’s minor bump in the road that I’ve gotten used to doing. Many people are still using the buggy/ non hook5 file for the eyes and it just looks dark and glossy. 

    To be honest i'm not sure that it's the real issue. Loaded another location, added 2 omnilight sources (not spotlights) w shadows. As a result - this is how eyes look with a bug



    and this is how without it


    still a bit dark imo but looks ok


    Adding spotlight instead resulting in a real mess (like no spotlight at all)






    It seems that H5 spotlight intensity doesn't affect eye lightning in any way for some reason. When i change environment light intensity everything works as it should, but no dramatic effect because it affects whole scene ofc


    spotlight intensity 1



    spotlight intensity 10


    And environment light changes:


    intensity 1



    intensity 10



  4. Hi guys! I'm having a problem with H5 eyes - with shadows enabled there are a lot of scenarios when shadows make eyes look too dark. I've tried changing eye positioning, turning off ssao, sslr, tweaking settings of eyes - even eye shadowing doesn't do much. Is there any option to make global shadowing affect eyes less or at least correct it somewhere in the settings?


    with shadows enabled



    without shadows



    eye shadows disabled, shadows enabled



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