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Klub Sentinel Klub Sentinel


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Posts posted by Gro

  1. 6 hours ago, ddman2 said:

    pro tip: alt+tab right after you press Start = full screen borderless window mode.

    ha, in my case window freezes and that's it. I mean - if i will switch to other opened app - it may proceed to load, but may freeze forever. If i will alt+tab & open something else, even smth like calc - guaranteed freeze. So fullscreen mode is super unreliable & broken.

    UPD: Ok it's a bit different actually. App doesn't freeze, i just get black screen instead of 3d graphics. One might argue that it's my issue with gfx, but i have no such thing with borderless window

    UPD2: you are right! Tried this, unless i run out of vram completely, it works like a charm. Thank you! Although it's a crutch, well, at least something 🙂

  2. 11 hours ago, thedude said:

    well then i have no idea i had similar issue with that when i tried to set game window size the same as desktop but didint want to use fullscreen, i noticed that the bottom area was cut off like in your pic, so i did autohide taskbar before launching tk17., you could also check DPI settings of your display and switch them to 100% (this will make things smaller) -> rightclick on a desktop and choose display settings > scale and layout


    For me it looks like you are trying to fit too big window into too small screen,




    Wait a sec you told that it happen in borderless mode, the issue is with Theme applied, and the window title bar height, first of all game from what i know is not suitable for themes <-- meaning only default settings will comply, i still do not see any borderless option in my tk17 (maybe because i dont use most recent version (but VXp cause noone is willing to tell me if you can apply toys for 4th person in newest and if even vxp can apply then i fked with some addons)


    so i do not have a right answer to that it seems like your best option is to use not fullscreen mode, or borderless mode because it accounts for titlebar fuckery,


    TBH with newest version windowed mode got completely switched for borderless, so unless you want to crash the game every time you switch apps (fullscreen mode, completely unusable), the only option remains is to use this borderless mode, and to switch tabs use reduced app resolution. Weird.

    I was using 100% scaling mode in windows, now using 125% + application dpi override for tk17...long story short - same shit. well. I hope someone will come up with a solution to this

  3. 14 hours ago, drmls said:

    As it seems, you are using Model set for V3; which is wrong!  You have to use @prylipala's ModelSet for FacegenModeller as shown in the picture below:


    You have to simply select the Modelset by prylipala to do that.  

    do i need to replace modelset in the installation folder? 

  4. 1 hour ago, FleshBishop said:

    @Gro I make the jaws wider on my models all the time with the custom skin system. Best way to do it, because with the character editor widening the jaw causes other nasty distortions.  Actually, I did it with the model I used as a demo in my last post.  You can do pretty much anything you want with the custom skin system with enough patience and trial and error.  Whether you want to spend the time is another matter, and I wouldn't blame you if you don't.  It can be time consuming and frustrating.


    Will try with soft round. Hope that some day someone will post some templates regarding it. As i understand we can even add wrinkles on the forehead that way

  5. 18 minutes ago, drmls said:

    Facegen Customizer is another software; do not use that; it takes hours to complete and useless for this purpose in my opinion...  Just use the page "ModelSet for FacegenModeller" I gave the link above posted by prylipala to construct your face.  It allows to use selective morphs that only effect the area of interest like eyes, philtrum, nose, etc. along with several complete face morphs.  However, you need facegen full version to use that csam file.

    problem is that if i try to change model set i see this. It's full version


  6. 1 hour ago, drmls said:

    You could try this:  


    I've tried to use facegen customizer to create new face but it throws me this error. Am i doing smth wrong? If you have a manual or at least basic instructions, please, tell me


  7. 9 hours ago, FleshBishop said:

    @Gro SORRY LAST POST I PROMISE.  A short tutorial on how to approach changing something like eye shape using the custom skin system.


    See that little inflection point on the bottom eyelid near the corner of the eye where the eyelid swoops around the eyeball and then suddenly shifts direction to dive towards the corner of they eye?  It's particularly noticeable on the right eye (our left) of the first photo.  Just about everybody's eyes do this, but with her it's particularly noticeable, so let's add that detail.

    Press F4 to open the hook menu, create a new layer (I called mine DipsyDooL because I'm doing the dipsy doo on the left eye).  Add a "flat" normal file and a layer mask.  Use the same layer mask as the "diffuse" layer so you can see what you're doing.

    The Klub 17-1766.jpg


    Obviously this is much too large to fit into the corner of the eye, so rescale it.

    The Klub 17-1767.jpg

    Up until now, we have left the displacement value at 0 because we don't want it to distort the model, but now let's change it to 1, position the circle in the corner of the eye, and make the diffuse layer invisible to see how it looks.



    Not bad, but we can do better.  I fiddled with it a bit, made the x scale slightly smaller, repositioned it, etc.  Once I liked it, I cloned the layer and flipped the X axis to create the same effect on the other side.



    I know this isn't perfect but I only spend a couple minutes on it.  By comparing the eyes before and after you can see that they have quite a different look and feel. Hopefully this gives you some idea of the process and the potential of this technique.

    Thank you for tutorial! Unfortunately in case with Syndey it's impossible to reproduce her face with even these instruments. Too rounded eyes and too much Jaw width. I understand now that not all real world faces can be attempted to reproduce in tk17 face editor, some of them just impossible to do

  8. 31 minutes ago, FleshBishop said:

    Hi, @Sexvision mentioned me in this topic.  Yeah, you can use the Hook 5 custom skin system to alter the shape of the eye.  It's mostly useful for smaller tweaks, you still have to get the basic positioning and angle right.  However, it's very useful for fine tuning the look of the eye without changing anything else.  I'm constantly frustrated by the fact that when you move one slider, all of them move, and the thing that suffers the worst from this is the look of the eyes.  Using the skin system you can get things looking juuuuust right without risking changing things you don't want to change by using the sliders.

    You can also accomplish things that are flat out impossible by simply using the character editor.  With the custom system you can actually change the shape of the eye (and other features).  For example, in my Belle Delphine model I subtly raised the middle of the bottom eyelid while leaving the corners low, giving her a very nice eye smile effect.  I also made the inner corners of the eye longer and pointier.  Changing the actual shape of the features is, IMO, the most powerful thing the custom skin system can do in terms of getting the EXACT result you want from your characters.

    The custom skin system is kind of limited in what it can do, however.   It can only raise or sink the surface in a direction directly perpendicular to the polygon of the 3D model.  You're still limited by the 3D model itself (which is frankly pretty janky in some places.  It's not even perfectly symmetrical!!! Grrr)  It can take quite of bit of fussing around, but the result is worth it IMO.  If you have any questions regarding how to do certain things I'll help you if I can.

    Thank you very much! As i understand you are using displacement feature to raise up some elements on the face. Do you have to use custom textures for it? As i understand without proper layermask with soft alpha edges it will look bad. Wish we could have Skyrim or FO4 customizer  here😁


  9. 1 hour ago, IIIlll said:

    In the first face menu in the customizer there are sliders for resizing and repositioning the eyes. u can stretch them to fit the eye lid, cus the eye lid is dependent on other facial geometry.


    i have mine set pretty close, but its hard to get the exact curve. It also helps to color the eye sockets darker and closer to the main skin color

    The Klub 17-0064.jpg

    TBH that option affects eyeball itself but not the eye cutout. I saw that some changes are possible via displacements & additional skin layers, like with Kraegar custom skin. I think that's really next level of difficulty, i'm not ready for that yet😃

  10. 7 minutes ago, Euphie said:

    Sorry, I can't really help you myself, but I saw a solution to this problem a few years ago in R9X (which was a custom version of VX beta) invented by one guy. My hope is that this guy is here somewhere on the forum and maybe he'll come out of the shadows to explain again how he did it... 😬

    In general, there is a problem with the positioning of the eyeballs in this game, they are not symmetrical. I tried to remember how to fix it and tested different things but I have never been able to recreate it...

    If anyone is interested in investigating this, there seems to be a clue in body01.bs file (body mod doesn't matter, this piece of code is the same everywhere):

    STransform :local_498 . {
    	SSimpleTransform.Translation Vector3f( 0.002000000095, -0.001000000047, 0.0120000001 );
    	SSimpleTransform.Rotation Vector3f( -1.67386055, 1.858355403, -93.22626495 );
    	Object.Name "Seye_L_group";
    STransform :local_561 . {
    	SSimpleTransform.Translation Vector3f( -0.002000000095, 0.001000000047, -0.0120000001 );
    	SSimpleTransform.Rotation Vector3f( 1.67386055, -1.858362556, 86.77373505 );
    	Object.Name "Seye_R_group";

    Entire groups of the left and right eye have what appear to be asymmetrical rotation values, but modifying these values didn't work, at least for me.


    Hmm, maybe it's something completely different from what you're asking, but it's at least kind of related and I hope someone knows how to fix it 🙂 After all, the position of the eyeballs is saved in the body, not in the face/head file.


    You can also move only the irises up if you are using Hook5. In the options you have the 'Eyes' tab and inside you have the 'EyeShiftUp' parameter. However, this is, unfortunately, a global option that will change all eyes 😕

    Sorry, i think i've created misunderstanding. I was talking about these edges, it's not eyeballs itself but rather eye cutout positioning. I can't achieve this result (with prylipala sliders i come close, but whole face changes, so when i get required result i need to redo the whole face, when i redo it eyes cutout changes again and so on)


    • Thumbs Up 1
  11. Hi! There's a long time problem while creating models based on the real people - eyes can't be set as on real model without significant changes in eye positioning.

    1. real world Sydney S



    2. Attempt 1 outer edges a lot higher than need to be



    3. attempt to get outer edges to the right position ugly



    Is there any way (or any face mod) - with option to fix that?

    Prylipala's sliders cause significant morphs change all over the place and still doesn't give needed result. Also tried with gehootie facemod w prylipala sliders - doesn't give viable changes in terms of eyes but significantly changes other morphs so i can't achieve at least ok results with it


    w prylipala's face mod, but whole face is completely different and still no required result



  12. On 6/11/2022 at 11:04 PM, HDiddy said:

    There is a few things you can do to trouble shoot.  Now I use a custom replacer where all the  Physx and Hairworks replacers are in one addon. but that should not be the issue.

    First, make sure all your Physx hairs textures (png file) and pass files are renamed to R9Hair006.png and R9Hair006_pass.png respectively.

    Second, make sure you have the R9 hair addon installed for each Physx Hair so all of the ones pictured below.  You can probably use the R9Hair 400 option in the Options Manager but you will still need to install hairs past 400.  This is the core difference between Physx hair and hairworks.  Physx hair still needs the R9 Addon installed.


    It seems that for me it's working, but only partially - i see moving hair with correct size, but with no texture (just pinch black hair not reacting to sliders). Can it be texture issue or is it amd-related bug?

    Just for the reference: 


  13. 13 minutes ago, aardy said:

    For some reason tattoos can become 'stuck' to the model via the makeup.cc (game bug).

    The only way I've found to cure this is to delete the makeup.cc - but then you'll have to rework your makeup.

    I don't know how Hook settings affect this (I don't use it) - but it looks like your issue is with default tattoos.  Odd thing is, your arm tattoo actually looks broken.


    Thank you! For some strange reason 1 last (not ugly) tattoo near neck still present, but at least those ugly ones are deleted now. Big thanks!image_2022-07-09_175516184.png

    • Thumbs Up 1
  14. Hi! Here's a problem. For some reason i can't delete ugly tattoos on the model after applying Xbody mod. Tried to apply other tattoos (less ugly), tried to lower color intensity to 0. Only normals displacement helps but this way ugly line between head, hands, genitals and feet will appear. Attempt to get more displacement on othe parts will result in headmorph changes which i don't want to. Tried to change tattoo.cc in model under TK-17\Save\Models - nothing. I'm starting to worry this can't be fixed - is there a way to delete these tattoos?




  15. 36 minutes ago, Tipsy said:

    In the body BS file find these lines for eyelashes:

    FileObject :local_910 FileObject.FileName "Shared/Body/eyelashes01";
    RenderMaterial :local_908 RenderMaterial.
    SpecularColor Vector3f( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 );

    And set this SpecularColor Vector3f to (0, 0, 0)

    So you assume i'm using body addon...i will be trying out Xbody now, but is there a way to fix this with vanilla body? Just curious

  16. Hi again! Sorry, but is there a way to remove this gloss effect? It's surely shouldn't look like that

    also this exact eyelash has normal and specular (tried with eyelashes with no pass file and no normal&specular, same thing), everything is written correctly into pass file. Tweaking H5 does nothing and i'm not sure if it's a h5 or VX bug






  17. 1 hour ago, ddman2 said:

    Download new eyes and use those textures. You need both stage 2-normal map(usually blue texture) and stage3-specular map.

    When you select Iris, because eyeiris.png doesn't have a _pass file, hook5 effect will not load. You can make same _pass.txt for both eyewhite.png and eyeiris.png

    Dark texture means you are missing stage2 and/or stage3 from _pass.txt or the path to those files is incorrect.

    Thank you very much! Loading other eyepack and applying it's normals & ?speculars helped, it looks like it should nowimage_2022-07-09_012757889.png

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