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Posts posted by RustyMitten

  1. Fantastic  thank you both   I think i have it working  

    I made a new file named whatever & added NCCloth043.png & NCCloth043.txf from the folder you suggested & works in game.

    Now I can add my own pass file & play around

    Thank you

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  2. It may be that some of the poses you are using are meant for model of a different height, in which case you would have to adjust your model to the correct height. Doing that in pose editor with one of those poses is the best way to make sure pose work correctly then save a copy of that model. Of course save a copy of your model before changing anything.  The only other way would be to correct all those poses to work with your models.  Not sure if that is the problem with your poses but is something you can look into. hope that helps  good luck

  3. Thank you frabb & Number251137  for your response I've added day & night level defs to a couple of rooms before & will look into that further. I think my problem is that I need these poses for the sequencer & if I understand correctly that solution wouldn't work unless all poses I was using were facing the correct way to begin with or all the same wrong direction if that makes any sense. 🙄  If I'm wrong about that please tell me. 

    I always thought that the rooms on here just needed 4 pose positions each turn 90 degrees. (Unless its a huge house or something then you would need more I guess) Then you could transfer pretty much any pose from any room easily. When I'm transferring a pose to a room I just find the pose position facing the correct direction & then move it where ya need it.

    I think I need to figure out how to change pose locations properly because there are other rooms I don't use for the same reason. 

  4. Hay all

    I would like to add 4 pose positions each turned 45 degrees for Addon Room234 Empty Room. I have been referencing Addon room tutorial but have a hard time understanding how to change the BS file to make it work.😣

    I'm very experienced with pose editor & would like to move poses to the Mokoto room but without having the poses face the appropriate direction I would have to rebuild all the hip movements for almost all poses! That would be a nightmare.🥴 

    I am reluctant to even ask how to change pose locations because I fear not understanding the answer I get!  

    If someone was willing to add the pose locations for me I would be ever so grateful. I know nothing comes free around here & I could offer making a Pose of your choice for whatever room you like

    The Mokoto room has such a nice vibe. Would love to be able to use it.😍

    The Klub 17-0987.png

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